BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                   Senate Appropriations Committee Fiscal Summary
                           Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair

                                          AB 1168 (Pan)
          Hearing Date: 8/15/2011         Amended: 7/1/2011
          Consultant: Bob Franzoia        Policy Vote: L&IR 6-0
          BILL SUMMARY: AB 1168 would require, by January 1, 2013, the 
          Administrative Director (AD) of the Division of Workers' 
          Compensation to adopt a fee schedule that establishes reasonable 
          hourly fees paid for services provided by vocational experts.  
          This bill would prohibit a vocational expert from being paid, 
          and would prohibit the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board 
          (board) from allowing, vocational expert fees in excess of those 
          that are reasonable, actual, and necessary.
                            Fiscal Impact (in thousands)

           Major Provisions         2011-12     2012-13       2013-14     Fund
           Adoption of vocational Up to $75  Up to $75             Special*
          services fee schedule                                       

          * Workers' Compensation Administrative Revolving Fund

          STAFF COMMENTS: Existing law establishes a workers' compensation 
          system that provides benefits to an employee who suffers from an 
          injury or illness that arises out of and in the course of 
          employment, regardless of fault.  

          Existing law requires the AD to adopt and periodically revise an 
          Official Medical Fee Schedule to establish reasonable maximum 
          medical fees for medical services, including physician services 
          and medical-legal expenses.

          Existing law is silent as to the fees for vocational experts.  
          Prior to 2004, the Labor Code contained vocational 
          rehabilitation services provided by vocational counselors.  A 
          vocational expert might perform a vocational evaluation, 
          evaluate vocational feasibility, counsel and research vocational 
          plan development.  These services were covered by a fee schedule 
          and their services were cost contained through statute.  As part 


          AB 1168 (Pan)
          Page 1

          of the reforms contained in Chapter 34/2004 (SB 899, 
          Poochigian), the vocational rehabilitation structure was altered 
          and sunset in 2009.  Various medical professionals include 
          physicians, qualified medical examiners, agreed medical 
          examiners, chiropractors, and physical therapists have their 
          fees capped through a fee schedule.    

          This bill seeks to provide a fee schedule to set reasonable 
          hourly fees when a vocational expert is used by either an 
          injured worker or an employer and would bring fee practices for 
          vocational experts in line with other workers' compensation 

          As noted, there is no fee schedule for services provided by 
          vocational experts.  Case law provides that the board has 
          discretion to allow an applicant's vocational rehabilitation 
          expert's costs under Labor Code 5811 when the parties are 
          presenting evidence on and/or in rebuttal to a permanent 
          disability rating under the permanent disability rating schedule 
          as long as the person qualifies as an expert. Determining 
          maximum fees can be relatively straightforward.  Determining 
          reasonable, actual and necessary costs paid for vocational 
          services can be expected to generate significant public input 
          and the AD's determination likely will be litigated. 

          While the setting of fee schedules is exempt from the 
          Administrative Procedures Act and will serve to expedite the 
          process, the AD will likely need the 12 months provided by the 
          bill to adopt the schedule.

          Staff notes the Workers' Compensation Administrative Revolving 
          Fund has a projected 2011-12 fund balance of $91 million.