BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                         SENATE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION
                             Alan Lowenthal, Chair
                           2011-2012 Regular Session

          BILL NO:       SB 185
          AUTHOR:        Hernandez
          AMENDED:       April 4, 2011
          FISCAL COMM:   Yes            HEARING DATE:  April 27, 2011
          URGENCY:       No             CONSULTANT:Kathleen Chavira

           SUBJECT  :  Public postsecondary education admissions 
          This bill requires the California State University (CSU) 
          and authorizes the University of California (UC) to 
          consider race, gender, ethnicity and national origin, 
          geographic origin, and household income, along with other 
          relevant factors, in undergraduate and graduate admissions, 
          as specified, and requires the CSU to report on the 
          implementation of these provisions to the Legislature and 
          Governor by November 1, 2012, as specified. 
          Current law declares the Legislature's intent that, in 
          developing undergraduate and graduate admissions criteria, 
          the governing boards of the UC and the CSU develop 
          processes that strive to be fair and easily understandable, 
          and consult broadly with California's diverse ethnic and 
          cultural communities.  Current law authorizes the intent of 
          the Legislature that the UC and the CSU seek to enroll a 
          student body that meets high academic standards and 
          reflects the cultural, racial, geographic, economic, and 
          social diversity of California.
          (Education Code § 66205)

          Section 31 of Article I of the California Constitution 
          prohibits the state from discriminating against, or 
          granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group 
          on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national 
          origin in the operation of public employment, public 
          education, or public contracting.  This section of the   
          Constitution was adopted at a statewide General Election on 


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          November 5, 1996, in which the voters approved Proposition 
          209, an initiative constitutional amendment.  
           This bill  :

          1)   Requires the CSU and authorizes the UC to consider a 
               variety of relevant factors in undergraduate and 
               graduate admissions decisions, so long as no 
               preference is given, including: 

               a)        Race.
               b)        Gender.
               c)        Ethnicity.
               d)        National Origin.
               e)        Geographic origin.
               f)        Household income.

          2)   Authorizes consideration of these factors to take 
               place when a university, campus, college, school or 
               program is attempting to obtain education benefit 
               through the recruitment of a multifactored, diverse, 
               student body.

          3)   Declares the Legislature's intent that these 
               provisions be implemented to the maximum extent 
               permitted by the decision of the US Supreme Court in 
               Grutter v. Bollinger and in conformity with specified 
               provisions of the United States Constitution.

          4)   Requires the CSU Trustees to report in writing to the 
               Legislature and the Governor by November 1, 2012, on 
               the implementation of these provisions and 

                    a)             Requires the report to include 
                    information relative to the number of students 
                    admitted disaggregated by race, gender, 
                    ethnicity, national origin, geographic origin and 
                    household income compared to the prior two years 
                    of admission.  

                    b)             Declares the Legislature's intent 
                    that the CSU use existing data-gathering 
                    methodologies to the greatest extent possible in 


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                    preparing the report. 

           1)   Need for the bill  .  In its most recent eligibility 
               study (December 2008), the California Postsecondary 
               Education Commission (CPEC) reports that the UC 
               eligibility rate for Whites decreased from 16.2 
               percent in 2003 to 14.6 percent in 2007. The rate for 
               Asians decreased from 31.4 percent to 29.4 percent, 
               while the rates for Latinos and Blacks were nearly 
               unchanged: 6.5 percent in 2003 and 6.9 percent in 2007 
               for Latinos; 6.2 percent in 2003 and 6.3 percent in 
               2007 for Blacks.  

               For CSU, the rate for Blacks, Whites and Latinos 
               increased from 2003 to 2007. For Blacks, the rate 
               increased from 18.6 percent in 2003 to 24.0 percent in 
               2007; Latinos from 16.0 percent to 22.5 percent; and 
               Whites from 34.3 percent to 37.1 percent.  The CPEC 
               notes that, while eligibility rates for Black and 
               Latino high school graduates have improved in recent 
               years, particularly for CSU, there are still large 
               differences between racial/ethnic groups.

               The author is concerned that, since the passage of 
               Proposition 209, the proportion of underrepresented 
               students eligible for UC and CSU has not kept pace 
               with the proportion of the high school graduating 
               class that they now represent.  According to the 
               author, this bill addresses this significant drop in 
               the percentage of enrolled minority students at both 
               UC and CSU, which was an unintended consequence of the 
               passage of Proposition 209 in 1996.

           2)   Related Supreme Court decisions  .  This bill declares 
               legislative intent that its provisions be implemented 
               to the maximum extent permitted by the decisions of 
               the US Supreme Court in Grutter v. Bollinger.  In June 
               2003, the US Supreme Court ruled in Grutter v. 
               Bollinger (2003) 539 U.WW. 306, that the Equal 
               Protection Clause does not prohibit the University of 
               Michigan Law School's "narrowly tailored use of race 
               in admissions decision to further a compelling 
               interest in obtaining the educational benefits that 
               flow from a diverse student body."  


