BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                  SB 976
                                                                  Page  1

          SB 976 (Polanco)
          As Amended June 11, 2002
          Majority vote 

           SENATE VOTE  :24-10  
           ELECTIONS           5-1         JUDICIARY           8-4         
          |Ayes:|Longville, Cardenas,      |Ayes:|Corbett, Dutra, Jackson,  |
          |     |Steinberg, Keeley,        |     |Longville, Shelley,       |
          |     |Shelley                   |     |Steinberg, Vargas, Wayne  |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
          |Nays:|Ashburn                   |Nays:|Harman, Bates, Robert     |
          |     |                          |     |Pacheco,                  |
          |     |                          |     |Rod Pacheco               |

           SUMMARY  :  Establishes criteria by which local at-large elections  
          may be found to have abridged the rights of certain voters and  
          allows for remedies.  Specifically,  this bill  :   

          1)Provides that an at-large method of election may not be  
            imposed or applied in a manner that impairs the ability of a  
            protected class to elect candidates of its choice or its  
            ability to influence the outcome of an election, as a result  
            of the dilution or the abridgment of the rights of voters who  
            are members of a protected class.

          2)Establishes that voter rights have been abridged if it is  
            shown that racially polarized voting occurs in elections for  
            members of the governing body of the political subdivision or  
            in elections incorporating other electoral choices by the  
            voters of the political subdivision.

          3)Defines "racially polarized voting" as voting in which there  
            is a difference in the choice of candidates or other electoral  
            choices that are preferred by voters in the protected class,  
            and in the choice of candidates and electoral choices that are  
            preferred by voters in the rest of the electorate.

          4)Provides that the existence of racially polarized voting shall  
            be determined from examining results of elections in which at  


                                                                  SB 976
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            least one candidate is a member of a protected class or  
            elections involving ballot measures, or other electoral  
            choices that affect the rights and privileges of members of a  
            protected class.  In making such a determination the extent to  
            which candidates who are members of a protected class and who  
            are preferred by voters of the protected class have been  
            elected to the governing body of the political subdivision in  
            question shall be probative.

          5)Establishes that methodologies for estimating group voting  
            behavior, as approved in applicable federal cases to enforce  
            the federal Voting Rights Act (VRA), may be used to prove that  
            elections are characterized by racially polarized voting.
          6)Specifies that proof of an intent on the part of voters or  
            elected officials to discriminate against a protected class is  
            not required and that the fact that members of a protected  
            class are not geographically compact or concentrated may not  
            preclude a finding of racially polarized voting.

          7)Specifies that other factors, including the use of electoral  
            devices or other voting practices or procedures that may  
            enhance the dilutive effects of at-large elections, are  
            probative but not necessary factors to establish a violation  
            of voting rights.

          8)Provides that upon a finding of racially polarized voting the  
            court shall implement appropriate remedies, including the  
            imposition of district-based elections.

          9)Provides reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for  
            the prevailing plaintiff party in an enforcement action.   
            Prevailing defendant parties shall not recover any costs,  
            unless the court finds the action to be frivolous,  
            unreasonable, or without foundation.

          10)Authorizes any voter who is a member of a protected class and  
            who resides in a political subdivision that is accused of a  
            violation of this legislation to file an action in the  
            superior court of the county in which the political  
            subdivision is located.

           EXISTING LAW  : 

          1)Provides for political subdivisions that encompass areas of  


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            representation within the state.  With respect to these areas,  
            public officials are generally elected by all of the voters of  
            the political subdivision (at-large), from districts formed  
            within the political subdivision (district-based), or by some  
            combination thereof.

          2)Allows voters of the entire political subdivision to determine  
            via a local initiative whether public officials are elected by  
            divisions or by the entire political subdivision.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  None

           COMMENTS  :  According to the author, this bill "addresses the  
          problem of racial block voting, which is particularly harmful to  
          a state like California due to its diversity.  SB 976 provides a  
          judicial process and criteria to determine if the problem of  
          block voting can be established.  Once the problem is judicially  
          established, the bill provides courts with the authority to  
          fashion appropriate legal remedies for the problem.  In  
          California, we face a unique situation where we are all  
          minorities.  We need statutes to ensure that our electoral  
          system is fair and open.  This measure gives us a tool to move  
          us in that direction: it identifies the problem, gives tools to  
          deal with the problem and provides a solution."

          In  Thornburg v. Gingles  (1986) 478 U.S. 30, the United States  
          Supreme Court announced three preconditions that a plaintiff  
          first must establish to prove that an election system diluted  
          the voting strength of a protected minority group:
          1)The minority community was sufficiently concentrated  
            geographically that it was possible to create a district in  
            which the minority could elect its own candidate.

          2)The minority community was politically cohesive, in that  
            minority voters usually supported minority candidates.

          3)There was racially polarized voting among the majority  
            community, which usually (but not necessarily always), voted  
            for majority candidates rather than for minority candidates.

          In  Gomez v. City of Watsonville  (1988) 863 F.2d 1407, 1417,  
          cert. denied, 489 US 1080, the United States Supreme Court  
          affirmed that at-large elections of city council members in  
          Watsonville, California had diluted the voting strength of the  


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          minority community, and ordered the city to switch to  
          single-member district elections.  The plaintiffs in the  
           Watsonville  case were successful in establishing the three  
          preconditions created in  Gingles  .

          As noted above, the Supreme Court in  Gingles  established three  
          conditions that a plaintiff must meet in order to prove that  
          at-large districts diluted the voting strength of minority  
          communities.  This bill requires that only two of those  
          conditions be met, and does not require that a minority  
          community be sufficiently concentrated geographically to create  
          a district in which the minority community could elect its own  
          candidate.  As such, this bill would presumably make it easier  
          to successfully challenge at-large districts.  Given that this  
          bill applies to all local districts that elect candidates  
          at-large, the impact of this bill could be significant.  If the  
          minority community is not sufficiently geographically compact,  
          it is unclear what benefit would result from eliminating  
          at-large elections. 

          AB 8 (Cardenas) of 1999, which was vetoed, sought to eliminate  
          the at-large election system within the Los Angeles Community  
          College District.  In his veto message, the Governor stated that  
          the decision to create single-member districts was best made at  
          the local level, and not by the state.  AB 172 (Firebaugh) of  
          1999, which was vetoed, proposed to prohibit at-large elections  
          for specified K-12 school districts.  That bill was approved by  
          the Assembly, but was amended to an unrelated subject in the  
          Senate Education Committee.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Willie Guerrero / E., R. & C. A. /  
          (916) 319-2094 

                                                                FN: 0005396