BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                       Bill No:  AB 
                       Senator Roderick D. Wright, Chair
                           2011-2012 Regular Session
                                 Staff Analysis

          AB 2580  Author:  Furutani 
          As Amended:  April 16, 2012
          Hearing Date:  June 26, 2012
          Consultant:  Paul Donahue


          Public contracts: LAUSD job order contracting pilot project

          Extends the sunset date on the Los Angeles Unified School 
          District's (LAUSD) job order contracting (JOC) pilot 
          project from December 1, 2012, to December 31, 2020.  
          Specifically,  this bill  :  

          1)Extends the sunset date on the LAUSD's JOC pilot project 
            from December 1, 2012, to December 31, 2020.  

          2)Requires the LAUSD, by June 30, 2017, to submit to the 
            Department of General Services (DGS) and the Legislature 
            an interim report on all job order contract projects 
            completed by December 31, 2016.  

          3)Requires the LAUSD, by December 31, 2019, to submit a 
            report to the DGS and the Legislature describing each job 
            order contract procured and the work completed under each 
            contract by June 30, 2019, as specified. 

          4)Requires the LAUSD to award job order contracts to the 
            most qualified bidder, instead of the lowest responsive 
            bidder, who is prequalified and compliant with the 
            LAUSD's project stabilization agreement (PSA).

          5)Specifies that PSA compliance shall constitute no more 


          AB 2580 (Furutani) continued                            
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            than three major violations on any LAUSD project within 
            the past three years.  If the contractor has more than 
            three violations, the LAUSD shall seek administrative 
            review of those violations.  Violations include, but are 
            not limited to, the following: 

             a)   Failure to register core workers with the 
               appropriate building trade union; 

             b)   Failure to assign apprentices, as specified; 

             c)   Failure to comply with job order contract terms, 
               including contract amount thresholds, contract 
               duration limits, and notification requirements before 
               work commences, as specified; and 

             d)   Incorrect assignment of work in accordance with the 
               LAUSD's PSA.

          6)Prohibits a job order contractor from working on a job 
            contract within seven days after issuance, and requires 
            the job contractor to provide at least seven days' notice 
            to add or substitute any subcontractor. 

          7)Requires that any job order changes be compliant with 
            existing law on allowable job order change amount 
            thresholds, as specified. 

          8)Requires the primary job order contractor, instead of 
            LAUSD, to provide public notice of available work to be 
            subcontracted by trade, and to notify the LAUSD of the 
            subcontractor selected.  Requires the notification to: 

             a)   Include every subcontractor for all tiers and 
               establish the authorized subcontractor list for the 
               job order.  Prohibits the commencement of work prior 
               to seven days' notice of the established subcontract 
               list and any additions of any subcontractor to the job 

             b)   Identify the scope of the work to be performed by 
               each subcontractor to the job order by craft.  If a 
               subcontractor performs multiple crafts, the job order 
               contractor shall identify the work of each craft to be 
               performed; and 


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             c)   List any subcontractor subcontractors and the 
               justification for the substitution, with seven days' 
               notice. Allows the LAUSD to request a hearing to 
               evaluate the substitution request, in accordance with 
               the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act 

          9)Authorizes the LAUSD to terminate the job order or a 
            contractor's authorization to proceed with awarded work 
            subject to the LAUSD's specified administrative due 
            process, if LAUSD determines the contractor violated the 

          10)Authorizes the LAUSD to declare the contract ineligible 
            for future job orders and deny a contractor's 
            prequalification status for a period of time it 
            determines, if LAUSD determines the contractor violated 
            the Act. 

          11)Sunsets the provisions this bill on December 31, 2020.

          12)Redefines "job order contract" to mean a contract 
            awarded to the most qualified bidder, as specified. 

          13)Makes technical and clarifying changes. 

                                   EXISTING LAW

           Authorizes the LAUSD to use job order contracting (JOC) 
          until December 1, 2012.

           1)Purpose  :  According to the author's office, "JOC is set 
            to sunset on December 1, 2012.  The JOC provision was 
            established as a pilot program to study the benefits of 
            an alternative and optional procedure for bidding public 
            works projects.  LAUSD is seeking to extend the pilot 
            program for the LAUSD, as there are a few areas of 
            improvement that need to be addressed. 

