BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                   Senate Appropriations Committee Fiscal Summary
                           Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair

                                          AB 501 (Campos)
          Hearing Date: 8/25/2011         Amended: 4/6/2011
          Consultant: Maureen Ortiz       Policy Vote: PE&R 3-2
          BILL SUMMARY:  AB 501 expands the definition of "public school 
          employer" or "employer" to include auxiliary organizations 
          established by the California Community Colleges and joint 
          powers agencies for the purposes of collective bargaining under 
          the Education Employment Relations Act (EERA).
                            Fiscal Impact (in thousands)

           Major Provisions        2011-12      2012-13       2013-14     Fund
          CCC bargaining expenses            -----unknown, potentially 
          significant---        General*

          JPA bargaining                          --------unknown, 
          potentially $750--------          General

          PERB admin expenses            -------------likely minor, 
          absorbable----------       General

          *Counts toward meeting the Proposition 98 minimum funding 

          The Commission on State Mandates has determined that costs for 
          collective bargaining are reimbursable by the state.  In the 
          2005-06 fiscal year, the state accrued almost $25 million in 
          mandated cost obligations for local education agency collective 
          bargaining claims.  The typical cost is about $20,000 to $25,000 
          per agreement.  There are about 70 education-related JPAs in the 
          state, primarily for purposes of home-to-school transportation 
          and vocational education services.  Assuming half of these JPAs 
          engage in collective bargaining utilizing the EERA, reimbursable 
          costs would be approximately $750,000.  Additionally, AB 501 


          AB 501 (Campos)
          Page 1

          could result in an unknown increase in costs to school districts 
          for wage and benefit increases resulting from the collective 
          bargaining agreements.

          Collective bargaining coverage had been extended to JPAs until 
          1990 when a Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) decision 
          found that since JPAs were not specifically included in the 
          definition of "public school employer" or "employer" for the 
          purposes of EERA, the JPAs were not required to engage in 
          collective bargaining with employees.  In Castaic Union School 
          District v. CSEA (2010), the PERB ruled that noon-time duty 
          aides were ineligible to receive representation rights because 
          they are neither certificated nor classified public school 
          employees.  Further in SanJose/Evergreen Community College 
          District (2007), PERB ruled that employees of a JPA consisting 
          of public schools were not eligible for organization even though 
          many of these same employees were considered "public school 
          employees" for purposes of the EERA until the JPA was created, 
          even though they continued to perform the same work.

          AB 501 also extends collective bargaining rights to auxiliary 
          organizations established at community colleges.  Such 
          organizations are formed to assist community colleges in seeking 
          grant funds or specialized student services.  According to the 
          Community College League, classified college staff that support 
          auxiliary organizations are represented by an exclusive 
          bargaining representative of classified employees.  However, 
          often colleges hire individuals on a short/limited-term basis 
          specifically to develop the grant proposals.

          This bill is similar to AB 1463 (Eng) which was held on this 
          committee's Suspense File in 2007, however, that bill only 
          included JPAs.