BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2198
                                                                  Page  1

          AB 2198 (Nielsen) 
          As Amended  May 10, 2012
          Majority Vote 

           Veterans Affairs    8-0         APPROPRIATIONS      16-0        
          |Ayes:|Pan, Atkins, Block,       |Ayes:|Fuentes, Blumenfield,     |
          |     |Gorell, Nielsen, V.       |     |Bradford, Charles         |
          |     |Manuel Pérez, Williams,   |     |Calderon, Campos, Davis,  |
          |     |Yamada                    |     |Donnelly, Gatto, Hall,    |
          |     |                          |     |Hill, Lara, Mitchell,     |
          |     |                          |     |Nielsen, Norby, Solorio,  |
          |     |                          |     |Wagner                    |
          SUMMARY  :  The Department of Veterans Affairs (Department) is 
          required to submit an annual report on the activity of County 
          Veteran Service Officers (CVSO).  Specifically,  this bill  :  

          1)Changes the reporting requirement to include:

             a)   The number of veterans and their family members who have 
               contacted or utilized the services of the county veterans 
               service offices during the fiscal year; 

             b)   The number of claims filed to achieve benefits such as 
               pension, disability compensation, and healthcare on behalf 
               of veterans and their dependents; and,

             c)   The annualized monetary value of benefits received by 
               veterans and their dependents as a result of county 
               veterans service office's efforts, broken down by type of 

             d)   The report will also contain a summary of other services 
               provided by county veterans service offices and special 
               events and activities in which county veterans service 
               offices participated; such as veterans outreach events, 
               homeless veteran "Stand Downs," and job fairs for veterans.

          2)Extends the January 1 due date to March 1.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations 


                                                                  AB 2198
                                                                  Page  2

          Committee, negligible state costs.

           COMMENTS  :  The annual report on the activities of CVSOs is 
          currently due on January 1.  At that time the Legislature is not 
          in session, and according to the author, the impact of the 
          report is diminished as a result of the absence of the 
          Legislature.  It is the author's belief that by changing the due 
          date of the report from January 1 to March 1, there will be a 
          chance for the actions of the CVSOs to be brought to the 
          attention of the members of the Legislature. 

          The information presently requested in the report is focused on 
          funding and the benefit payments being obtained by the CVSOs.  
          According to the author, the report does not give the full 
          picture on the actions of CVSOs and the amount of work they 
          actually do.  For example, the total number of claims filed by 
          CVSOs is not reported.  A CVSO may make multiple claims for one 
          veteran, but rather than demonstrating the amount of work the 
          report only displays the amount of money that veteran will be 

          According to the author the CVSOs now use a system which makes 
          it easier for them to compile useful information for the report, 
          which is being requested in this bill.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Jenny Callison / V. A. / (916) 319-3550 

                                                                FN: 0003574