BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2142
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          AB 2142 (Furutani)
          As Amended July 2, 2012
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |75-0 |(May 17, 2012)  |SENATE: |38-0 |(August 21,    |
          |           |     |                |        |     |2012)          |
           Original Committee Reference:    P.E.,R & S.S.  
          SUMMARY  :  Authorizes the California Public Employees' Retirement 
          System (CalPERS) to implement risk adjustment procedures that 
          adjust and redistribute payments across its health plans based 
          on rules and regulations established by the CalPERS Board of 
          Administration (Board).  Specifically,  this bill  :

          1)Authorizes CalPERS to implement risk adjustment procedures 
            that adjust and redistribute payments across its health plans 
            based on rules and regulations established by the Board.

          2)Specifies these risk adjustment procedures be designed to 
            encourage health plans to offer benefits based on medical and 
            administrative efficiency as well as quality of care, rather 
            than on an employee's or annuitant's health status or on 
            service areas with low-risk populations.

          3)Allows the Board to adjust premiums, as part of its programs 
            for health promotion and disease prevention.

          4)Includes within the Public Employees' Health Care Fund any 
            moneys from a health benefit plan for risk adjustment, and 
            permits the board to use reserves generated by one or more 
            self-funded plans for risk adjustment programs and procedures.

           The Senate amendments  :

          1)Clarify that the risk adjustment procedures should be designed 
            to encourage plans to offer benefits based upon medical and 
            administrative efficiency and quality of care rather than on 
            the employee's or annuitant's health status or service areas 
            with low-risk populations.

          2)Permit the board to use reserves generated by one or more 


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            self-funded plans for risk adjustment programs and procedures.

          3)Make other clarifying and technical changes.

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Authorizes the CalPERS Board to administer the Public 
            Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA), which 
            provides health benefits for the State of California and for 
            more than 1,100 local and governmental agency and school 
            employers.  The Board annually determines health plan 
            availability, covered benefits, health premiums, and 
            out-of-pocket payments for over 1.3 million participants at an 
            annual cost of nearly $7 billion. 

          2)Authorizes the Board to contract with health plan providers, 
            to contract with providers based on performance, and to credit 
            premiums to an employer for expenditures that are likely to 
            improve the health status of employees and annuitants. 

          3)Authorizes the Board to contract for, or approve, health 
            benefit plans that charge a contracting agency and its 
            employees and annuitants rates based on regional variations in 
            the costs of health care services, and to contract for, or 
            approve, health benefit plans exclusively for the employees 
            and annuitants of contracting agencies. 

          4)Specifies the premiums charged for health plan participants 
            must also reasonably reflect the cost of the benefits 

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY,  this bill was substantially similar 
          to the version approved by the Senate.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Appropriations 
          Committee, "CalPERS will incur administrative costs associated 
          with promulgating regulations, implementing the risk adjustment 
          procedures and administering necessary adjustments, as well as 
          developing health promotion and disease prevention programs.  
          Exact costs are unknown, but committee staff believes they will 
          likely exceed $150,000 annually (Special).

          "The proposed risk-adjustment model could potentially save money 
          to the extent that it encourages members to select the most 
          cost-efficient health plans.  Any savings will depend on several 


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          factors including: the adjustment methodology; the speed at 
          which member behavior changes as a result; and the contribution 
          formulas for the various participating employers and their 

           COMMENTS  :  CalPERS administers three Health Maintenance 
          Organization (HMO) plans: Blue Shield of California Net Value; 
          Blue Shield Access+; and Kaiser Permanente.  It also manages 
          three self-funded Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans, 
          which are PERS Select, PERS Choice, and PERSCare.  In addition, 
          CalPERS administers three plans for association members, which 
          are the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, the 
          California Association of Highway Patrolmen, and the Peace 
          Officers Research Association of California.

          The following information was provided to the Committee by 

             The risk-adjustment process allows for the adjustment 
             of health plan payments, health care provider payments 
             and individual or group premiums, so that they reflect 
             the health status of members.  It typically involves 
             two steps:

             1)   Risk assessment - measuring the risk (represented 
               by predicted overall claim dollars) of each person in 
               a group relative to the average risk.

             2)   Premium/payment adjustment - modifying of 
               premiums/payments to health plans to reflect 
               differences in risk. 

             Risk adjustment encourages CalPERS health plan 
             providers to compete on the basis of medical and 
             administrative efficiency and quality of care rather 
             than on their ability to select risk, equitably 
             compensates providers for the participant health 
             risks they assume, and maintains participant choice 
             from among multiple health plans based on premiums 
             that reflect plan design differences and relative 
             efficiencies, rather than participants' health 

            The federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) authorized the 
            establishment of risk adjustment programs as part of 


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            the newly created statewide health insurance exchanges 
            to transfer funds from health plans enrolling the 
            lowest-risk individuals to health plans enrolling the 
            highest-risk individuals in order to reduce or 
            eliminate premium differences among health plans. The 
            federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 
            is developing a methodology for the risk-adjustment 
            program and will adopt these changes through 
            regulations. Although CalPERS is not subject to this 
            requirement or participation in a statewide insurance 
            exchange, it is seeking the authority to adopt 
            methodologies through regulations similar to those 
            developed by HHS for risk adjustment. 

            Wellness and disease management incentives improve 
            participants' health outcomes by increasing 
            participation in wellness programs to prevent disease, 
            and in disease management programs to slow or halt 
            disease progression.  While existing law provides 
            authority for the Board to implement cost containment 
            and cost reduction incentive programs, AB 2142 would 
            give the Board broad authority to develop wellness and 
            risk adjustment programs that include the adjustment of 
            premiums, including the provision of incentives for 
            disease management and tobacco cessation.  These 
            changes may be incorporated into the Board's next 
            health benefits plan procurements for 2014. 

             Wellness promotion and prevention initiatives are also 
             included as part of the ACA as a means to constrain 
             the continuing growth trend of medical-treatment 
             spending and costs.  According to the Centers for 
             Disease Control and Prevention, chronic diseases such 
             as asthma, cancer, diabetes and heart disease account 
             for more than 75 cents of every dollar spent on health 
             care in the United States.  Wellness promotion and 
             disease management may help prevent more expensive 
             modes of treatment for these and other chronic 
             diseases, which might have been prevented or better 
             managed at the outset.

          According to CalPERS, "Authorizing the Board to adopt these 
          changes will allow CalPERS to improve participant health 
          outcomes, encourage health plan competition, maintain plan 
          choices, promote efficiency and quality amongst health plans, 


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          and lower health care costs. Without these changes, CalPERS will 
          be limited in its ability to develop more effective health 
          benefit programs and reduce participant, State and contracting 
          agency benefit costs."

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Karon Green / P.E., R. & S.S. / (916) 

                                                                FN: 0005199