BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                SB 78
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        SB 78 (Budget and Fiscal Review Committee)
        As Amended March 14, 2011
        2/3 vote.  Urgency 

         SENATE VOTE  :Vote not relevant  
         SUMMARY  : The Public Safety trailer bill contains necessary statutory 
        and technical changes to implement changes to the Budget Act of 
        2011.  Specifically,  this bill  :

        1)Requires the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to retain 
          an independent consultant to review the California Case Management 
          System and provide a copy of the assessment to the Legislature.  
          Additionally, the AOC would be required to ensure that any flaws, 
          defects, or risks identified by the independent assessment be 
          remedied during the warranty period.

        2)Provides that all Public Contract Code (PCC) provisions related to 
          state agencies or departments apply to the state judiciary, 
          beginning October 1, 2011, but does not subject the branch to 
          oversight by the Department of General Services or any other state 
          entity.  Additionally the PCC: 

           a)   Exempts trial court construction from PCC requirements;

           b)   Requires the Judicial Council to report to the Legislature 
             on all contracts, amendments and vendors; 

           c)   Requires adoption of a contracting manual, by January 1, 
             2012, that uses the same policies and procedures as the State 
             Administrative Manual and the State Contracting Manual; 

           d)   Requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to conduct an 
             analysis of costs and delivery methods used in the construction 
             of trial courts as compared to other similar state projects; 

           e)   Requires the Auditor to assess compliance with these new 
             judiciary PCC provisions.

        3)Removes the Inspector General and other employees of his or her 
          office as peace officers, except for those employees whose primary 
          duties are conducting investigations of the Department of 


                                                                SB 78
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          Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice, or 
          Board of Parole Hearings.

        4)Repeals the Trial Court Conservatorship program.

        5)Maintains the court security fee at $40, on every conviction for a 
          criminal offense, until July 1, 2013 at which time the fee would 
          be reduced to $30.

        6)Allows the Department of Justice to charge General Fund clients 
          for legal services.

        7)Adds an urgency clause allowing this bill to take effect 
          immediately upon enactment.

         Analysis Prepared by  :    Joe Stephenshaw / BUDGET / (916) 319-2099

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