BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                  Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations
                               Mark DeSaulnier, Chair

          Date of Hearing: June 23, 2010               2009-2010 Regular  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                       Fiscal:Yes
                                                       Urgency: No
                                  Bill No: AB 2058
                                    Author: Block
                          Version: As amended June 21, 2010

                     Unemployment insurance: retraining benefits

                                     KEY ISSUES

          Should the Legislature require that an unemployed individual who  
          is receiving Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits be  
          automatically eligible to receive California Training Benefits  
          while in full-time training?

          Should an unemployed individual receiving UI benefits through a  
          federal extension be allowed to continue receiving benefits if  
          he/she is enrolled in a community college or other accredited  
          postsecondary education program? 

          Should the Legislature require that the Employment Development  
          Department prepare a report evaluating the effectiveness of the  
          California Training Benefits Program? 

          To modify current eligibility requirements necessary for an  
          unemployed individual to be approved to participate in the  
          California Training Benefits program.  

           Existing law  provides for the payment of unemployment  


          compensation benefits through the Unemployment Insurance (UI)  
          program, administered by the Employment Development Department  
          (EDD).  The UI program is a federal-state program that provides  
          weekly unemployment insurance payments to eligible workers who  
          lose their jobs through no fault of their own.  

           Existing law  authorizes an unemployed individual who files a  
          claim for unemployment compensation benefits or extended  
          duration benefits, to apply to the EDD for a determination of  
          potential eligibility for benefits during a period of training  
          or retraining through the California Training Benefit (CTB)  
          program. The CTB program allows eligible UI claimants to receive  
          their UI benefits while attending a training or retraining  
          program approved by EDD.  Claimants attending an approved  
          training course are not required to look for work, be available  
          for work or accept work while in training.  EDD is required to  
          inform, either verbally or in written form, all UI claimants of  
          the retraining benefits. 

           Under the required application process  , the EDD schedules a  
          phone interview with the applicant to determine his/her  
          eligibility for CTB after the training has begun.  The EDD is  
          prohibited from pre-determining CTB eligibility until the  
          individual has started to attend school or training.  

           Existing law  requires EDD to issue a determination of potential  
          eligibility for retraining benefits to an unemployed individual  
          if the EDD Director finds that the training is authorized by the  
          following government programs:
                 Workforce Investment Act (WIA);
                 Employment Training Panel (ETP);
                 Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA); or
                 California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids  

           Existing law  also allows the approval of other training  
          programs, not authorized by one of the above, that are  
          determined by EDD to be eligible.  Among other things, the  
          training must be: 
                 Full-time and must be completed in one year from the  
               beginning date of CTB approval, even if the UI benefits  
               expire before the conclusion of the training.
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 2

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


                  Related to an occupation or skill for which there are,  
               or are expected to be, reasonable employment opportunities  
               in the labor market area in this state.
                 If the person is a journey level union member, the  
               training course of instruction must be job-related and  
               necessary due to changes in technology, or necessary to  
               retain employment or to become more competitive in  
               obtaining employment.  

           Existing law  provides that a UI benefits recipient, who applies  
          for retraining benefits no later than the 16th week of receiving  
          UI benefits, and is determined eligible for the retraining  
          benefits shall be entitled to a training extension on his or her  
          UI claim to complete the approved training.  Benefits paid under  
          a training extension are charged to the employer reserve  

           This Bill  would modify the requirement for participation in the  
          state's retraining benefits program in order to allow unemployed  
          individuals to receive Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits  
          while enrolled in a training program on a full-time basis.  

          Specifically, this bill: 

             1.   Establishes the California Training Benefits (CTB)  
               Program in code and declares the policy of this state to  
               assist individuals with UI benefits if these individuals  
               need training or retraining to upgrade their skills in  
               demand occupations to become competitive in the labor  
             2.   Provides that UI benefits shall not be denied to an  
               otherwise qualified unemployed individual because he or she  
               is participating in eligible training or retraining.  

             3.   Would revise current eligibility requirements to specify  
               that an unemployed individual, who qualifies for UI  
               benefits (and subsequent state or federal extensions) and  
               applies for the CTB program, shall be deemed to be  
               automatically eligible for the program during a period of  
               training or retraining.  
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 3

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


             4.   Requires that a determination of automatic eligibility  
               for benefits be issued to an unemployed individual if the  
               director of EDD finds that:

                  a.        The training is authorized by the federal  
                    Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the state Employment  
                    Training Panel (ETP), the federal Trade Adjustment  
                    Assistance (TAA) as amended, or the California Work  
                    Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs).
                  b.        The individual is a participant in training  
                    with a provider that is certified and on the state's  
                    Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). 
                  c.         The individual is a journey level union  
                    member in industry-related training necessary to  

