BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 1508
                                                                  Page  1

          AB 1508 (Carter)
          As Amended  August 14, 2012
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |75-0 |(May 14, 2012)  |SENATE: |39-0 |(August 20,    |
          |           |     |                |        |     |2012)          |
           Original Committee Reference:    B.,P. & C.P.  

           SUMMARY  :  Revises the exemption on the purchase of nonferrous 
          materials with a value of $20 or less from certain payment 
          restrictions by requiring that the majority of the transaction 
          be for the redemption of beverage containers and prohibiting the 
          purchase of materials made of copper or copper alloys, as 

           The Senate amendments  are technical and clarifying and add 
          language to avoid chaptering out issues with AB 1583 (Roger 

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Requires junk dealers and recyclers to keep written records of 
            all sales and purchases made in the course of their business, 
            and makes a violation of recordkeeping requirements a crime.

          2)Prohibits a junk dealer or recycler from providing payment for 
            nonferrous materials unless the payment is made by mailed 
            check or cash or the check is provided three days after the 
            date of sale, and the dealer or recycler obtains a photograph 
            or video of the seller and certain other identifying 
            information, as specified, and retains this information for a 
            specified period of time.

          3)Exempts from payment restrictions the redemption of nonferrous 
            materials with a value under $20 if the primary purpose of the 
            transaction is the redemption of beverage containers, as 

          4)Provides for the California Beverage Container Recycling and 
            Litter Reduction Act administered by the Division of Recycling 
            in the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery.


                                                                  AB 1508
                                                                  Page  2

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY  , this bill was substantially similar 
          to the version passed by the Senate.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  Unknown.  This bill is keyed non-fiscal by the 
          Legislative Counsel.

          Analysis Prepared by  :    Angela Mapp / B.,P. & C.P. / (916) 

                                                               FN: 0005163