BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2608
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          Date of Hearing:   May 2, 2012

                                Felipe Fuentes, Chair

                   AB 2608 (Bonilla) - As Amended:  March 29, 2012 

          Policy Committee:                              HealthVote:18-0

          Urgency:     No                   State Mandated Local Program: 
          No     Reimbursable:              No


          This bill amends provisions relating to required program 
          improvement activities in the Local Billing Option (LBO) program 
          through which Local Educational Agencies (LEA) can draw down 
          federal funding for certain services provided to Medi-Cal 
          eligible students, and removes a sunset on these provisions.  
          Specifically, this bill: 

          1)Requires the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to 
            amend the Medicaid state plan and regulatory requirements 
            pertaining to the provision of medical transportation services 
            by LEAs to be no more restrictive than federal requirements.

          2)Codifies and categorizes funding that can be withheld for 
            administrative, auditing, and contractor costs, requires DHCS 
            to withhold funds proportionately from participating LEAs, and 
            requires DHCS to provide an accounting of funds withheld in an 
            annual report.

          3)Requires DHCS to collaborate with the California Department of 
            Education (CDE) to help ensure LEA compliance with state and 
            federal Medicaid requirements.

           FISCAL EFFECT  

          1)One-time minor, absorbable costs to DHCS to modify regulations 
            to be no more restrictive than federal requirements.  Ongoing 
            costs for additional reporting and collaboration with CDE 
            should also be minor and absorbable.

          2)New federal funding for schools, potentially in millions of 
            dollars according to the Los Angeles Unified School District 


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            (LAUSD), to the extent schools may be able to submit 
            additional transportation services for federal reimbursement.  

          3)This bill codifies three administrative funding streams, 
            leading to the following impacts:

              a)   Contractor Costs  . According to DHCS, the $1.5 million 
               current set-aside for contractor costs has not increased 
               since 2001 and may not be adequate to cover these costs 
               going forward as required by current law.  If the funding 
               is inadequate, DHCS indicates, the LBO program may fail to 
               comply with federal and state requirements.  As explained 
               below, proposed trailer bill language would eliminate this 

              b)   Audit-Related Costs . This bill's provision instituting a 
               $650,000 cap on LEA audit funding may constrain the 
               department from funding LEA audit activities at projected 
               levels.  This provision is codifying current practice, as a 
               $650,000 cap is currently in place pursuant to an agreement 
               with schools. However, audit activities have been budgeted 
               at $1.6 million total in recent years, which would require 
               an $820,000 match level.  Due to salary savings and 
               increased federal match rates, actual expenditures have 
               been below a $650,000 match level, but an $820,000 match 
               level will be required in 2012-13 to fund necessary 
               audit-related activities. 

              c)   DHCS Administrative Costs  . Potential for increased GF 
               costs associated with limiting the funding for DHCS 
               administration and claims processing to 1% of claimed 
               funds. Currently, pursuant to an agreement with the LEA Ad 
               Hoc Workgroup Advisory Committee that advises DHCS on the 
               LBO program, the department withholds 1% of the claimed 
               federal funding amount to support DHCS administrative 
               costs.  However, DHCS indicates total administrative costs 
               slightly exceed the funding available pursuant to the 1% 
               limit for fiscal year 2011-12.  These costs were $2.7 
               million (50% federal, 50% local match), but matching 
               funding was only $1.2 million, leaving a deficit of 
               $150,000 in matching funds that has been funded with GF 
               dollars.  The GF could similarly be at risk going forward 
               to the extent DHCS administrative costs exceed the 1% cap.


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           1)Rationale  . According to the author, this bill is necessary to 
            prevent school districts from losing federal funds for health 
            services that school districts are required to provide. In 
            addition, the author points out, existing state policies 
            prevent school districts from seeking federal reimbursement 
            for certain school transportation that is otherwise 
            reimbursable under federal guidelines. Finally, the author 
            states that greater transparency and accountability in the 
            work performed by DHCS is also needed. This bill is sponsored 
            by the LAUSD, which contends the bill is needed to continue 
            DHCS efforts to increase the amount of Medicaid reimbursement 
            received by California schools. 

          2)Background  . According to DHCS, California established the LBO 
            program in 1993 to allow school districts to claim federal 
            reimbursement for, and match local education dollars already 
            being spent on, health services for Medi-Cal children. SB 231 
            (Ortiz), Chapter 655, Statutes of 2001, required DHCS to take 
            on additional program improvement responsibilities in response 
            to a 2000 review of LBO programs in which California ranked in 
            the bottom quartile. In order to fund LBO program activities, 
            DHCS withholds certain amounts from the federal reimbursement 
            dollars that go to schools in order to offset LBO program base 
            administrative costs, as well as the program improvement 
            activities undertaken pursuant to SB 231.

            DHCS works directly with an LEA Ad Hoc Workgroup Advisory 
            Committee (Committee) to identify barriers for existing and 
            potential LEA providers and to recommend new LBO program 
            services. This committee, organized in 2001, is composed of a 
            number of key state and local stakeholders.