             5.   Provides that if training is not automatically  
               authorized under the above provisions, the director of EDD  
               shall issue a determination of potential eligibility for  
               benefits if the director finds that specified criteria  
               apply that includes, among others:

                  a.        That the director approved training be  
                    completed within a reasonable period of time (current  
                    law requires that it be completed within one year).  
                  b.        If an unemployed individual is eligible for  
                    training benefits and when federal extended UI  
                    benefits are in effect, the individual can receive  
                    benefits if he/she is enrolled in a community college  
                    or other accredited postsecondary education program  
                    with the purpose of preparing the applicant in  
                    academic or job skills that will increase employment  
                    opportunities or that leads to an industry-recognized  
                    credential or certificate designed for a specific  

             6.   Allows EDD to inform all UI claimants of the  
               availability of training benefits online (in addition to  
               current laws requirement that it be provided verbally or in  
               written form) and requires that this information be made  
               available on the EDD's Web site in close proximity to  
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 4

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


               information on UI claim forms.  

             7.   Deletes the requirement that the unemployed individual  
               submit written certification of participation in approved  
               training with each claim, and instead allows EDD to  
               prescribe the required certification through regulations.

             8.   Requires that EDD, not later than September 1, 2016,  
               prepare and submit to the Governor and the Legislature a  
               report evaluating the effectiveness of the California  
               Training Benefits Program, as specified.  

          1.  Need for this bill?
            According to EDD, 19,868 individuals were approved to  
            participate in the CTB program in calendar year 2009.  Also  
            during 2009, the number of individuals receiving UI benefits  
            each month ranged from 947,753 (January 2009) to a high of  
            over 1.4 million (December 2009).  
            California's unemployment rate is currently at 12.6% and there  
            are over 1.4 million individuals collecting unemployment  
            insurance benefits. Based on this data, EDD estimates that in  
            any given month the number of individuals receiving UI  
            benefits and who are approved to participate in the CTB  
            program ranges from 1.4 percent to 2.0 percent of the total  
            number of individuals receiving UI benefits. 

            Concerns have been raised regarding the delays in the current  
            application and determination process that EDD follows when  
            approving an unemployed individual for CTB benefits.   EDD is  
            prohibited from pre-determining CTB eligibility until the  
            individual has started to attend school or training, and thus,  
            if an individual enrolls in a training program that may hinder  
            that person's availability to work, EDD suspends their UI  
            benefits until a telephone interview takes place to confirm  

            With this bill, the author seeks to allow unemployed workers  
            receiving UI benefits to automatically continue coverage  
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 5

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


            through the CTB program while enrolled in an approved training  
            program.  This bill would also allow unemployed workers to  
            receive benefits while they are enrolled in community college  
            or other accredited postsecondary education program as long as  
            they are receiving benefits through a federal UI extension.  

          2.  Guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor  :

            This bill affects "retraining benefits" (as phrased in  
            Sections 1266 to 1274.10 of the Unemployment Insurance Code),  
            or the "California Training Benefits Program," as called by  
            EDD on its printed materials and its website.  The retraining  
            benefits program allows people receiving UI benefits to  
            participate in approved training programs without actively  
            seeking work.  EDD is responsible for determining whether UI  
            recipients are eligible for retraining benefits and may  
            continue to receive UI compensation.

            In May 2009, the U.S. Department of Labor issued a guidance  
            letter to state agencies that administer the UI Program.   
            Specifically, Training and Employment Guidance Letter No.  
            21-08 encourages states to widen the types of training and the  
            conditions under which education and training are considered  
            "approved training" for purposes of the state's UI law.   
            States are also asked to reconsider their laws and  
            regulations, and applicable administrative requirements, to  
            determine if their approved training requirements are  
            appropriate to the current economy.  That guidance letter  
            strongly encourages states to broaden their definition of  
            approved training for UI beneficiaries during economic  

            Currently, until a determination of eligibility for retraining  
            benefits is complete, EDD will suspend the UI benefits.  As a  
            result, many Californians decide to drop out of the job  
            training to preserve their eligibility for UI benefits.  This  
            is contrary to the direction of the federal Department of  
            Labor which has been strongly encouraging states to streamline  
            their administrative procedures and laws, if necessary, to  
            assist unemployed people to regain competitive job skills for  
            the current economy. 
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 6

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


          3.  EDD's CTB Streamline Approval Project  :

            EDD has been working to develop a process that will streamline  
            and expedite the approval process for the CTB program once UI  
            claimants have actually begun training.  EDD's CTB streamline  
            solution seeks to eliminate the need for UI claimants  
            attending training to wait for a telephone interview to  
            receive approval for CTB because eligibility can be determined  
            as soon as EDD receives training verification from the program  
            authorizing training or the training provider. The solution  
            will allow for the agencies to submit via fax the training  
            information necessary to confirm enrollment in an authorized  
            training program.  For the authorizing programs and training  
            providers, the streamline solution will also reduce  
            disruptions by eliminating the need for EDD staff to call  
            these entities to gather and verify the training information  
            necessary for CTB approvals.  

