BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 456
                                                                  Page  1

          AB 456 (Wagner)
          As Amended April 12, 2011
          Majority vote 

           JUDICIARY           10-0                                        
          |Ayes:|Feuer, Wagner, Atkins,    |     |                          |
          |     |Dickinson, Silva, Huber,  |     |                          |
          |     |Huffman, Jones, Monning,  |     |                          |
          |     |Wieckowski                |     |                          |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           SUMMARY  :  Clarifies procedures for certain stays of litigation.  
          Specifically,  this bill  clarifies that mechanics' lien claimants 
          in construction disputes may seek a stay of litigation pending 
          the outcome of arbitration to which the parties agree, without 
          any necessity to move for an order to compel arbitration, 
          provided that if any party opposes the motion to stay the action 
          on the ground that the party objects to arbitration of the 
          dispute, the court shall determine whether the claim of lien or 
          any relevant issue, question or dispute is subject to 
          arbitration before staying the action.
          FISCAL EFFECT  :  None

           COMMENTS  :  The author argues that this bill is needed to clarify 
          existing law regarding the stay of litigation pending 
          arbitration of certain construction disputes.  

          Code of Civil Procedure Section 1281.5 deals with arbitration of 
          construction disputes when there is a right to a mechanics lien. 
           It allows the lien foreclosure lawsuit to be filed to satisfy 
          the statute of limitations and notice to potential purchasers, 
          but requires that the arbitration be commenced promptly and 
          allows the lawsuit to be stayed.  

          According to the author, the statute has caused some confusion 
          because it has not been clear in some cases whether the claimant 
          must also file a motion to compel arbitration.  Supporters state 
          that such a motion is frequently unnecessary because the parties 
          do not dispute that the claim is arbitrable.  


                                                                  AB 456
                                                                  Page  2

          In these circumstances, it is sensible to stay any court 
          proceeding while the arbitration, once started, continues to be 
          prosecuted.  The sponsors contend that requiring a motion to 
          compel arbitration is not only superfluous but only serves to 
          "clog up" the courts.  

          The author's recent amendments largely clarify and refocus the 
          bill appropriately.  However, the Judiciary Committee recently 
          received further suggested revisions from the Judicial Council.  
          The author and sponsor have committed to continuing to work with 
          the Judiciary Committee and the Judicial Council to ensure that 
          any remaining concerns are addressed satisfactorily.

          Analysis Prepared by  :    Kevin G. Baker / JUD. / (916) 319-2334 

                                                                FN: 0000233