BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                AB 1960
                                                                Page  1

        AB 1960 (Dickinson)
        As Amended  March 27, 2012
        Majority vote 

         BUSINESS & PROFESSIONS     6-2  APPROPRIATIONS      12-4           
        |Ayes:|Hayashi, Allen, Butler,   |Ayes:|Fuentes, Blumenfield,     |
        |     |Eng, Hill, Ma             |     |Bradford,                 |
        |     |                          |     |Charles Calderon, Campos, |
        |     |                          |     |Davis,                    |
        |     |                          |     |Gatto, Hall, Hill, Lara,  |
        |     |                          |     |Mitchell,                 |
        |     |                          |     |Solorio                   |
        |     |                          |     |                          |
        |Nays:|Bill Berryhill, Smyth     |Nays:|Donnelly, Nielsen, Norby, |
        |     |                          |     |Wagner                    |

         SUMMARY  :  Requires the Department of General Services (DGS) to 
        report on business participation levels by lesbian, gay, bisexual, 
        and transgender (LGBT) owners in contracts, as specified, beginning 
        January 1, 2013.  Specifically,  this bill  :  

        1)Requires DGS to report on the participation levels of LGBT 
          businesses in state contracts that have been voluntarily reported 
          as of January 1, 2013, for the following categories:
           a)   Construction;
           b)   Purchases of materials, supplies, or equipment; and, 

           c)   Professional services. 

        2)Makes technical and clarifying changes. 

         EXISTING LAW  requires DGS to report on business participation levels 
        by race, ethnicity, and gender of the owner, in specified contracts. 

         FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, 
        DGS will incur one-time costs of $20,000 to update forms and 


                                                                AB 1960
                                                                Page  2

        reporting instructions and annual costs of $35,000 for outreach to 
        departments and compiling and reporting of the required data.  
        ÝService Revolving Fund]

         COMMENTS  :  According to the author's office, "Currently, the level 
        of participation of business enterprises by race, gender, and 
        ethnicity of a contractor is collected by DGS and annually reported. 
         AB 1960 would add LGBT-owned businesses to the list?  This is 
        information that has the ability to show the extent to which this 
        essential segment of society drives the state economy." 

        Current law requires DGS to report the participation levels of small 
        businesses that include the owner's race, ethnicity, and gender 
        information in statewide contracts.

         Analysis Prepared by  :    Joanna Gin / B.,P. & C.P. / (916) 319-3301 

                                                                  FN: 0003394