            The CTB Streamline solution is planned for release in two  
            phases.  The first phase will focus on claimants whose  
            training is authorized under certain federal or State programs  
            under California UI law, including training under the  
            Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the Federal Trade Adjustment  
            Assistance (TAA), the State Employment Training Panel (ETP),  
            and the State California Work Opportunity and Responsibility  
            to Kids (CalWORKs).  Phase II will include all other UI  
            claimants attending full-time school or training outside of  
            the designated federal and State programs and whose CTB  
            eligibility is dependent on meeting additional specific  
            criteria required by UI law for CTB approval.

            In March 2010, EDD began implementation of Phase I by  
            streamlining the approval process for claimants whose training  
            is authorized under the WIA.  EDD is next working towards  
            implement the streamline approval project for TAA, ETP and  
            CalWORKSs authorized trainings. 

          4.  Proponent Arguments  :
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 7

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


            According to proponents, California is facing a job loss  
            crisis with unemployment at historic highs of 12.6% in May  
            2010, and to make matters worse, job seekers are spending  
            longer periods of time looking for work.  Over 34% of the  
            unemployed have been looking for work for over 6 months, up  
            170.5% since 2008.  The author believes that today's  
            unpredictable economic climate demands that we have a  
            modernized system capable of providing unemployed Californians  
            with the training they need to once again contribute to our  
            economy.  In addition, proponents argue that we must break  
            down barriers preventing laid-off workers from participating  
            in training and skill development that makes them competitive  
            for jobs as our economy recovers. 

            Proponents believe that this bill will make it easier for  
            unemployed Californians to access unemployment benefits while  
            enrolled in training programs to upgrade job skills.  This  
            bill will also revise the Unemployment Insurance Code to  
            conform to federal guidance.  Proponents believe that  
            automatically approving UI recipients for training programs  
            will allow the unemployed to register and attend training  
            without fear of an interruption or possible loss of their  
            benefits.  In addition, proponents argue that automatic  
            enrollment into pre-approved training programs will streamline  
            the approval process and save EDD significant resources and  
            staff time.  Overall, proponents argue that helping the  
            unemployed access retraining will greatly benefit our local  
            state economy, and will lure more companies to do business in  
            our state and hire skilled and educated California workers.  

          5.  Opponent Arguments  :

            According to opponents, although they support benefits being  
            paid timely to individuals enrolled in training with a  
            connection to employment upon completion, they are opposed to  
            this bill because it would expand and increase the payment of  
            training and/or retraining UI benefits.  Opponents argue that  
            already current law allows unemployed workers receiving UI  
            benefits to continue their coverage while enrolled in  
            specified training or retraining as approved by the Director  
            of EDD.  They feel that by establishing a general broad  
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 8

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


            threshold, this bill could open the door to not only fraud and  
            abuse, but also establishes a very different public policy.  

            Opponents contend that in its October "Unemployment Insurance  
            Fund Forecast," EDD projected that the state's UI Fund balance  
            would have a deficit of $7.4 billion at the end of 2009.  They  
            believe that it is inappropriate to expand the payment of UI  
            benefits a time when the UI Fund is depleted and California is  
            compelled to borrow from the Federal Government in order to  
            pay UI benefits.  Opponents argue that this is not the time to  
            incur still higher UI costs by expanding available training  

            Furthermore, opponents argue that this bill allows individuals  
            that are unemployed to take this opportunity to use their  
            unemployment benefits to make lifestyle changes beyond those  
            required for re-employment, regardless of real employment  
            opportunities.  Opponents believe that job training benefits  
            should be targeted to the needs of the job market and the  
            individual, not unilaterally provided without qualification  
            and without specific nexus to employment.   

          6.  Related Legislation  :

            SB 968 (Negrete McLeod) of 2010:  Currently in Assembly  
            Insurance Committee 
            SB 968 is similar to this bill; however, SB 968 does not deem  
            an unemployed individual automatically eligible for training  
            benefits.  SB 968 would delete the provision of existing law  
            that requires the determination of potential eligibility and  
            instead, specifies that an unemployed person who is able to  
            work is eligible to receive training and retraining benefits  
            if he/she certifies on the UI claim form that he/she is  
            enrolled in a training program and lists a responsible person  
            connected with the program that certifies that the person is  
            enrolled and satisfactorily pursuing the program. 
          California Labor Federation - Co-Sponsor
          California Workforce Association - Co-Sponsor 
          American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,  
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 9

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations 


          California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing  
          California Professional Firefighters (CPF)
          Council of California Goodwill Industries
          National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB)

          California Chamber of Commerce
          California Department of Finance
          California Hospital Association
          California Manufacturers and Technology Association

                                        * * *

          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2010                             AB 2058  
          Consultant: Alma Perez                                   Page 10

          Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations