BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 563
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          AB 563 (Furutani)
          As Amended  May 11, 2011
          Majority vote 

           REVENUE & TAXATION  6-3         APPROPRIATIONS      12-5        
          |Ayes:|Perea, Beall, Charles     |Ayes:|Fuentes, Blumenfield,     |
          |     |Calderon, Cedillo, Alejo, |     |Bradford, Charles         |
          |     |Gordon                    |     |Calderon, Campos, Davis,  |
          |     |                          |     |Gatto, Hall, Hill, Lara,  |
          |     |                          |     |Mitchell, Solorio         |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
          |Nays:|Donnelly, Harkey,         |Nays:|Harkey, Donnelly,         |
          |     |Nestande                  |     |Nielsen, Norby, Wagner    |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           SUMMARY  :  Authorizes designated city employees to obtain or 
          access otherwise confidential information from the county 
          assessor when the city is conducting an investigation to 
          determine whether the documentary transfer tax (DTT) should be 
          imposed.  Specifically,  this bill  :  

          1)Requires a county assessor to disclose information, furnish 
            abstracts, and permit access to all records in his/her office 
            to designated employees of a city's finance office that is 
            conducting an investigation to determine whether a DTT should 
            be imposed for an unrecorded change in control or ownership of 

          2)Provides that, in order to receive otherwise confidential 
            information, a designated employee of a city's finance office 
            must submit a written request to the assessor certifying, 
            under penalty of perjury, that he/she needs the information to 
            assist with the preparation and enforcement of a DTT and that 
            confidential information will not become public record and 
            will not be open to public inspection. 

          3)Prohibits county assessors from disclosing social security 

          4)Imposes a state-mandated local program and states that, if the 


                                                                  AB 563
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            Commission on State Mandates determines that this bill 
            contains mandates by the state, reimbursement to local 
            agencies and school districts for the costs shall be made 
            pursuant to the statutory provisions.  

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Requires assessors to keep certain information confidential 
            ŬRevenue and Taxation Code (R&TC) Section 408(a)].

          2)Provides an exception to the general rule of confidentiality 
            for certain governmental agencies or representatives.  
            Requires the county assessor to disclose information, furnish 
            abstracts, or permit access to all records in his/her office 
            to law enforcement agencies, the county grand jury, and other 
            specified entities, including the county recorder in the case 
            of an investigation to determine whether a DTT is imposed 
            ŬR&TC Section 408(b)].  

          3)Allows charter cities to levy a DTT pursuant to a local 
            ordinance and their authority.  The locally imposed DTT is 
            generally collected by the county recorder ŬR&TC Part 6.7 of 
            Division 2 (Sections 11901-11935)].  

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations 
          Committee, mandated state reimbursement is unlikely, and the 
          records may be made available at county offices during the 
          normal course of business for minimal cost. 

           COMMENTS  :   

           The author's statement  .  The author states that, "AB 563 would 
          allow for information sharing between County Assessor's Offices' 
          and cities to identify change of ownership legal entity 
          transfers and other real property transfers that may not be 
          currently captured.  Enactment of the proposed legislation is 
          estimated to result in improved and increased collection of the 
          Documentary Transfer Tax at a time of fiscal crisis for local 

           DTT  .  The California Constitution (Article XIIIA, Section 4) 
          prohibits transaction taxes or sales taxes on transfers of real 
          property.  However, the DTT law, enacted in 1967, allows cities 
          and counties to enact, by ordinance, taxes on documents that 


                                                                  AB 563
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          serve to transfer real property.  The DTT applies to deeds of 
          transfer of realty within the jurisdiction that imposes a DTT 
          and is based on the value of the transfer.  The tax may be used 
          for general or specific purposes, although all DTTs levied thus 
          far are general taxes.  The tax is administered by county 
          recorders who cannot, by law, record the property transfer until 
          the tax is paid.  Counties collect the tax but remit the city 
          tax to the appropriate city.   

          All of California's 58 counties impose the tax, which is modeled 
          after the repealed Federal Documentary Stamp Tax.  Hundreds of 
          California cities also levy the tax, ranging from the general 
          law city rate of $.55 for each $500 of value up to $7.50 in the 
          City of Oakland.  Non-charter cities within a county that impose 
          a DTT may impose its tax at half of the rate of the county, 
          which works as a credit against the county rate.  Charter cities 
          may impose a DTT at a higher rate under the municipal affairs 
          doctrine in the California Constitution (Article XI, Section 5). 
           If they do so at a higher rate than the non-charter rate, then 
          the city DTT does not serve as a credit against the county tax.  
          Existing law provides several exemptions to the tax, including 
          when any public agency acquires land, land acquired as a result 
          of a plan of reorganization or adjustment such as bankruptcy, 
          and certain transfers in lieu of foreclosure, among others.

