BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                   Senate Appropriations Committee Fiscal Summary
                           Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair

          AB 1723 (Fuentes) - Live Video and Audio Transmission of 
          Amended: August 6, 2012         Policy Vote: Education 9-0
          Urgency: No                     Mandate: No
          Hearing Date: August 16, 2012                               
          Consultant: Jacqueline Wong-Hernandez                       
          SUSPENSE FILE.

          Bill Summary: AB 1723 expands the requirements to be met by the 
          Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges (CCC), 
          the Trustees of the California State University (CSU), the 
          California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC), and the 
          California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), as well as EdFund, 
          regarding live broadcasts of their public meetings to include 
          live video transmissions, and requests the University of 
          California (UC) to comply with these provisions. 

          Fiscal Impact: The requirements of this bill will result in 
          varying costs by segment and agency, because they differ in 
          current practice and access to appropriate technology.
              CCC: No additional costs; the CCC Board of Governors 
              currently complies with the requirements of this bill.
              CSU: $550,000 in one-time costs to bring facility 
              infrastructure and equipment up to a level capable of 
              providing live video transmissions, and minor ongoing costs 
              to store video on-line.
              UC: $78,000 - $123,000 in initial equipment and contracting 
              expenses, and $49,000-$110,000 in ongoing costs.
              CSAC: $53,600 in initial contracting costs, and $35,200 in 
              ongoing costs.

          Background: Existing law requires the boards of the segments and 
          the CPEC and CSAC (and affiliated) auxiliaries to conduct 
          meetings in public pursuant to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting 
          Act. Existing law also requires that broadcasting, 
          audio-recording or video-recording must be allowed so long as it 
          does not disrupt the meeting. (Government Code §11120-11132)


          AB 1723 (Fuentes)
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          Existing law also requires the Board of Governors of the CCC, 
          the Trustees of the CSU, the CPEC, and the CSAC, as well as 
          EdFund, and requests the UC, to make a live audio broadcast of 
          each of its open public meetings available on the internet 
          through a technology accessible to as large a segment of the 
          population as possible using cable, satellite, over-the-air, or 
          other type of transmission that can be accessed via television, 
          or via webcast. (Education Code §66020.5)

          Proposed Law: AB 1723 expands those requirements regarding live 
          broadcasts of public meetings of the segments' governing boards. 
          Specifically, this bill:

          1) Expands current law requirements beyond live audio broadcast 
          of open meetings to additionally require live video 
          transmissions; 2) deletes "over-the-air" technology as an option 
          for live video transmission; 3) requires that the specified 
          entities archive and post video and audio transmission on their 
          respective websites within 48 hours and for at least 12 months; 
          and, 4) requests that the UC Regents comply with these 
          Related Legislation: AB 1436 (Portantino) Ch. 233/2010 required 
          the Board of Governors of the CCC, the CSU Trustees, the CPEC, 
          and the CSAC, as well as EdFund, and requested the UC, to make a 
          live audio broadcast of each of its open public meetings 
          available on the internet, as specified.

          Staff Comments: Of the entities subject the provisions of this 
          bill, only the CCC Board of Governors currently completes the 
          activities required by this bill.

          The CSU estimates that it would incur $550,000 in equipment and 
          related costs to be able to stream live video, which CSU reports 
          its current technology cannot do. The CSU also anticipates 
          $20,000-$30,000 in annual video recording costs, and to store 
          the video online for the specified time period.

          The UC estimates a total first year cost of $78,000-$123,000 for 
          software purchases and camera equipment, as well as to provide 
          streaming video of all open session meetings of the UC Regents 
          and committees. Annual costs, after the first year, are 
          estimated to be $49,000-$110,000 to record the video and store 
          it, depending on vendor contract pricing and whether the UC is 


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          able to move the work in-house. 

          It is not clear why the initial equipment purchase costs would 
          vary widely between the CSU and the UC. The CSAC, which has 
          fewer public meetings than the UC and CSU, estimates a total 
          first year cost of $53,600 and ongoing costs of $35,200. This 
          estimate assumes the CSAC would contract with a vendor to 
          provide the video coverage and technology, and would store the 
          videos on its existing server.

          Recommended Amendments: Staff recommends that references to CPEC 
          be removed from the bill.