BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 1598
                                                                  Page  1

          Date of Hearing:   April 18, 2012

                                Felipe Fuentes, Chair

                AB 1598 (Buchanan) - As Introduced:  February 6, 2012 

          Policy Committee:                              Labor and 
          Employment   Vote:                            5-1

          Urgency:     No                   State Mandated Local Program: 
          Yes    Reimbursable:              Yes


          This bill defines installation within the scope of a public 
          works project to include the assembly and disassembly of 
          freestanding and affixed modular office systems for the purpose 
          of paying a prevailing wage.  

           FISCAL EFFECT  

          1)Potential increased staff costs to the Department of 
            Industrial Relations (DIR), likely less than $125,000, due to 
            increased workload regarding enforcement.   

          2)To the extent this measure leads to an increase in the number 
            of prevailing wage fines issued by DIR, there will an increase 
            in special fund revenue, which will likely offset any 
            increased staff costs.


           1)Background  .  According to DIR, California's prevailing wage 
            rate is the basic hourly rate paid on public works projects to 
            a majority of workers engaged in a particular craft, 
            classification or type of work within the locality and in the 
            nearest labor market area (if a majority of such workers are 
            paid at a single rate).  If there is no single rate paid to a 
            majority, the single or modal rate being paid to the greater 
            number of workers is prevailing.  DIR further notes that the 
            prevailing wage is determined by the Director of DIR in 
            written determinations issued annually on February 22 and 
            August 22.  Existing law establishes penalties for 
            contractors/subcontractors who fail to pay the prevailing wage 


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            to workers, as specified. 

            Existing law defines "public works" as construction, 
            alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done 
            under contract and paid for in whole or in part out of public 
            funds, except work done directly by any public utility 
            company, as specified.  Statute also requires a prevailing 
            wage to be paid to all workers employed on a public works 
            project over $1,000.  

            SB 975 (Alarcon), Chapter 938, Statutes of 2001, defined the 
            terms "public funds" and included the word installation in the 
            definition of public works.  The term installation was added 
            to clarify future prevailing wage determinations made by DIR 
            as it related to the installation of office modular systems.  
            Prior to 2001, DIR issued several administrative decisions 
            that a prevailing wage was not required to be paid if the 
            modular systems were not bolted, secured, or mounted to the 
            walls/floors (Valley View Elementary School, PW 99-034 
            (September 1999) and Medal Workers and Metal Storage Shelving, 
            PW 99-060 (November 1999)).  
          2)Purpose  .  Chapter 938 was intended to clarify the issue of 
            paying a prevailing wage in public works projects involving 
            the installation of modular office systems.  DIR, however, 
            continued to determine that paying a prevailing wage is only 
            required when the office system is "bolted down, secured, or 
            mounted to the realty (walls/floors)" (PW 2005-017, Western 
            Contract Services, Assembly and Disassembly of Free-Standing 
            Modular Furniture (December 2005).  In 2009, DIR was more 
            specific in this conclusion stating: "where modular furniture 
            is mounted, bolted or secured to the floor, ceiling or walls, 
            it becomes part of the building structure.  Free-standing 
            modular furniture is materially distinguishable from modular 
            furniture that is affixed to the reality in that free-standing 
            modular furniture more closely resembles personal office 
            furniture such as desks and chairs that do not become part of 
            the building structure."  

            The author contends the inclusion of the word installation in 
            the definition of public works under SB 975 "was to ensure 
            that the assembly and disassembly of modular office systems 
            would be covered by prevailing wages whether the office 
            systems installed were affixed or freestanding. Unfortunately, 
            no definition was provided for the term installation. The 


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            Director Ýof DIR] has continued to rely on the precedential 
            decisions referred to above that were made before the term 
            installation was added to the definition of covered work. 
            Consequently, the intent of the 2001 addition of the term 
            installation was never effectuated."  

            This bill, sponsored by the Northern California Carpenters 
            Regional Council, defines installation within the scope of a 
            public works project to include the assembly and disassembly 
            of freestanding and affixed modular office systems for the 
            purpose of paying a prevailing wage.  

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Kimberly Rodriguez / APPR. / (916) 