BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 937
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          SB 937 (Governmental Organization Committee)
          As Amended  August 16, 2012
          Majority vote

           SENATE VOTE  :   37-0
          |Ayes:|Hall, Nestande, Atkins,   |Ayes:|Fuentes, Harkey,          |
          |     |Block, Blumenfield,       |     |Blumenfield, Bradford,    |
          |     |Chesbro, Cook, Galgiani,  |     |Charles Calderon, Campos, |
          |     |Garrick, Gatto, Hill,     |     |Davis, Donnelly, Gatto,   |
          |     |Jeffries, Ma, Perea, V.   |     |Hall, Hill, Lara,         |
          |     |Manuel Pérez, Silva,      |     |Mitchell, Nielsen, Norby, |
          |     |Torres                    |     |Solorio, Wagner           |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
          |     |                          |     |                          |

           SUMMARY  :  Makes various changes to the Alcoholic Beverage 
          Control Act (Act).  Specifically,  this bill  :  

          1)Updates, reorganizes and clarifies existing provisions 
            governing alcohol beverage licensees.

          2)Codifies the process in which the Department of Alcoholic 
            Beverage Control (ABC) is required to collect a surcharge of 
            3% of the annual license fees for the Alcoholic Beverage 
            Control Appeals Board's (ABCAB) administrative costs.

          3)Revises the license fee schedule to set forth the fee amounts 
            as of the 2010 calendar year.

          4)Revises current law to authorize a retail off-sale beer and 
            wine replacement license to be issued under specified 
            circumstances.  This bill would also prohibit the issuance of 
            a replacement license under defined circumstances.

          5)Revises the provision to prohibit the transfer of an original 
            on-sale or off-sale license for more than the original 
            purchase price for a period of 2 years.


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          6)Provides for any hearing held pursuant to the Act, ABC may 
            delegate the power to hear and decide to an administrative law 
            judge appointed by the director, as specified.

          7)Makes technical and conforming changes.

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Establishes ABC and grants it the exclusive authority to 
            administer the provisions of the Act in accordance with laws 
            enacted by the Legislature.

          2)Provides that ABC is responsible for licensing individuals and 
            businesses associated with the manufacture, importation sale 
            of alcoholic beverages in this state and the collection of 
            license fees or occupation taxes for this purpose.
          FISCAL EFFECT  :   According to the Assembly Appropriations 
          Committee, costs associated with this legislation are minor and 
          absorbable within existing ABC resources.

           COMMENTS  :  

           Purpose of the bill  :  This bill represents the annual Senate 
          Governmental Organization Committee bill which makes technical, 
          clarifying, conforming, and non-controversial changes to the 
          Act.  The language contained in this proposal was put forth by 

          In addition to making technical and conforming changes to the 
          Act, this bill amends Business and Professions Code (BPC) 
          Section 23083.5 to clarify that ABC collects a 3% surcharge 
          annually on its annual license fees and transfers it to the 
          Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Fund to pay the board's 
          administrative costs.  ABC states, this bill will codify the 
          actual process.  Current law requires the Alcoholic Beverage 
          Control Appeals Board to establish a surcharge of up to 3% of 
          ABC's annual license fees. 

          The Act provides for the issuance of licenses for which various 
          annual fees are charged depending upon the type of license 
          issued.  This provision authorizes an annual adjustment of the 
          fees, as provided, commencing with the 2010 calendar year.  ABC 
          states, this bill clarifies this provision by revising the 


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          license fee schedule to set forth the fee amounts as of the 2010 
          calendar year.

          The bill amends BPC Section 23817.5(b) to clarify that ABC is 
          authorized, but not required, to issue a retail off-sale beer 
          and wine replacement license under certain conditions if the 
          applicant is otherwise qualified.  Existing law specifies that a 
          retail off-sale beer and wine replacement license shall be 
          issued upon application if certain conditions exist.  ABC 
          states, current law could be interpreted as denying ABC's 
          authority to disapprove an unqualified applicant.

          Additionally, the bill deletes reference to ABC's "Procedure 
          Manual" from current law.  ABC maintains that the Procedure 
          Manual should not be specified in statute as it is an internal 
          management document.

          Current law requires ABC to deny an application for a license if 
          issuance would result in or add to an undue concentration of 
          licenses in a particular area unless the local governing body 
          finds that it would serve the public convenience or necessity 
          (BPC Sections 23958, 23958.4).  Current law also specifies that 
          the number of retail licenses in a county shall be determined by 
          the most recent yearly retail license count published by ABC in 
          its Procedure Manual (BPC Section 23958.4(d)).  ABC states, that 
          the most recent yearly retail license count is posted on ABC's 
          Web site in a timelier manner than the Procedure Manual.

          BPC Section 24210 states that the Director of ABC may appoint 
          ALJs to hear and decide cases.  Because of BPC Section 24210's 
          placement in Chapter 7, a recent court case declared that ABC 
          ALJs were only allowed to hear enforcement matters and ALJs from 
          the Office of Administrative Hearings had to be used for 
          licensing matters.  ABC states, this bill would repeal BPC 
          Sections 24210 and 24016 and amend 24300 to codify the Court of 
          Appeal decision and clarify that the use of ABC ALJs for 
          licensing matters is appropriate.

          Lastly, the bill amends BPC Sections 25503.29 and 25503.37 to 
          clarify that "15 percent of purchases" means monetary 
          expenditures within a calendar year.  ABC states, as currently 
          written, "15 percent of purchases" is not defined.

          Analysis Prepared by  :    Eric Johnson / G. O. / (916) 319-2531 


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