BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                  AB 12
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           (Without Reference to File)
          AB 12 (Beall and Bass)
          As Amended  August 30, 2010
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |72-0 |(January 27,    |SENATE: |26-8 |(August 31,    |
          |           |     |2010)           |        |     |2010)          |
           Original Committee Reference:    HUM. S.
           SUMMARY  :  Requires California to conform to federal law in order  
          to maximize federal financial participation by opting in to  
          kinship guardianship assistance payments provisions and extends  
          transitional foster care services for eligible youth between 18  
          and 21 years of age pursuant to the federal Fostering  
          Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008  
          (Fostering Connections Act).

           The Senate amendments  narrow the scope of this bill by  
          prohibiting the use of group homes after the youth completes  
          high school or turns age 19 and by establishing a process to  
          limit the transitional housing rate and making the final year of  
          implementation contingent upon an appropriation by the  
          Legislature.  In addition, amendments taken in the Senate  
          require counties to invest savings from the counties'  
          share-of-cost due to the federalization of Kin-GAP in extended  
          care provisions of this bill; thereby decreasing the state's  
          cost.  Specifically, the Senate amendments:  

           1)Modify Kin-GAP eligibility requirements and conform to federal  
            law so that a child must reside with a relative for six  
            consecutive months instead of the current twelve months to be  
            eligible for kinship guardian assistance.

          2)Provide the third year of phased-in implementation of extended  
            foster care for age 20-21 shall be contingent upon an  
            appropriation by the Legislature.  

          3)Establish a process for eligible juvenile delinquents to  
            remain in a foster care placement as delinquents or for the  
            court to modify jurisdiction for a delinquent ward to become a  


                                                                  AB 12
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            nonminor dependent.

          4)Require the social worker to certify a nonminor dependent's  
            eligibility at each six-month case plan update and require the  
            nonminor to report any changes in circumstances that affect  
            payment during the six month period.

          5)Define a "trial independence" consistent with federal  
            regulation as a period during which the court may terminate  
            and subsequently resume a nonminor's foster care benefits  
            provided the nonminor is otherwise eligible.  

          6)Establish a transitional housing placement (THP)-Plus Foster  
            Care placement option for nonminor dependents while preserving  
            the existing THP-Plus program as well as providing that  
            placements occur within the current allocation.  Requires 70%  
            of the THP-Plus allocation to be budgeted for the THP-Plus  
            Foster Care program and 30% for THP-Plus.  Require DSS to  
            modify the rate for the Title IV-E funded THP-Plus Foster Care  
            placement option.

          7)Prohibit group home placement for nonminor dependents over the  
            age of 19 unless the nonminor dependent is unable to meet the  
            work and education eligibility requirements due to a medical  
            condition as set forth in the federal eligibility criterion,  
            and the placement in a group home is a short term transition  
            to an alternative system of care. 

          8)Require counties to apply the savings realized as a result of  
            drawing down federal funds with the newly created federal  
            Kin-GAP to the cost of care for nonminor dependents thereby  
            decreasing the state's share of cost, and specify a state  
            share of cost of 79% for Kin-GAP.

          9)Include double-jointing amendments to avoid conflicts with SB  
            945 (Liu), SB 1214 (Wolk), and SB 1353 (Wright).  All these  
            measures were introduced in 2010, have been approved by both  
            houses and are currently in enrollment.

           EXISTING LAW  : 

          1)Establishes a system of child welfare services, including  
            foster care, for children who have been or are at risk of  
            being abused or neglected.  


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          2)Establishes the Kin-GAP program to enhance family preservation  
            and stability by recognizing that many dependent children are  
            in long-term, stable placements with relatives that allow for  
            their dependency cases to be dismissed.  Sets the rate paid on  
            behalf of a child in a placement supported by Kin-GAP as  
            equivalent to the rate paid to foster family homes.  

          3)Authorizes the juvenile court to retain jurisdiction over a  
            child who has been adjudicated a dependent because of abuse or  
            neglect until the ward or dependent child attains the age of  
            21 years.  

          4)Specifies that Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster  
            Care (AFDC-FC) benefits and Kin-GAP assistance shall be paid  
            on behalf of a child in foster care or a guardianship under  
            the age of 18 who meets additional eligibility criteria.   
            Exempts from this age-based requirement foster children and  
            children in guardianships between the ages of 18 and 19 who  
            are pursuing specified education-related goals.  

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY,  required California to opt in to  
          federal financial participation in kinship guardianship  
          assistance payments and extended transitional foster care  
          services for eligible youth between 18 and 21 years of age  
          pursuant to the federal Fostering Connections Act.  

          FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Appropriations  

           Major Provisions              2010-11                  2011-12       
           2012-13                       Fund
           Fed-GAP replaces Kin-GAP                                  <$30,000>             General*   

          Foster care, Fed-GAP, AAP     Unknown; likely millions. Low tens  
          of millions,           General
          extension to age 21                             at full  
          implementation                     Federal  

          Court proceedings                         Likely minor, ongoing  
          workload                        General**


                                                                  AB 12
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          *Assuming other funds could be used toward TANF maintenance of  
          **Trial Courts Trust Fund

           COMMENTS :  In October, 2008, President Bush signed one of the  
          most significant pieces of child welfare legislation in recent  
          history.  Along with multiple new requirements for states, the  
          federal Fostering Connections Act offered states the opportunity  
          to opt in to new federal funding streams if they choose to  
          provide kinship-guardianship benefits to relative guardians  
          and/or foster care to 18 to 21-year-old youth in conformity with  
          federal law.  This bill, enacting the California Fostering  
          Connections Act, would enable the state to exercise both of  
          these options.  With regard to kinship-guardianship benefits,  
          this bill would allow California to draw down federal funds for  
          what has been a state and county-funded program for over a  
          Revised federal policy instruction for the federal Fostering  
          Connections Act will allow California to draw down federal  
          financial participation for its state-funded relative  
          guardianship program.

          According to the author of this bill, the federal Fostering  
          Connections Act, "provides California with an unprecedented  
          opportunity to access federal funding to improve the lives of  
          our state's most vulnerable youth...The [bill's provisions]  
          represent both fiscally and socially responsible improvements to  
          California's foster care system.  As a result, California would  
          utilize federal funds to meet costs currently borne by the state  
          and counties, and realize proven savings from declines in  
          unemployment, homelessness, teen pregnancy, public assistance,  
          and the other costly outcomes for young adults who 'age out' of  
          foster care."  These changes would also implement critical  
          recommendations of the California Judicial Council's Blue Ribbon  
          Commission on Children in Foster Care.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Michelle Doty Cabrera / HUM. S. / (916)  

                                                               FN: 0006875