BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          SENATOR MARK DESAULNIER, CHAIRMAN              AUTHOR:  wieckowski
                                                         VERSION: 5/8/2012
          Analysis by:  Eric Thronson                    FISCAL:  yes
          Hearing date:  July 3, 2012


          Bikeway standards


          This bill requires the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 
          to establish procedures to permit exceptions to adopted designs 
          and markings for bikeway construction and bicycle travel.


          Under existing law, Caltrans is responsible for establishing 
          minimum safety design criteria for the planning and construction 
          of bikeways and roadways where bicycle travel is permitted.  
          These criteria are contained within a document called the 
          California Highway Design Manual (HDM).  Further, Caltrans 
          establishes uniform specifications and symbols for signs, 
          markers, and traffic control devices to designate bikeways, 
          regulate traffic, improve safety and convenience for bicyclists, 
          and alert pedestrians and motorists of the presence of 
          bicyclists where bicycle travel is permitted.  Caltrans adopts 
          these specifications, along with standards for all traffic 
          control devices, in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic 
          Control Devices (MUTCD).

          Existing law requires all local agencies responsible for the 
          development or operation of bikeways or roadways where bicycle 
          travel is permitted to utilize Caltrans-adopted design criteria 
          and specifications as contained in the HDM and MUTCD.  Although 
          existing procedures of the MUTCD provide for experimental traffic 
          control devices upon consideration by the California Traffic 
          Control Devices Committee, there is no similar process expressly 
          for the consideration of experimental or modified bikeway 

           This bill  requires Caltrans to establish procedures to permit 
          exceptions to the HDM and MUTCD related to bikeways and roadways 


          AB 819 (WIECKOWSKI)                                    Page 2


          where bicycle travel is permitted for the purposes of research, 
          experimentation, testing, evaluation, or verification.  

           1.Purpose  .  According to the author, Caltrans has been overly 
            conservative in its approach to bikeway design.  This bill is 
            in response to this conservatism, as the author believes there 
            are more ways to implement biking facilities in metropolitan 
            areas apart from the traditional, basic bike lane in the 
            street.  A Caltrans-sanctioned experimental design procedure 
            would enable local governments to test innovative and superior 
            designs in a controlled environment without exposing local 
            agencies to liability.  

           2.Caltrans' liability concerns  .  Caltrans is often reluctant to 
            adopt new or experimental design standards for good reason.  
            Should some transportation structure that meets the state's 
            design standards experience some tragic results, the state 
            ultimately can be found liable and have to pay large sums of 
            money in settlements.  In roadway design, many years and miles 
            of experience have led to generally expected outcomes and 
            agreed upon standards.  Bikeway design and construction, on 
            the other hand, is still being developed and refined 
            nationwide.  This bill is attempting to establish a process by 
            which Caltrans can consider evolving bikeway design standards 
            and approve some proposals for experimentation and 
            verification of safety.  Then, if the facilities tested 
            provide successful results, Caltrans can be more comfortable 
            adopting new design standards statewide.

           3.Set a deadline for implementation  .  This bill requires 
            Caltrans to establish particular procedures to permit local 
            agencies to develop and construct bikeways in new or 
            "nonstandard" ways.  The bill does not include any deadlines 
            for Caltrans' adoption of these new procedures.  Some 
            supporters of the bill have indicated that their experience 
            with Caltrans has been that the department can be slow to 
            adopt new procedures unless required by law to meet deadlines. 
             The committee or author may wish to include an amendment that 
            sets a deadline for Caltrans to establish the procedures 
            required in this bill.

           4.Requiring a report may encourage Caltrans to act  .  While this 
            bill requires Caltrans to establish procedures to permit 
            exceptions, this may not result in Caltrans granting any 


          AB 819 (WIECKOWSKI)                                    Page 3


            exceptions.  As noted earlier, Caltrans is generally 
            risk-averse and therefore may be unwilling to approve any 
            proposals for experimental bikeway designs.  It may encourage 
            Caltrans to act, or at least illuminate reasons for inaction, 
            if the Legislature required Caltrans to report on its efforts 
            related to this bill.  Therefore, the committee or author may 
            wish to amend the bill to require Caltrans to report to the 
            Legislature after establishment of these procedures on its 
            progress toward permitting exceptions to the state's 

           5.Previous legislation  .  AB 345 (Atkins) of 2011 would have 
            established in statute the California Traffic Control Devices 
            Committee.  This committee passed AB 345 on a 6 to 3 vote in 
            June of 2011, but the bill ultimately was held on the Senate 
            floor as Caltrans implemented the bill's requirements through 
            administrative action.

          POSITIONS:  (Communicated to the committee before noon on 
                     June 27, 2012)

               SUPPORT:  California Bicycle Coalition (co-sponsor)
                         California Association of Bicycle Organizations 
                         Metropolitan Transportation Commission
                         Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
               OPPOSED:  None received.