BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                   Senate Appropriations Committee Fiscal Summary
                           Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair

                                          SB 140 (Lowenthal)
          Hearing Date: 04/11/2011        Amended: As introduced
          Consultant: Jacqueline Wong-HernandezPolicy Vote: Education 7-1


          BILL SUMMARY: SB 140 establishes a streamlined process for the 
          state-level adoption of instructional materials that are aligned 
          with the common core academic content standards, and expands the 
          authority of local school boards to adopt instructional 
          materials to include K-8 schools.  Specifically, this bill:

          1)   Requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to 
               develop a list, by July 1, 2012, of supplemental 
               instructional materials that are aligned with the common 
               core academic standards in English language arts and math, 
               as specified.
          2)   Requires the State Board of Education (SBE), by August 1, 
               2012, to either adopt or reject the instructional materials 
               proposed by CDE, as specified.
          3)   Authorizes school districts to different instructional 
               materials if the governing board determines that other 
               materials are aligned with the common core standards and 
               meet the needs of the pupils in the district. 
          4)   Prohibits schools districts from adopting any instructional 
               materials that do not comply with existing requirements for 
               locally adopted materials for grades 9-12.
          5)   Requires the SBE and school districts, prior to adopting 
               instructional materials, to review the materials for 
               academic content, social content, and instructional support 
               to teachers and pupils, as specified.
          6)   Requires the CDE to maintain on its website a portal for 
               school districts to share information about instructional 
               materials that are aligned with the common core academic 
               content standards.
                            Fiscal Impact (in thousands)

           Major Provisions         2011-12      2012-13       2013-14     Fund
           Develop materials list              Unknown; likely tens of 
          thousands                  General

          SBE review                                 ----- Minor and 
          absorbable ----                      General

          CDE website portal                   $1,500              $1,500  
                       $150*           General

          *Annual maintenance in future years                         


          SB 140 (Lowenthal)
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          STAFF COMMENTS: This bill meets the criteria for referral to the 
          Suspense File. 

          The SBE adopted common core academic content standards in 
          English language arts and mathematics on August 2, 2010, 
          pursuant to Education Code Section 60605.8.
          After adopting content standards, California's process for 
          adopting instructional materials (to teach those standards) 
          would take 30 months, and include a review and update of the 
          curricular framework in each subject area (which must be 
          approved by the 

          SBE), and a subsequent adoption process for instructional 
          materials that fit those curricular frameworks.

          The processes for reviewing frameworks and adopting 
          instructional materials has been suspended since July 2009, 
          pursuant to AB 2 of the Fourth Extraordinary Session (Chapter 2, 
          July 2009), which among other things, prohibited the SBE from 
          reviewing frameworks and adopting instructional materials until 
          the 2013-14 school year.  AB 2 also extended to the 2012-13 
          fiscal year the suspension of the requirement to purchase 
          instructional materials within any specific period of time 
          following adoption of those materials by the SBE.  (EC § 60200.7 
          and 60422.1)  

          This bill would establish a streamlined process for the 
          state-level adoption of supplemental instructional materials 
          that are aligned with the common core academic content 
          standards, while the normal process is suspended. To begin the 
          process, the CDE must develop a list, by July 1, 2012, of 
          supplemental instructional materials that are aligned with the 
          common core academic standards in English language arts and 
          math, as specified. The CDE would be responsible for the 
          workload associated with reviewing potential instructional 
          materials and selecting a final list to be submitted to the SBE 
          for approval. The workload cost to the CDE will depend on the 
          extent of the selection process, and whether or not the SBE 
          approves the CDE's instructional materials list. If the SBE 
          approves the list, the process ends for the CDE; if the SBE 
          rejects the list, however, the CDE will presumably start the 


          SB 140 (Lowenthal)
          Page 4

          process again and incur additional workload. 

          As previously noted, this bill requires the SBE, by August 1, 
          2012, to either adopt or reject the instructional materials 
          proposed by CDE. If the SBE rejects the instructional materials 
          as proposed by the CDE, it must provide a specific written 
          explanation to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the 
          Governor, and the Legislature of the reasons why the proposed 
          materials were rejected. The workload associated with this task 
          will likely be minor and absorbable, and is consistent with 
          activities performed by the SBE.

          This bill would also require the CDE to maintain on its website 
          a "portal" for school districts to share information about 
          instructional materials that are aligned with the common core 
          academic content standards. While the bill does not detail the 
          required functionality of the portal, a portal is typically 
          understood to be more complex than a content website, and 
          include offers a broad array of resources and services, such as 
          email, forums, and search engines. The CDE has indicated that 
          creating and maintaining a web portal would provide more 
          advanced functionality than exists on its current website, and 
          estimates that the cost to develop and maintain the new portal 
          would be $3.5 million.