BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                   Senate Appropriations Committee Fiscal Summary
                           Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair

                                           205 (Hancock)
          Hearing Date:  03/15/2010           Amended: 03/08/2010
          Consultant:  Dan Troy           Policy Vote: NA
          BILL SUMMARY:   SB 205, an urgency measure, would provide  
          statutory authority for the California Department of Education  
          and the California School Finance Authority, as specified, to  
          administer the Qualified School Construction Bonds tax credit  
          program authorized through the federal American Recovery and  
          Reinvestment Act of 2009. The bill would assign specified  
          amounts to school districts and county offices of education and  
          to charter schools, and would extend the timeframe for districts  
          that were notified of eligibility for this program on or before  
          December 31, 2009 to issues qualifying local bonds until 120  
          days after the enactment of this bill.  
                            Fiscal Impact (in thousands)

           Major Provisions         2010-11      2011-12       2012-13     Fund
          QCSB allocation                 Allows for allocation of $773  
          million in      Federal
                                   Federal tax credits


          STAFF COMMENTS: This bill meets the criteria for referral to the  
          Suspense File.

          As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009  
          (ARRA), the federal government allocated $22 billion in tax  
          credits under the Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCB)  
          program.  The QSCB program would provide savings for school  
          districts issuing local bonds for the construction and  
          renovation of school facilities by lowering or eliminating  
          interest payments.  The federal government will provide federal  
          tax credits for bondholders in lieu of interest normally paid by  
          issuers.  According to the California Department of Education  
          (CDE), interest payments typically equal about 50 percent of the  


          cost of a bond.  

          Allocations to the state are determined based upon the state's  
          Federal Title 1 allocation, 40 percent of which are allocated  
          directly by the federal government to large school districts and  
          the remaining to be allocated to school districts by the state.   
          California received a total of $1.3 billion for 2009 and will  
          receive another $1.3 billion for 2010.  Of 2009 amount, $582  
          million was directly allocated to 11 large school districts and  
          $773.5 million has been reserved for school districts, county  
          office of educations (COEs), and charter schools for allocation  
          by the state.  CDE, in collaboration with the Governor's Office  
          and the State Treasurer, designated $73.5 million of the state's  
          $773.5 million allocation for charter schools, to be  
          administered by the California School Finance Authority (CSFA).   
          This amount assigned for charter schools conforms with the  
          approximately 10 percent of new construction funding they  
          received in the last two statewide education school facility  

          Page 2
          SB 205 (Hancock)

          CDE developed an administrative process for implementing this  
          program, including parameters for participation, and received  
          applications from 231 school districts totaling $3.6 billion in  
          requests for the $700 million.  Through a lottery process, CDE  
          awarded tax credits to 43 school districts.   

          School districts that received bond tax credits through the  
          state were not been able to issue bonds by the December 31, 2009  
          deadline. This was due to districts being informed by bond  
          counsels that the federal law contains an ambiguity that  
          requires statutory clarification by the state.  Specifically,  
          ARRA authorizes "the state" to make federal tax credit  
          allocations, but does not specify which entity in the state is  
          the responsible entity.  As a result, bond counsels have refused  
          to issue bond opinions for school districts to sell bonds  
          fearing that a challenge can be made that a school district has  
          not received the tax credits from a legally-authorized entity.  
          This bill would clarify state authority for making the  
          Specifically, this bill would: 

                 Assign $700 million of the state's 2009 federal tax  


               credit bond volume cap for the QSCB program to CDE for  
               further assignment and distribution to school districts and  
               county offices of education
                 Assign $73.5 million of the state's 2009 federal tax  
               credit bond volume cap for the QSCB program to CSFA to be  
               issued for the benefit of charter schools 
                 Provide that any of the state's 2009 federal tax credit  
               volume cap for QSCB assigned to CDE or CSFA that has not  
               resulted in the issuance of bonds by December 31, 2009 be  
               added to the state's volume cap for 2010 
                 Extend the deadline for school districts and county  
               offices of education to issue bonds by 120 days from the  
               effective date of this bill, provided these entities  
               received an assignment of tax credits under the QSCB  
               program from CDE prior to December 31, 2009 and an  
               extension to issue bonds through March 31, 2010
                 Exempt the assignment and distribution of the federal  
               tax credit bond volume cap from rulemaking provisions of  
               the Administrative Procedure Act.  
                 State the intent of the Legislature that the parameters  
               and conditions adopted by the CDE and the CSFA be  
               comparable where practical and applicable in order to  
               ensure consistency and equity in the state level assignment  
               and distribution of the federal tax credit bond volume cap,  
               including, but not limited to, maximum tax credit amounts  
               per project or school district

          As the dollars in question are federal tax credits, this bill  
          should have no impact on the state's general fund.