           2)In General  :  JOC is a contracting procedure intended to 
            accelerate completion of projects, lower costs, and 


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            reduce the complexity of the contracting process.  JOC 
            allows for the awarding of a competitively bid contract 
            based upon published construction tasks and unit prices.  
            Rather than bid a total price for the project, a 
            contractor will bid an adjustment factor, which reflects 
            specified costs, to the published unit prices.  The unit 
            price, multiplied by the adjustment factor, equals the 
            final price for any future task.  Awards must be made to 
            the lowest responsible pre-qualified bidder.  The 
            contractor is generally informed of a range for the total 
            contract value, with the owner being obligated to award 
            only the minimum amount during the term of the contract.  
            Once a contract is awarded, the contractor is given 
            projects in a work order format.  The owner is able to 
            evaluate the performance of the contractor based upon the 
            work orders, and, if unsatisfactory, retains the ability 
            to terminate the JOC once the minimum dollar value of the 
            range for the contract value is met.

            JOC is generally believed to be well suited to repetitive 
            jobs and situations in which owners know that many small 
            tasks will arise, but the timing, type of work, and 
            quantity of work are unknown at the time the contract is 
            signed.  These jobs typically have minimal design 
            requirements, and design work is typically accomplished 
            quickly by the job order contractor's in-house design 
            staff.  JOC is not generally viewed as an appropriate 
            method of contracting for large, complex construction 
            projects that require extensive or innovative design or 
            are likely to encounter changes and revisions during 

           3)LAUSD Reports on JOC  :  The LAUSD reports stated that for 
            "job orders completed through November 1, 2011, actual 
            project costs were reduced by an average of 9.26% as 
            compared to the estimates and the procurement time.  The 
            procurement time savings varied among projects, but 
            overall, produced significant time savings and provided 
            the LAUSD with a valuable procurement tool." 

            The LAUSD final report also stated that, "since the 
            inception of JOC in 2005, the LAUSD has executed 138 
            master contracts with 44 different contracting firms.  As 
            of November 1, 2011, the LAUSD has issued JOC 'master' 
            contracts valued at up to $791 million - with total 
            contract receipts ranging from $200,000 to $10 million 


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            per contractor.  Through November 1, 2011, 3,343 JOC 
            projects have been completed with a total value of $307 
            million.  These competitively bid contracts involve 
            general contractors, as well as specialty trades such as 
            plumbing, electrical, roofing, and asbestos abatement.  
            Each contract is separately bid and an individual 
            contractor is permitted to hold multiple JOC contracts at 
            one time.  These contracts have a minimum guaranteed 
            amount of $25,000." 

            This bill, as last amended, creates a compliance system 
            for JOC, requires that job order contracts be awarded to 
            the most qualified bidder, and incorporates prevailing 
            wage, apprenticeship, and notification requirements. 

           4)Support  :  According to the sponsor, the LAUSD, this bill 
            would extend a successful program that is designed to 
            accelerate the completion of public works projects, 
            provide cost savings, and reduce construction complexity. 
             Since 2005, the LAUSD has completed 3,300 job orders 
            totaling more than $300 million.  Throughout this period 
            of time and throughout these projects, the LAUSD has seen 
            how successful JOC can be.  

           5)Opposition  : Opponents to the bill state that it 
            perpetuates an unfair contracting system for a school 
            district that has shown an abysmal ability to manage its 
            resources.  The opponents also object to provisions in 
            the JOC that call for project labor agreements (aka 
            "project stabilization agreements" in the JOC). 

                            PRIOR/RELATED LEGISLATION
           AB 2362 (Horton) Chapter 570, Statutes of 2006  extended the 
          sunset date on the LAUSD's JOC pilot project from December 
          1, 2007, to December 1, 2012. 

           AB 14 (Horton) Chapter 889, Statutes of 2003 authorized the 
          LAUSD's JOC pilot program, and required an interim report 
          on the JOC program to the Legislature and the Office of 
          Public School Construction within DGS by June 30, 2005.  


          Los Angeles Unified School District (source)
          State Building and Construction Trades Council of 


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          Associated Builders and Contractors of California
          Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association of 
          Western Electrical Contractors Association

           FISCAL COMMITTEE:   Senate Appropriations Committee
