BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó          1

                                 ALEX PADILLA, CHAIR

          AB 1255 -  V.M. Pérez                             Hearing Date:  
          August 31, 2012            A
          As Amended:              August 23, 2012          FISCAL       B


           Current law  requires the California Energy Commission (CEC) to 
          provide up to seven million dollars in grants to 15 qualified 
          counties for the development or revision of rules and policies, 
          including general plan elements, zoning ordinances, and natural 
          community conservation plan (NCCP) that facilitate the 
          development of eligible renewable energy resources, and their 
          associated electric transmission facilities, and the processing 
          of permits for eligible renewable energy resources.  Funding is 
          to be made available only upon appropriation by the Legislature. 

           Current law  prohibits the award of a grant to a county within 
          the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) if the 
          county is not participant in the plan.

           This bill  broadens eligibility for the planning grants to also 
          include counties that enter into a memorandum of understanding 
          with the CEC agreeing to participate in the development of a 

          Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan - The DRECP is a 
          component of California's renewable energy planning efforts that 
          is to result in a biological mitigation and conservation program 
          providing renewable project developers with permit timing and 
          cost certainty under the federal and California Endangered 
          Species Acts while at the same time preserving, restoring and 
          enhancing natural communities and related ecosystems. 


          Approximately 22.5 million acres of federal and non-federal 
          California desert land are in the DRECP Plan Area.

          The DRECP is focused on the desert regions and adjacent lands of 
          seven California counties - Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, 
          Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego. It is being prepared 
          through a collaborative effort between the CEC, Department of 
          Fish and Game (DFG), the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and the 
          U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also known as the Renewable 
          Energy Action Team.

          Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) - This DFG 
          program includes private and public partners and takes a 
          broad-based ecosystem approach to planning for the protection 
          and perpetuation of biological diversity. An NCCP identifies and 
          provides for the regional or area-wide protection of plants, 
          animals, and their habitats, while allowing compatible and 
          appropriate economic activity. 

          The NCCP program is a cooperative effort to protect habitats and 
          species. It began in 1991 under the State's Natural Community 
          Conservation Planning Act, legislation broader in its 
          orientation and objectives than the California and Federal 
          Endangered Species Acts.  The primary objective of the NCCP 
          program is to conserve natural communities at the ecosystem 
          level while accommodating compatible land use. The program seeks 
          to anticipate and prevent the controversies and gridlock caused 
          by species' listings by focusing on the long-term stability of 
          wildlife and plant communities and including key interests in 
          the process.

          Working with landowners, environmental organizations, and other 
          interested parties, a local agency oversees the numerous 
          activities that compose the development of a conservation plan. 
          The DFG and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provide the 
          necessary support, direction, and guidance to NCCP participants. 
          The NCCP approach to conservation is available statewide and 
          planning efforts are underway in Butte, Santa Clara, Placer, 
          Yolo, Sutter, and Yuba Counties, as well as with the Mendocino 
          Redwood Company. There are currently 23 active NCCPs covering 
          more than 11 million acres.



              1.   Author's Purpose  .  To broaden eligibility for county 
               plan grants that facilitate the development of renewable 
               resources to meet the goals for the Renewables Portfolio 
               Standard which increases the amount of electricity 
               generated from eligible renewable energy resources per 
               year, so that amount equals at least 33% of total retail 
               sales of electricity in California per year by 2020.    

              2.   Program Status  .  This program was authorized by the 
               Legislature in 2011 but implementation was contingent on an 
               appropriation by the Legislature. The Governor's proposed 
               budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year requested two 
               limited-term positions for one year to develop and 
               administer the grants.  Grants would be issued to qualified 
               counties for the development or revision of rules and 
               policies that facilitate the development of eligible 
               renewable energy resources and their associated electric 
               transmission facilities, and the processing of permits for 
               eligible renewable energy resources.  The resources trailer 
               bill to the Budget Act of 2012 provides the funding 
               necessary for the grants as a result of loan paybacks from 
               the General Fund to the CEC's Renewable Resources Trust 

              3.   Technical Amendment  .  The Legislature adopted AB 2161 
               (Achadjian) this summer which is pending enrollment to the 
               governor which adds an additional county to the list of 
               eligible counties.  However, neither bill addresses this 
               issue with the appropriate jointing language to avoid 
               chaptering-out.  Consequently, the author and committee may 
               wish to consider amending this bill to add San Luis Obispo 
               County to the list of qualified counties.  The author would 
               then need to work with the Governor's office to ensure that 
               AB 1255 is chaptered after AB 2161.

                                   ASSEMBLY VOTES  *  
          Assembly Floor                               (72-0)
          Assembly Appropriations Committee            (17-0)
          Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy           
          *Prior votes not relevant



          None on file.

          None on file.


          Kellie Smith 
          AB 1255 Analysis
          Hearing Date:  August 31, 2012