BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 1784
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          AB 1784 (Monning)
          As Amended  June 26, 2012
          4/5 vote.  Urgency
          |ASSEMBLY:  |72 - |(May 3, 2012)   |SENATE: |36-0 |(June 28,      |
          |           |0    |                |        |     |2012)          |
          Original Committee Reference:    W., P. & W.

          SUMMARY:   Authorizes the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to 
          authorize scientific research projects involving mountain lions.

           The Senate amendments  :

          1)Clarify that the scientific research permits for mountain lion 
            research shall be issued pursuant to an existing provision of 
            law authorizing issuance of scientific collecting permits.

          2)Define the terms "authorized research project," 
            "permitholder," and "scientific collecting permit" for 
            purposes of this bill.

          3)Provide that the research project shall be governed by the 
            scientific collecting permit, instead of a memorandum of 
            understanding, and require the permit to include, at a 
            minimum, proposed research methods and recordkeeping 
            requirements that address specified issues.  Require the 
            permit applicant to document that they have at least one 
            onsite staff person with at least one year of experience in 
            the proposed research methods.

          4)Clarify that DFG may authorize permitholders to pursue, 
            capture, temporarily possess, temporarily injure, mark, attach 
            to or surgically implant monitoring or recognition devices in, 
            provide veterinary care to, and transport mountain lions.  

          5)Remove the ability of DFG or the Fish and Game Commission to 
            revoke authorization of the scientific collecting permit at 
            their discretion.

          6)Make other technical changes.


                                                                 AB 1784
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           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Makes it unlawful to take, injure, possess, transport, import 
            or sell any mountain lion or any part or product thereof, with 
            limited exceptions (Proposition 117, 1990 Statewide 

          2)Requires a four-fifths vote of the Legislature to amend 
            Proposition 117, and requires that any amendment be in 
            furtherance of the purpose of the initiative.

          3)Authorizes the possession of a legally obtained mountain lion 
            carcass for display for a scientific or educational purpose at 
            a nonprofit or government owned museum or educational 

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY  , this bill authorized DFG to authorize 
          scientific research on mountain lions.  The research project 
          would be conducted pursuant to a memorandum of understanding 
          that addressed specified issues.  The amendments added in the 
          Senate are primarily clarifying.   

          FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Appropriations 
          Committee, pursuant to Senate Rule 28.8, negligible state costs.
          COMMENTS  :  This bill provides a narrow exemption to the 1990 
          Mountain Lion Initiative (Proposition 117) that will allow for 
          scientific research projects on mountain lions to be approved by 
          DFG.  Proposition 117 protects mountain lions from being hunted 
          or killed in California, and makes it unlawful to take, injure, 
          possess, transport, or sell a mountain lion.  For 20 years after 
          the passage of the initiative, DFG continued to authorize 
          scientific research projects involving mountain lions, but in 
          2011 a new legal analysis of the initiative prompted DFG to 
          conclude that it does not have the authority to issue permits 
          for scientific research on mountain lions, as it had previously 
          been doing.  The initiative expressly authorizes the take of 
          mountain lions that pose an imminent threat to public safety, or 
          mountain lions that are involved in the depredation of 
          livestock, but does not specifically authorize handling of 
          mountain lions for scientific research purposes.  This bill, 
          because it amends Proposition 117, an initiative measure 
          approved by the voters, requires a four-fifths vote of the 
          Legislature for passage.  The inability of researchers to obtain 
          authorization from DFG has halted the continuation of mountain 


                                                                  AB 1784
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          lion research in the state, other than what limited research DFG 
          may be engaged directly in conducting.  This bill is necessary 
          to authorize continuation of ongoing and new scientific research 
          projects on mountain lions.  The University of California has 
          been one of the primary institutions involved in mountain lion 
          research in California, and continuation of the University's 
          work in this area is on hold pending a resolution of this issue. 
           Any amendment to Proposition 117 requires a four-fifths vote of 
          the Legislature, and must be in furtherance of the purpose of 
          the initiative.

          Supporters emphasize the importance of mountain lion research 
          which benefits both mountain lions and human safety by improving 
          understanding of lion behaviors and movement patterns.  
          Scientific research is also important in better understanding 
          the roles of apex predators like mountain lions in the 
          ecosystem, and the dynamics of predator prey relationships 
          between mountain lions and other species such as bighorn sheep.  
          There is no known opposition to this bill.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Diane Colborn / W., P. & W. / (916) 

                                                                FN: 0004293