           3)Funding for LBO administrative functions  is currently governed 
            by both law and practice.  The 1993 statute creating the LBO 
            option does not explicitly allow DHCS to set aside federal 
            reimbursement funds for administrative activities. This bill 
            attempts to codify current practice, but does so imperfectly. 
            According to DHCS, there are currently three categories of 
            administrative activities, and only the first has ever been 
            codified.  They are as follows: 

              a)   Contractor Activities  . Research, consulting, reporting, 
               rate development and other activities associated with 


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               program improvement undertaken pursuant to SB 231 are 
               currently performed by a contractor.  This contract is 
               funded at $1.5 million.  Current law specifies a set-aside 
               for these purposes of a percentage of dollars in excess of 
               a 2000-01 baseline, subject to a $1.5 million cap. In 
               practice, this translates to a 2.5% set-aside above a 
               baseline of $60 million, up to $1.5 million total. 

              b)   Audit-Related Activities  . Audit-related activities are 
               currently funded by a 1% set-aside, subject to a $650,000 
               cap.  This is currently not codified but operationalized 
               pursuant to an agreement between DHCS and the Committee. 

              c)   DHCS Administrative Activities  . DHCS administrative 
               activities, including claims processing and federal 
               compliance, are currently funded by a set-aside of 1% of 
               all funds, are not subject to a cap.  This is also not 

            By attempting to codify these categories of funding consistent 
            with current practice and by requiring DHCS to report 
            annually, school districts are seeking increased 
            accountability.  However, as indicated above, it may result in 
            inadequate program resources and fiscal risk to the state.

           1)Potential Conflict With Trailer Bill  . As part of the 
            Governor's 2012-13 budget, DHCS has proposed budget trailer 
            bill language (TBL) modifying the same code section as this 
            bill.  Both the TBL and this bill would remove the January 1, 
            2013 sunset on SB 231 program improvement activities and 
            remove a requirement that administrative funding for the 
            program be derived from federal funds that exceed a 2000-01 
            baseline amount.  The term "administrative funding" in 
            statute, according to current practice, refers only to the 
            contractor costs described in (a) above. This bill and the TBL 
            proposal differ in the following major ways:

             a)   The TBL proposal allows funding for administrative 
               (contractor) costs to increase annually by an amount agreed 
               upon by DHCS and the LEA Ad Hoc Workgroup Advisory 
               Committee, while this bill preserves the $1.5 million 
               maximum limit and specifies additional limits on funding 
               for audits and DHCS processing costs. 

             b)   This bill contains provisions that the TBL does not, 


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               including a specific requirement that DHCS align state 
               rules with federal requirements for medical transportation 
               reimbursement, enhanced DHCS reporting requirements, and 
               provisions codifying the other two categories of 
               administrative funds.

            The Department of Finance assumes no GF impact related to the 
            TBL proposal. On March 22, 2012, Senate Subcommittee #3 
            adopted the TBL provisions that remove the sunset, as well as 
            restrictions related to 2000-01 baseline funding, but rejected 
            DHCS's proposal to remove the maximum annual funding amount of 
            $1.5 million for administrative costs in deference to this 
            bill moving through the policy process.  Assembly Subcommittee 
            #1 has not yet taken action on this issue.
            5)A budget change proposal related to the LBO program  was also 
            provided to the Legislature as part of the 2012-13 budget. 
            This BCP would make 14 limited-term positions associated with 
            LEA audit operations permanent. As explained above, given it 
            contains a $650,000 cap for audit activities, it appears that 
            this bill would constrain the ability of DHCS to fund these 
            activities at their current levels.  

           6)Transparency  . LAUSD indicates it has had difficulty receiving 
            accurate information about DHCS's administrative costs and the 
            level of funding withheld for these purposes. This bill would 
            increase transparency by providing a single fund for all LEA 
            administrative activities. It codifies administrative 
            set-aside funding and also subjects the set-aside funding to 
            Welfare and Institutions Code 14115.8(g)(1), which requires 
            the funds be used only to support DHCS to meet the LBO program 
            requirements. It would also require funds for all LEA-related 
            purposes to be deposited into the LEA Medi-Cal Recovery Fund 
            within the Special Deposit Fund (currently, some of the funds 
            are instead deposited into the GF).  This change should 
            provide increased accountability for funds withheld.  

           7)Fiscal Concerns  . Given DHCS's assertion that the limits agreed 
            to may need to be increased in order to adequately fund the 
            program, codifying the limits pursuant to current practice 
            could result in GF risk or risk that the program will not be 
            able to comply with all federal requirements.  The author may 
            wish to consider adjusting the limits, or providing DHCS with 
            more flexibility to adjust these limits, based on actual cost 
            experience to date.  


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           Analysis Prepared by :    Lisa Murawski / APPR. / (916) 319-2081