          The courts have consistently held that a DTT is an excise tax 
          for the privilege of exercising one of the incidents of property 
          ownership, its conveyance.  It is not a property tax because it 
          is imposed solely on the privilege of disposing of one's 
          property and realizing its actual value.  Fielder v. City of Los 
          Angeles, 14 Cal.App.4th 137; Fisher v. Alameda County, 20 Cal. 
          App. 4th 120. 

           Access to records in the county assessor's office  .  Existing law 
          provides that any information and records in the county 
          assessor's office are not public documents and shall not be open 
          to public inspection, unless specifically exempted by law.  
          Exemptions include sharing of information with law enforcement 
          agencies, county grand jury, or the board of supervisors.  In 
          2009, the list of enumerated exemptions was expanded to allow a 
          county recorder access to all records in the assessor's office 
          for purposes of determining whether a DTT is due ŬR&TC Section 
          408(b)].  The DTT is administered at the local level by the 
          county recorder, so providing access to assessor information 


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          helps recorders to determine whether the DTT applies to certain 
          changes of ownership. 
           AB 563 (Furutani) would further amend R&TC Section 408(b) to add 
          certain designated employees of a city's finance office to the 
          list of agencies that may have access to all records in the 
          assessor's office for purposes of determining whether a DTT is 
          due.  AB 563 is sponsored by the City of Los Angeles, a charter 
          city.  According to the State Board of Equalization's (BOE) 
          analysis of this bill, the City of Los Angeles has an agreement 
          with the Los Angeles County for the collection of taxes between 
          the City and County.  Apparently, the agreement provides that, 
          if the County is unable to, or does not, collect the DTT when 
          the instrument or writing is presented for recordation, the City 
          has the responsibility to collect the DTT.  In order to 
          determine whether the DTT is due, the City may have to conduct 
          an investigation and/or perform audits of city revenues related 
          to DTTs, which may require access to assessor's records.  
          Currently, both California and many cities face difficult budget 
          times.  AB 563 (Furutani) aims to increase taxpayer compliance 
          at the local level, thereby generating more revenue to help 
          close budget gaps, consistent with the state's own efforts to 
          close the tax gap.

           Confidentiality  .  Generally, critics of information sharing 
          between government entities are concerned about possible 
          unlawful disclosure or inspection of confidential tax 
          information.  Thus, often, provisions allowing information 
          sharing contain safeguards against, and penalties for, unlawful 
          disclosure of confidential taxpayers' information.  For example, 
          an existing information sharing program between the Franchise 
          Tax Board (FTB) and cities provides for criminal sanctions for 
          unlawful disclosure or inspection of such information, which 
          supplements FTB's institutional commitment to taxpayer 
          information confidentiality.  The information possessed by the 
          county assessor's office is considerably less sensitive than the 
          information found on income tax returns.  Nonetheless, this bill 
          includes certain safeguards to ensure that the  information 
          acquired by city's employees from the county assessor will not 
          become public record and will not be open to public inspection, 
          provided that it is not public record and is not open to public 
          inspection when in the assessor's possession. 


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           Similar legislation  .  

           SB 816 (Ducheny), Chapter 622, Statutes of 2009, made changes in 
          the DTT law relative to city ordinances, assessor records, and 
          change of ownership statements, including allowing county 
          recorders to assess the county assessors' records when 
          investigating if a DTT is due. 

          SB 1146 (Cedillo), Chapter 345, Statutes of 2008, extended the 
          sunset date for the program that allows the FTB to share 
          information with tax officials of any city in California until 
          December 31, 2014.

          SB 1374 (Cedillo), Chapter 513, Statutes of 2006, extended the 
          program that allows the FTB to provide information to tax 
          officials of any city in California until December 31, 2011.

          AB 63 (Cedillo), Chapter 915, Statutes of 2001, extended the 
          circumstances under which the FTB may disclose tax information 
          to tax officials of any city, until December 31, 2008.  

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Oksana Jaffe / REV. & TAX. / (916) 
          319-2098                                               FN: 