BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 202

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          AB 202 (Brownley)
          As Amended  August 15, 2011
          2/3 vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |78-0 |(May 19, 2011)  |SENATE: |24-14|(September 1,  |
          |           |     |                |        |     |2011)          |
          |ASSEMBLY:  |77-0 |(September 6,   |        |     |               |
          |           |     |2011)           |        |     |               |

          Original Committee Reference:    ED.  

           SUMMARY  :   Implements changes related to streamlining the 
          state's process for the determination and reimbursement of 
          educational mandates, and requires additional or clarified 
          information to be provided to the Legislature on the 
          reimbursement of educational mandates.  Specifically,  this bill  : 

          1)Augments existing reporting requirements on the State 
            Controller's Office (SCO), Commission on State Mandates (COSM) 
            and Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO), as specified, with 
            respect to reimbursable state mandates relating to local 
            educational agencies (LEA).

          2)Authorizes a LEA test claimant to designate another LEA for 
            the purposes of drafting the Parameters and Guidelines, 
            developing the Estimate of Statewide Costs, or negotiating a 
            Reasonable Reimbursement Methodology (RRM).

          3)Makes changes to the process and timeline whereby a LEA test 
            claimant and the Department of Finance (DOF) are authorized to 
            develop a RRM, including providing for mediation or 
            arbitration when the process is at an impasse.


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           The Senate amendments  delete a provision that provided for a 
          five year sunset on any new legislation that created a state 
          mandated local cost on a LEA, and eliminate a technical conflict 
          with other pending legislation.

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Requires the state, under the California Constitution, to 
            reimburse local governments, including school districts, 
            whenever the Legislature or a state agency mandates a new 
            program or higher level of service, with specified exceptions.

          2)Establishes a procedure for local government agencies to file 
            test claims and claims for reimbursement of these costs with 
            the COSM and the SCO; also, requires the COSM to hear and 
            decide upon each claim for reimbursement, to determine 
            activities to be reimbursed, and to adopt methodologies for 

          3)Authorizes a test claimant and DOF to develop a RRM for the 
            reimbursement of mandated costs, to develop a draft RRM, and 
            to submit the draft RRM to the COSM for approval.

          4)Requires the LAO to submit a report to the Legislature on the 
            mandates reported by the COSM, and requires that report to 
            make recommendations as to whether the mandate should be 
            repealed, funded, suspended, or modified.

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY  , this bill was substantially similar 
          to the version passed by the Senate.

           FISCAL EFFECT  : According to the Senate Appropriations Committee, 
          the required arbitration will generate likely minor, possibly 
          significant ongoing General Fund (GF) costs, streamlining LEA 
          mandates may create potential future GF costs with some 
          offsetting GF savings, and the notifications and reports will 
          create minor to significant ongoing GF funded workload.

           COMMENTS  :  The California Constitution requires that local 
          governments be reimbursed for new programs or higher levels of 


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          service that the state imposes or mandates on them.  Following 
          the enactment of a perceived mandate, school districts and 
          county offices of education (as well as other local government 
          entities) have one year to file a "test claim" with COSM, 
          asserting that the new requirements impose a new program or 
          higher level of service, and are therefore reimbursable.  The 
          COSM is a quasi-judicial body that decides test claims alleging 
          that the Legislature or a state agency imposed a reimbursable 
          state-mandated local program.  If the COSM identifies a 
          state-mandated program as eligible for reimbursement, it then 
          defines what activities will be reimbursed and adopts statewide 
          cost estimates.  

          Most eligible mandates are reimbursed on the basis of actual 
          costs.  Claimants document each cost associated with the 
          activities identified, and submit that documentation to the SCO 
          along with their claims.  This process is burdensome and prone 
          to clerical error; it also results in large administrative costs 
          on the claimant, large audit costs on the SCO, and a high 
          probability of claim reductions as a result of SCO audits.  
          Statutory changes enacted in the last four Legislative sessions 
          have put alternative reimbursement processes in place in an 
          attempt to move the reimbursement of some mandates away from an 
          actual cost basis and toward a formulaic reimbursement approach; 
          the RRM process is one of those alternative processes.  Under 
          the RRM process, a test claimant may join with DOF to develop 
          and propose a RRM and statewide estimate of costs for 
          reimbursement of a mandated program.  By statute, the RRM is 
          required to be based, where possible, on a general allocation 
          formula, uniform cost allowance, or some other approximation of 
          the local costs mandated; in other words the RRM process is 
          meant to provide for a method for calculating reimbursable costs 
          that is a simpler alternative to the detailed documentation 
          required for the reimbursement of actual costs.  However, 
          current law establishes a process that suffers from delays, and 
          provides little incentive for negotiations, compromise or 
          resolution; as a result, no educational mandate claim has 
          successfully negotiated the RRM process to date.

          In October 2009, after conducting a follow-up of its 2003 audit 
          on state mandates, the California State Auditor issued an audit 


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          report concerning state mandate determination and payment 
          processes; two findings and recommendations of the State Auditor 
          form the basis for the proposals in this bill:  1) increase 
          information available to the Legislature on mandates; and, 2) 
          alternative processes, such as the RRM, reduce workload and 
          costs.  The author's stated intent is to implement changes in 
          the mandate reimbursement process in order to 1) streamline the 
          process and reduce the workload of the COSM, other state 
          agencies and local educational agencies; and, 2) ensure that 
          increased information on educational mandates is provided to the 
          Legislature.  This bill reduces processing time and 
          administrative costs for all claims, and increases the 
          probability that a RRM will be established.


            "This bill creates a new avenue for deciding the costs of state 
          mandates which may prove to be more complicated and costly than 
          the existing process."

           Analysis Prepared by :    Gerald Shelton / ED. / (916) 319-2087  
                                                                FN: 0002960