BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2368
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          Date of Hearing:   April 11, 2012

                           ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION
                                Julia Brownley, Chair
                    AB 2368 (Block) - As Amended:  March 29, 2012
          SUBJECT  :   School security:  security departments:  school 
          police departments

           SUMMARY  :  Strikes language expressing the intent of the 
          Legislature that a school district police department is 
          supplementary to city and county law enforcement agencies and is 
          not vested with general police powers.  Specifically,  this bill  :

          1)Strikes the reference to police department in the provision 
            authorizing a governing board to establish a security and 
            police department and instead establishes a new subdivision 
            authorizing a governing board to establish a school police 
            department under the supervision of a school chief of police.  
            Authorizes the governing board to employ personnel as 
            necessary to enforce the law on or about the properties of the 
            school district or when performing necessary duties with 
            respect to pupils, school district personnel, and properties 
            of the school district.  

          2)Strikes the provision authorizing a school district to assign 
            a school police reserve officer to a schoolsite to supplement 
            the duties of school police personnel.  

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Authorizes the governing board of any school district to 
            establish a security department under the supervision of a 
            chief of security or a police department under the supervision 
            of a chief of police, as designated by, and under the 
            direction of, the superintendent of the school district.  
            Expresses the intent of the Legislature that a school district 
            police or security department is supplementary to city and 
            county law enforcement agencies and is not vested with general 
            police powers.  (Education Code (EC) Section 38000)

          2)Specifies that persons employed and compensated as members of 
            a police department of a school district, when appointed and 
            duly sworn, are peace officers.  (EC Section 38001)


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          3)Provides that persons employed the by California Community 
            College police department and school district police 
            department are peace officers whose authority extends to any 
            place in the state for the purpose of performing their primary 
            duty or when making an arrest as to any public offense with 
            respect to which there is immediate danger to person or 
            property, or of the escape of the perpetrator of that offense. 
             Authorizes those peace officers to carry firearms only if 
            authorized and under terms and conditions specified by their 
            employing agency.  (Penal Code Section 830.32)

          4)Defines "school security officer" as any person primarily 
            employed or assigned to provide security services as a 
            watchperson, security guard, or patrolperson on or about 
            premises owned or operated by a school district to protect 
            persons or property or to prevent the theft or unlawful taking 
            of district property of any kind or to report any unlawful 
            activity to the district and local law enforcement agencies.  
            (EC Section 38001.5)

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Legislative Counsel, this bill 
          is non-fiscal

           COMMENTS  :   Background  .  Governing boards are authorized to 
          establish security departments headed by a Chief of Security and 
          a police department headed by a chief of police.  Security 
          departments are considered supplementary to city and county law 
          enforcement agencies and are not vested with general police 
          powers.  Individuals employed and compensated as members of a 
          police department of a school district, when appointed and duly 
          sworn, are considered peace officers.  The Penal Code specifies 
          that the authority of persons employed by school district police 
          departments extends to any place in the state and authorizes 
          these types of peace officers to carry a firearm only if 
          authorized by the employing agency.  

          There is no data on the number of districts that have security 
          or police departments.  Larger districts are more likely than 
          smaller districts to have police departments.  

          Purpose of the bill.   The author states that this bill is simply 
          a technical cleanup bill.  The Education Code expresses the 
          intent of the Legislature that school district police or 
          security department is supplementary to city and county law 
          enforcement agencies and is not vested with general police 


                                                                  AB 2368
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          powers, even though EC Section 38001 and Penal Code Section 
          830.32 give members of school police departments peace officer 
          status with general police powers.  This bill strikes the 
          reference to school "police" department in the intent language.  
          A review of the legislative history did not reveal any 
          explanation for the conflict between the intent language and 
          other sections of the law.  

          The author states that the bill eliminates any confusion 
          regarding the powers of school law enforcement.  According to 
          the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), 
          whose membership includes school police officers, some local 
          governing boards have raised questions about the powers of 
          school police officers, which may stem from the October 2011 
          shooting of a Twin Rivers Unified School District Police 
          Department officer during a traffic stop.  A man who was 
          arrested during the incident died on the way to the local police 
          station.  The Coroner did not conclude cause of death; however, 
          the incident has raised questions about why the school police 
          officer was making a non-school related traffic stop and sparked 
          community allegations that the Twin Rivers Police Department 
          frequently overstep its mandate.

          This bill separates the reference to school police departments 
          from the provision authorizing the establishment of a school 
          security department and establishes a new subdivision giving 
          school districts authority to establish police departments.  The 
          bill adds language giving governing boards the authority to 
          employ personnel "as necessary to enforce the law on or about 
          the properties of the school district or when performing 
          necessary duties with respect to pupils, school district 
          personnel, and properties of the school district."  This 
          narrower focus of the duties of school police personnel is 
          modeled after existing law authorizing the establishment of a 
          community college police department.   This language will help 
          clarify the intended jurisdiction of school police department.   

           Committee amendment  .  The bill strikes the provision giving 
          governing boards the authority to assign a school police reserve 
          officer to a schoolsite to supplement the duties of school 
          police personnel.  According to the San Diego Schools Police 
          Officers Association, this language is duplicative of another 
          section of law authorizing school districts to establish a 
          school police reserve officer corps and is not necessary.  Staff 


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          recommends reinstating the language as it is an appropriate 
          reference in this section of law.  

           Arguments in support  .  The San Diego Schools Police Officers 
          Association states, "When Education Code 38000 was created, it 
          was the intent of the Legislature for School Police Officers to 
          work on or about our schools, protect school district property 
          and protect our students at our schools or as they travel to 
          compete throughout the State of California.  With the evolution 
          of law enforcement, as a whole, the role and training of School 
          Police Officer grew to the same level as municipal peace 
          officers with additional training in the area of working with 
          juveniles and within the same school environment while still 
          maintaining the original intent of the Legislature?.This bill 
          will maintain the original intent of the Legislature while 
          defining the distinctive role between a School  Police  Department 
          and the limited role of a School  Security  Department." 


          San Diego Schools Police Officers Association

          None on file
          Analysis Prepared by  :    Sophia Kwong Kim / ED. / (916) 319-2087