BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                         VERSION: 6/2/10
          Analysis by: Carrie Cornwell                   FISCAL:  yes
          Hearing date: June 15, 2010


          Utilities and Commerce omnibus bill


          This bill ensures that specified acts that result in a license  
          suspension for a bus driver are reported to the Department of  
          Motor Vehicles (DMV) and makes other minor, technical changes to  
          provisions of law governing various state boards, commissions,  
          and agencies. 


          Existing law: 

          1.Under AB 636 (Jones), Chapter 248, Statutes of 2009, suspends  
            a person from driving any kind of bus for five years if the  
            person drove a charter bus without having been issued the  
            proper driver's license, endorsement, or certificate to do so.  
            The bill also permanently bans a business from operating as a  
            charter bus company if the business knowingly employed such a  
            driver or the business operated without a current permit from  
            the Public Utilities Commission.

          2.Requires the Secretary of the California Environmental  
            Protection Agency (EPA) to address various issues concerning  
            the cost-shifting between classes of utility ratepayers and to  
            provide reports to the Legislature no later than 1997 and  

          3.Creates and specifies the membership and duties of the State  
            Parks and Recreation Commission, the State Mining and Geology  
            Board, State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, the  


          AB 2768 (U&C)                                            Page 2


            California Recreational Trails Committee, the Parklands  
            Program Finance Committee, the State Lands Commission, the  
            State Resource Conservation Commission, Resource Improvement  
            Districts, the Ventura-Los Angeles Mountain and Coastal Study  
            Commission, the California Energy Resources Conservation and  
            Development Commission (CEC), the State Coastal Conservancy,  
            and the California Urban Waterfront Area Restoration Financing  

           This bill  :

          1.Ensures that suspensions of a bus driver's license resulting  
            from violations under AB 636 are reported to the DMV.
          2.Deletes the obsolete existing law requiring the Secretary of  
            EPA to address cost-shifting between classes of utility  
            ratepayers and to report to the Legislature.
          3.Makes minor, technical changes to provisions of law governing  
            commissions, boards, committees, districts, and authority  
            listed above in #3 . 

           Purpose  .  This bill makes a minor change to the Vehicle Code to  
          address a chaptering problem that arose last year between AB 134  
          (Blakeslee) Chapter 414, Statutes of 2009, and AB 636.  The  
          author amended AB 636 to avoid chaptering out provisions of AB  
          134. In addition, the authors requested that the Governor sign  
          AB 134 before AB 636 so that AB 134 would not chapter out a  
          provision of AB 636. The Governor signed the bills in the  
          reverse order (i.e., AB 134 first and AB 636 second). Thus, AB  
          134 chaptered out a change to law made by AB 636 relating to the  
          court reporting offenses to the Department of Motor Vehicles.  
          This bill corrects that chaptering out problem by restoring the  
          change AB 636 made.

          This bill also makes minor technical changes and deletes  
          obsolete language in state law, including changing the term  
          "chairman" to "chair" for various entities created in state  
          statute to reflect better those who are actually filling these  
          positions.  For example, the last two chairmen of the California  


          AB 2768 (U&C)                                            Page 3


          Energy Commission have not been men.
          Assembly Votes:
               Floor:    76 - 0
               Appr: 17 - 0
               U&C:  14 - 0

          POSITIONS:  (Communicated to the Committee before noon on  
                     June 9, 2010)

               SUPPORT:  None received.
               OPPOSED:  None received.