BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 1743
                                                                  Page  1

          AB 1743 (Campos)
          As Amended  May 25, 2012
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |74-1 |(April 12,      |SENATE: |37-0 |(May 30, 2012) |
          |           |     |2012)           |        |     |               |
           Original Committee Reference:    HIGHER ED.  

           SUMMARY  :  Clarifies that existing law regarding the provision of 
          information about athletic scholarships to student athletes 
          applies only to postsecondary educational institutions with a 
          physical campus and athletic facilities in California.

           The Senate amendments  are technical and clarifying.
          AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY  , this bill was substantially similar 
          to the current version.  

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  This bill is keyed non-fiscal by the Legislative 

           COMMENTS  :  Existing law, established by AB 2079 (Torlakson), 
          Chapter 592, Statutes of 2010, requires all California 
          postsecondary educational institutions that offer athletic 
          scholarships to provide scholarship information on their Web 
          sites, in order to ensure that the recruitment process and 
          subsequent scholarship agreements are transparent for both 
          students and parents.  

          According to the author, postsecondary schools with a primary 
          campus in another state that have satellite campuses in 
          California and/or online classes offered in California are 
          included within the meaning of "California postsecondary 
          educational institutions" under the prior legislation.  
          Accordingly, these off-campus facilities are required to comply 
          with the Web site scholarship information requirement.  Since 
          these schools do not have athletic teams operating in California 
          it is impracticable to require them to provide athletic 
          scholarship information on their Web sites.

          This new definition would exclude any postsecondary school that 


                                                                  AB 1743
                                                                  Page  2

          has an athletics program at an institution in another state but 
          offers only online courses in California, including Ashford 
          University in Iowa (which is owned by California-based 
          Bridgepoint Education, Inc.), the sponsor of this bill.  
          Further, Ashford University participates in the National 
          Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, not National 
          Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), so posting NCAA 
          scholarship information is not relevant for its students.  

           Analysis prepared by  :    Sandra Fried / HIGHER ED. / (916) 

                                                               FN: 0004021