BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 28
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          AB 28 (Huber)
          As Amended  July 6, 2011
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |75-0 |(May 26, 2011)  |SENATE: |37-0 |(July 14,      |
          |           |     |                |        |     |2011)          |
           Original Committee Reference:    TRANS.  

           SUMMARY  :  Serves as a vehicle for code updates promulgated by 
          the Joint Sunset Review Committee.

           The Senate amendments  :   

           1)Repeal enabling statute for the Office for Citizen Initiative 
            and Voluntary action within the Office of the Governor.   

           2)Delete obsolete operative dates relative to Legislative 
            Oversight of State Board Formation and Licensed Professional 
          3)Delete references to now obsolete Joint Committee on Boards, 
            Commissions, and Consumer Protection whose functions were 
            replaced by the newly created Joint Sunset Review Committee.   
          4)Grant the chair of a policy committee authority to evaluate 
            plans produced for the establishment and operation of a 
            proposed state board or new category of licensed professional 

          5)Require that the Joint Sunset Review Committee evaluate and 
            provide recommendations to the Legislature regarding the plan, 
            in the absence of an evaluation by the appropriate policy 

           EXISTING LAW  creates various Boards and Commissions whose 
          functions are now obsolete.  

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY  , this bill:

          1)Deleted provisions related to the Reciprocity Commission 


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            (Commission) in various statutes.  

          2)Transferred the authority held by the Commission to enter into 
            and become a member of the International Registration Program 
            (IRP) agreement to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).  

          3)Made other related clarifying changes.  

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  Unknown

           COMMENTS  :  The Governor's Office for Citizen Initiative and 
          Voluntary Action (OCIVA), created in 1978, was never funded or 
          operative.  According to the author, various other commissions 
          within California government have provided similar function.  
          Currently, California Volunteers, created by Executive Order in 
          2006, is charged with ensuring the coordination of volunteer 
          activities related to disaster response and recovery, including 
          necessary training, equipment, and transportation provisions.  

          In addition to deleting obsolete operative dates with regard to 
          the creation of a state board or category of licensed 
          professional, this bill would also authorize the chair of a 
          policy committee the authority to evaluate plans produced for 
          the establishment and operation of a proposed state board or new 
          category of licensed professional (plan).  If the chair of a 
          policy committee declined to conduct the evaluation, this bill 
          would require that the evaluation be performed by the Joint 
          Sunset Review Committee who, in turn, would provide 
          recommendations regarding the plan to the Legislature.

          The Commission was created in 1959 so that California could 
          enter into agreements with foreign jurisdictions with regard to 
          the payment of license, registration, and regulatory fees for 
          commercial vehicles travelling across states, but registered in 
          only one.  At that time, reciprocal agreements existed between 
          individual states and foreign jurisdictions (Canada).  
          In the early 1960s, individual reciprocity agreements were 
          becoming inadequate to meet the needs of expanding interstate 
          and international commerce.  In the late 1960s and early 1970s 
          the concept of the IRP agreement was conceived.  The IRP 
          agreement is a federally encouraged program to facilitate 
          commercial vehicle registration and operation among states and 
          Canadian provinces.  IRP agreement member jurisdictions collect 
          registration fees from their 'home based' interstate trucking 


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          companies on behalf of each member jurisdiction in which the 
          companies operate and register.  

          The author notes after California entered into the IRP agreement 
          in 1985, the duties of the Commission became obsolete.  The 
          purpose of this legislation is to delete references to the 
          Commission from statute and delegate authority to administer 
          provision of IRP agreements directly to the DMV.  
           Analysis Prepared by  :   Victoria Alvarez / TRANS. / (916) 319- 
