BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          SENATOR MARK DESAULNIER, CHAIRMAN              AUTHOR:  huber
                                                         VERSION: 5/10/11
          Analysis by:  Carrie Cornwell                  FISCAL:  yes
          Hearing date:  June 21, 2011


          Vehicle registration: reciprocity commission


          This bill deletes obsolete provisions in the Vehicle Code that 
          address registration of commercial vehicles that travel both 
          inside and outside of California.


          Existing law creates the Reciprocity Commission to examine the 
          legal requirements for commercial vehicle registration by 
          foreign jurisdictions and to grant reciprocal privileges to 
          out-of-state vehicles.  It prescribes the membership of the 
          commission as the Lieutenant Governor, the Director of the 
          Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Director of the 
          California Department of Transportation, the State Controller, 
          and the Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol.  Existing 
          law authorizes the commission to enter into agreements on behalf 
          of the State of California with foreign jurisdictions for the 
          registration of foreign vehicles.  The Attorney General must 
          approve all reciprocity agreements, rules, and regulations 
          authorized by the commission.

          Federal law permits California to enter into the International 
          Registration Plan Agreement to collect registration fees for 
          commercial vehicles that operate on an interstate basis.  Under 
          this International Registration Program (IRP), states, the 
          District of Columbia, and Canadian provinces collect 
          registration fees for vehicles based in their jurisdictions, and 
          then share those fees based on the amount a particular vehicle 
          operates in each jurisdiction.  State law empowers the 
          commission to enter into the IRP on behalf of California.  
          California entered the IRP in 1985, thus making the bilateral 
          reciprocity agreements and much of the work of the Reciprocity 
          Commission obsolete.


          AB 28 (HUBER)                                          Page 2


           This bill  :
          1.Deletes from state law the Reciprocity Commission, provisions 
            governing its administration and duties, authorization for 
            reciprocal registration agreements, and the duty of the 
            Attorney General to approve its agreements.    

          2.Transfers the authority held by the commission to enter into 
            and become a member of the International Registration Plan 
            Agreement to the director of the DMV or his or her designee.  

          3.Makes other related clarifying changes.  


           Purpose  .  Beginning in 1959 and until 1985, the Reciprocity 
          Commission entered into reciprocity agreements with foreign 
          jurisdictions, mostly other states, for the registration and 
          operation of commercial vehicles that cross jurisdictional 
          lines.  The commission's duties became obsolete when California 
          joined the International Registration Plan Agreement in 1985.  
          IRP is a registration reciprocity agreement among states of the 
          United States, the District of Columbia, and provinces of 
          Canada, which provides for payment and sharing of registration 
          fees on the basis of fleet distance operated in various 

          Today, the 48 contiguous US states, the District of Columbia and 
          ten Canadian provinces, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New 
          Brunswick, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and 
          Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Saskatchewan, are all members 
          of the IRP, which registers over two million commercial 

          Once California entered the IRP in 1985, the duties of the 
          commission became largely obsolete.  The author introduced this 
          bill to delete references to the commission from state statute 
          and to authorize DMV to administer IRP agreements.
          Assembly Votes:
               Floor:    75-0
               Appr: 17-0
               Trans:    14-0


          AB 28 (HUBER)                                          Page 3


          POSITIONS:  (Communicated to the Committee before noon on 
          Wednesday,                                             June 15, 

               SUPPORT:  None received.

               OPPOSED:  None received.