BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2544
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          AB 2544 (Gordon)
          As Introduced  February 24, 2012
          Majority vote 

           NATURAL RESOURCES   6-3         APPROPRIATIONS      12-5        
          |Ayes:|Chesbro, Brownley,        |Ayes:|Fuentes, Blumenfield,     |
          |     |Dickinson, Huffman,       |     |Bradford, Charles         |
          |     |Monning, Skinner          |     |Calderon, Campos, Davis,  |
          |     |                          |     |Gatto, Hall, Hill, Lara,  |
          |     |                          |     |Mitchell, Solorio         |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
          |Nays:|Knight, Grove, Halderman  |Nays:|Harkey, Donnelly,         |
          |     |                          |     |Nielsen, Norby, Wagner    |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           SUMMARY  :  Clarifies and expands the Department of Forestry and 
          Fire Protection's (CalFire) authority regarding land 
          transactions for the purpose of qualifying for the Department of 
          General Services (DGS) review exemption.  Specifically,  this 
          bill  authorizes CalFire to:

          1)With the approval of DGS, enter into agreements, easements, 
            licenses, or permits to acquire real property rights for the 
            purposes of establishing fire protection, fire prevention, 
            fire suppression, demonstration state forests, pest control, 
            forest and range protection, and enhancement activities and 
            related uses.

          2)With the approval of DGS, lease real property acquired for 
            forestry and fire protection purposes.  Rent must be based on 
            the fair market value of the property when used for the 
            purpose for which it is leased.  The lease term shall not 
            exceed 10 years. No lease may be entered into that extends 
            beyond the 10-year period unless approved by the Legislature 
            or the Public Works Board as specified.

          3)Provide temporary means of ingress to, and egress from, all 
            property under its jurisdiction in order to provide ready 
            access for the purposes of harvesting timber, conducting 
            studies, and passing and placing equipment upon the 


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            department's lands.

          4)With the consent of DGS, lease any real or personal property 
            that the CalFire deems necessary for temporary use of fire 
            station facilities, modular facilities, storage, warehouse, or 
            office purposes when existing departmental facilities are 
            inadequate or when the extension, improvement, or development 
            of fire stations and forestry lands is needed. 

          5)Upon application by the proper authorities, grant permits and 
            easements a) to a public agency for public roads; b) to a 
            public agency for utility lines; c) for electric, gas, water, 
            sewer, telephone, telegraph, and utility lines, and pipelines 
            and structures incidental thereto to perform a public service; 
            and, d) to any oil and gas lessee of the state for pipeline 
            right-of-way purposes.

          6)Enter into contracts with owners of communication and 
            telecommunication facilities to provide communications and 
            telecommunications needed in connection with the prevention 
            and extinguishment of forest fires.

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Establishes CalFire, which is responsible for the fire 
            protection, fire prevention, maintenance, and enhancement of 
            the state's forest, range, and brushland resources, contract 
            fire protection, associated emergency services, and assistance 
            in civil disasters and other nonfire emergencies.

          2)Establishes DGS to provide centralized services including 
            planning, acquisition, construction, and maintenance of state 
            buildings and property.  DGS may acquire title to real 
            property in the name of the state whenever the acquisition of 
            real property is authorized or contemplated by law, if no 
            other state agency is specifically authorized and directed to 
            acquire it.

          3)Authorizes CalFire, with the approval of DGS, to purchase land 
            for lookout sites and for other administrative purposes.

          4)Authorizes CalFire, with the approval of DGS, to enter into 
            contracts with powerline owners for use of facilities, such as 
            pole lines, to provide communications needed in connection 


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            with the prevention and extinguishment of forest fires.  
            Provision may be made for indemnification and holding harmless 
            of the owners of such facilities.  Insurance may be purchased 
            by DGS, upon the request of CalFire, to protect the state 
            against loss or expense arising out of any such contract. 

          5)Authorizes DGS to exempt from its approval any state real 
            estate acquisition or conveyance involving not more $150,000 
            for which DGS's approval is required by statute.  Written 
            notice of an exemption shall be given to the Controller.

          FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations 
          Committee, potential savings of an unknown amount, less than 
          $100,000, resulting from eliminating the need for DGS review of 
          minor CalFire real estate transactions.  The amount of these 
          potential savings is unknown. 

          (DGS expresses concern the bill will result in duplication of 
          services, since DGS has a Real Estate Services Division that 
          conducts real estate transactions for all departments.  It seems 
          more likely, however, that such duplication of services exists 
          under current law, as CalFire real estate transactions, which 
          are reviewed by CalFire capital outlay staff, must also be 
          reviewed by DGS.)

           COMMENTS  :  CalFire, through its Capital Outlay Program, works 
          with DGS to acquire property and develop plans for facilities 
          such as fire stations, training centers, emergency command 
          centers, fire lookout towers, radio towers, and a number of 
          other kinds of compounds.  According to the author, CalFire has 
          developed real estate staffing and expertise through the Capital 
          Outlay Program.  When CalFire engages in a real estate 
          transaction, staff, among other things, negotiates and drafts 
          agreements and prepares the necessary documents.  Under existing 
          law, however, CalFire must send a proposed real estate 
          transaction to DGS for review and approval.  DGS often 
          duplicates many of the same efforts performed by CalFire.  The 
          author asserts that DGS' involvement has delayed multiple 
          projects and has cost CalFire and the General Fund hundreds of 
          thousands of dollars.  From 2008 to 2011, CalFire paid 
          approximately $65,000 to $88,000 for DGS review.  In some cases, 
          the DGS review process is more expensive than the value of the 


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          This bill gives CalFire the authority to receive exemptions from 
          DGS for real estate acquisitions or conveyances involving not 
          more than $150,000.  Additionally, this bill provides CalFire 
          the benefit of managing lands under its jurisdiction with 
          minimal DGS involvement for certain transactions, such as 
          ingress and egress approval for timber harvesting and other 
          temporary needs, or when public agencies request easements from 
          CalFire for installation of telephone, water, and public 
          utilities to adjacent property owners.

          Analysis Prepared by  :  Mario DeBernardo / NAT. RES. / (916) 

                                                                FN: 0003460