BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                           CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS
                          Senator Loni Hancock, Chair

          BILL NO:   AB 1921                             HEARING  
          DATE: 6/15/10
          AUTHOR:    DAVIS                               ANALYSIS BY:  
             Darren Chesin 
          FISCAL:    NO

           Statements of Economic Interest: electronic filing: pilot  
           Existing law  requires that candidates for and current  
          holders of specified elected or appointed state and local  
          offices and designated employees of state and local  
          agencies file statements of economic interest (SEIs)  
          disclosing their financial interests, including  
          investments, real property interests, and income.

           Existing law  establishes a pilot project which permits Los  
          Angeles, Merced, Orange, and Stanislaus Counties to allow  
          the electronic filing of an SEI in accordance with  
          regulations adopted by the Fair Political Practices  
          Commission (FPPC).  The pilot project covers the reporting  
          periods of 2008 through 2010 and requires each  
          participating county to submit a specified report to the  
          FPPC not later than July 1, 2011.  The FPPC must then  
          transmit these reports, as well as any comments on the  
          reports, to the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) no later  
          than August 15, 2011, and requires the LAO to provide a  
          report to the Legislature evaluating the pilot project not  
          later than February 1, 2012.

           This bill  would permit Santa Clara and Ventura Counties and  
          the City of Long Beach to participate in this ongoing pilot  



           Statements of Economic Interests  .  As part of the Political  
          Reform Act's comprehensive scheme to prevent conflicts of  
          interest by state and local public officials, existing law  
          identifies certain elected and other high-level state and  
          local officials who must file SEIs.  Similarly, candidates  
          for those positions must also file SEIs.  Other state and  
          local public officials and employees are required to file  
          SEIs if the position they hold is designated in an agency's  
          conflict of interest code.  A position is designated in an  
          agency's conflict of interest code when the position  
          entails the making or participation in the making of  
          governmental decisions that may foreseeably have a material  
          financial effect on the decision maker's financial  
          interests.  While the exact number of people that are  
          required to file SEIs is unknown, the FPPC previously has  
          estimated that the number exceeds 130,000 officials and  
          employees statewide.  The information that must be  
          disclosed on a SEI, and the location at which a SEI is  
          filed, varies depending on the position held by the  
          individual who is required to file an SEI.  Although there  
          are some exceptions, individuals who are required to file a  
          SEI typically must file that document with the agency of  
          which they are an elected official or by which they are  

           1.According to the author  , AB 2607 (Davis) of 2008 provided  
            Los Angeles, Orange, Merced and Stanislaus Counties with  
            the ability to participate in a pilot program to provide  
            constituents with the option of filing their Form 700  
            SEIs using a secure electronic template. The program  
            provides a safe, cost-effective and workload-reducing  
            option for the filer to utilize to fulfill their annual  
            filing obligation.

          Assembly Bill 1921 would add Santa Clara and Ventura  
            Counties, as well as the City of Long Beach, to the  
            existing pilot project. These entities are prepared to  
            administer the electronic filing option immediately, and  
            require legislative action to provide them the avenue  
            needed to officially launch their programs. The language  
            in AB 1921 will provide the referenced entities with an  
            additional year of financial and workload savings.
          AB 1921 (DAVIS)                                        Page  


           2.Better Late than Never  ?  AB 2607 (Davis), Chapter 498,  
            Statutes of 2008, established a pilot project which  
            permits Los Angeles, Merced, Orange, and Stanislaus  
            Counties to allow the electronic filing of an SEI in  
            accordance with regulations adopted by the FPPC.  AB 1149  
            (Davis), Chapter 139, Statutes of 2009, made two minor  
            changes to that pilot project.  The pilot project began  
            in 2009 for SEIs filed for the 2008 calendar year, and is  
            scheduled to conclude with SEIs filed for the 2010  
            calendar year.  The Legislative Analyst is required to  
            provide a report to the Legislature by February 1, 2012  
            evaluating the pilot program.  

          This bill seeks to add two additional counties (Santa Clara  
            and Ventura) and a city (Long Beach) to the ongoing pilot  
            project that was created by AB 2607.  It is fairly  
            uncommon for the participants in a pilot project to be  
            changed after the pilot project has already begun, in  
            part because such a modification may make it difficult to  
            evaluate the impacts of the pilot program.

           3.According to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors  ,  
            a co-sponsor of this bill, "Our County is well suited to  
            begin immediate participation in the pilot program.  In  
            October 2009, our Board authorized the purchase of an  
            e-filing software program for Form 700 submissions to  
            simplify the current submission process for both filers  
            and the Clerk of the Board. The software offers an  
            electronic submission feature, which would be easy to  
            implement if AB 1921 is enacted.  Our Clerk of the Board  
            is the local filing officer for over 4,000 filers in  
            Santa Clara County. Most of these filers would qualify  
            for electronic filing under the pilot program.  This  
            includes various county employees and members of local  
            school boards and special districts.  

            As you can imagine, the large number of filers in our  
            county creates a tremendous amount of work for the  
            Clerk's Office. The ability to accept electronic  
            submissions of statements of economic interest forms will  
            result in staff efficiencies, reduce the risk of errors,  
            and provide some cost savings."

          AB 1921 (DAVIS)                                        Page  


                                   PRIOR ACTION
          Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee:  7-0
          Assembly Floor:                         69-1

          Sponsors: California Association of Clerks and Election  
                    Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
                    Ventura County Board of Supervisors
                    City of Long Beach

          Support:  City Clerks Association of California
                    City of Thousand Oaks
                    Orange County Board of Supervisors

           Oppose:   None received

          AB 1921 (DAVIS)                                        Page  