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               The Supreme Court also ruled in Gratz v. Bollinger 
          (2003) that the                                   
          University of Michigan's undergraduate admissions policy, 
          automatically distributed one fifth of the points needed to 
          guarantee                                         admission 
          to every single "underrepresented minority" applicant, was 
          not  narrowly tailored to achieve the University's asserted 
          interest in diversity                             and did 
          violate the Equal Protection Clause.  

           3)   Inconsistent with prior versions  .  Prior versions of 
               this bill which have been favorably considered by this 
               committee and the Legislature have "authorized" rather 
               than "required" the CSU to consider the factors 
               outlined in the bill in their admissions practices. 
               Requiring, rather than simply authorizing is a 
               significant change and may have broader implications 
               than intended. Does statute that requires the 
               consideration of race in admissions jeopardize the 
               ability to implement these provisions in a manner that 
               ensures compliance with the constitutional provisions 
               established by Proposition 209, or the "narrowly 
               tailored use of race in admissions decisions" as 
               permitted by the related US Supreme Court decision? 

               At the same time, statutorily authorizing the 
               consideration of these factors does provide greater 
               clarity to the public segments of the Legislature's 
               support of the use of these factors and the segments' 
               discretion and legal authority to appropriately 
               consider these factors in their admissions practices. 
               Staff recommends the bill be amended to "authorize" 
               rather than "require" the CSU to take these actions. 

               In addition, because of the UC's constitutional 
               autonomy, this bill appropriately requests their 
               compliance with its admissions practice provisions. 
               Since the UC generally attempts to comply with the 
               requests made by the Legislature, it would seem 
               appropriate to request them to comply with the 
               reporting activities outlined in the bill as well. 
               Staff further recommends the bill be amended to 
               request the UC to comply with the bill's reporting 


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           4)   Current admissions policies  .  The CSU system generally 
               admits all students who are California residents that 
               graduate from high school, have a grade point average 
               above 3.0 and complete a 15-unit pattern of courses 
               with a grade of C or higher for admission as a 
               first-time freshman. The CSU authorizes impacted 
               undergraduate majors, programs or campuses to use 
               supplementary admission criteria to screen 
               applications.  Majors, programs or campuses are 
               designated as impacted when the number of applications 
               received during the initial filing period exceeds the 
               number of available spaces.  Each major, program, or 
               campus is authorized to determine its own 
               supplementary admissions criteria.  

               The University of California uses an admissions policy 
               known as Comprehensive Review, adopted in November 
               2001. Campuses use 14 selection criteria, ten based 
               upon academic achievement and four based on factors 
               such as special talents and accomplishments, 
               creativity, tenacity, community service and leadership 
               to make admissions decisions.  
               Though all campuses use these criteria to evaluate 
               applications, the weight for each factor and the 
               specific evaluation process may differ from campus to 
               campus.  UC states that it does not consider race, 
               ethnicity or gender in the admissions process.  The UC 
               recently adopted new eligibility criteria that goes 
               into effect in Fall 2012 that may allow more 
               flexibility in meeting admissions requirements in 
               order to be eligible to apply for admission. 

           5)   Prior legislation  .

                a)        AB 2047 (Hernandez, 2010)  would have 
                    authorized the CSU and the UC to consider 
                    geographic origin, household income, race, 
                    gender, ethnicity and national origin along with 
                    other relevant factors, in undergraduate and 
                    graduate admissions, and required and requested 
                    the CSU and UC, respectively, to report on the 
                    implementation of these provisions to the 
                    Legislature and Governor by November 1, 2012, as 
                    specified. AB 2047 was ultimately vetoed by the 
                    Governor, whose veto message read, in pertinent 


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                    The UC and CSU systems are aware of and 
                    supportive of the important goal of student 
                    diversity and make every attempt through its 
                    comprehensive review admissions process.  That 
                    process considers many of the factors contained 
                    in this legislation, but do so within current 
                    constitutional restrictions. The intent of this 
                    bill would be more appropriately addresse through 
                    a constitutional change of those current 
                b)        ACA 23 (Hernandez, 2009)  exempts public 
                    education institutions from the constitutional 
                    prohibitions established by Proposition 209 for 
                    the purposes of implementing student recruitment 
                    and selection programs at public postsecondary 
                    education institutions. The proposed 
                    constitutional amendment passed the Assembly 
                    Higher Education Committee by a vote of 6-1 in 
                    July 2009 and was referred to the Assembly 
                    Judiciary Committee, but was never heard. 

                c)        AB 2387 (Firebaugh, 2004)  would have 
                    authorized the UC and the CSU to consider 
                    culture, race, gender, ethnicity, national 
                    origin, geographic origin, and household income, 
                    along with other relevant factors, as specified, 
                    in undergraduate and graduate admissions, so long 
                    as no preference is given. AB 2387 was vetoed by 
                    the Governor whose veto message read, in 
                    pertinent part:
                    The practical implementation of the provisions of 
                    this bill would be contrary to the expressed will 
                    of the people who voted to approve Proposition 
                    209 in 1996.  Therefore, since the provisions of 
                    this bill would likely be ruled as 
                    unconstitutional, they would be more 
                    appropriately addressed through a change to the 
                    State Constitution.
          American Federation of State, County and Municipal 


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           None received.