BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                   Senate Appropriations Committee Fiscal Summary
                           Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair

                                          SB 611 (Steinberg)
          Hearing Date: 05/09/2011        Amended: As Introduced
          Consultant: Jacqueline Wong-HernandezPolicy Vote: Education 7-3
          BILL SUMMARY: SB 611 requests the Regents of the University of 
          California (UC Regents), subject to the availability of funds in 
          the annual Budget Act, to establish and maintain the University 
          of California Curriculum Integration Institute (UCCII) to be 
          administered by the President of the University of California, 
          as specified.
                            Fiscal Impact (in thousands)

           Major Provisions         2011-12      2012-13       2013-14         
          Continues UCCII                        Cost pressure; up to 
          $10,000 annually            General*

          *Specifies Budget Act funds, federal or private funds, "or any 
          combination thereof"       

          STAFF COMMENTS: This bill meets the criteria for referral to the 
          Suspense File. 

          This bill would request that "subject to availability of funds 
          in the annual Budget Act, the availability of federal or private 
          funds, or any combination thereof," the UC Regents establish and 
          maintain the University of California Curriculum Integration 
          Institute (UCCII) to be administered by the President of the UC, 
          as specified. The UCCII is an existing pilot program (which 
          first met in May 2010) to provide an opportunity for school and 
          university faculty to work together to develop model courses 
          that meet certain criteria for a-g approval (acceptable toward 
          meeting UC admissions criteria), particularly in core subject 
          areas, which received $600,000 in 2010-11. 

          In 2005, SB 70 (Scott), the Career Technical Education Pathways 
          Initiative (CTEPI), appropriated $20 million to fund the Career 


          SB 611 (Steinberg)
          Page 1

          Technical Education Pathways and Workforce Development Program. 
          The program would align K-12 career technical education with 
          local community colleges, based on models consistent with the 
          California Community Colleges (CCC) Economic and Workforce 
          Development Program. Subsequent legislation allocated $20 
          million, plus $32 million each year through fiscal year 2013-14. 
          These funds are used to support the work of the Board of 
          Governors to improve linkages and career technical education 
          pathways between high schools and community colleges. The CCC is 
          assisting K-12 in building and aligning coordinated CTE pathways 
          that lead to postsecondary programs of study to prepare students 
          for high-skill jobs with high wages. The UCCII is one of the 
          funded projects, and is intended to train and help high school 
          faculty create a-g approved courses.

          The UCCII has been funded through a CTEPI grant, which is 
          scheduled to sunset on June 30, 2014, when CTEPI funds will 
          sunset. This bill specifically requests that the UC Regents 
          continue this program with Budget Act funding, private or 
          federal, or any combination thereof, creating significant cost 
          pressure to fund this program at its current level of $600,000, 
          at a minimum. This bill further expresses legislative intent for 
          rapid implementation and scaling of UCCII, including increasing 
          the number of annual UCCII convenings from two to ten. 

          UC estimates that the total cost to implement the requests made 
          in SB 611 would be approximately $10,222,000. The exponential 
          increase in funding above the current level is primarily 
          associated with increasing the number of institutes from two per 
          year to ten. UCCII would have to significantly increase staff, 
          and would incur additional costs for facilities, materials, and 
          equipment. Additionally included in the estimate is a projection 
          of scaled costs paid on behalf of participants; the current 
          grant partially funds school and district participation, 
          including participants' travel costs and some substitute teacher 
          costs. Increasing the number of convenings would increase these 
          costs, as well.