BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                         SENATE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION
                             Alan Lowenthal, Chair
                           2011-2012 Regular Session

          BILL NO:       SB 940
          AUTHOR:        Committee on Education
          AMENDED:       April 28, 2011
          FISCAL COMM:   Yes            HEARING DATE:  May 4, 2011
          URGENCY:       No             CONSULTANT:Kathleen Chavira

           SUBJECT  :  Postsecondary Education 


          This bill corrects technical errors and oversights, and 
          makes non-controversial and conforming changes to various 
          provisions of the Education Code and Labor Code.


          This bill is one of the annual Education Code clean up 
          bills that makes various non-controversial revisions to 
          statute. This education omnibus bill corrects errors, 
          resolves conflicts, and deletes obsolete references that 
          relate to postsecondary education.

          By tradition, objection to any provision by the Department 
          of Finance, or any of the four legislative caucuses 
          prevents that provision from being included in this bill.

           This bill  corrects technical errors and oversights, and 
          makes non-controversial and conforming changes to various 
          provisions of the Education Code and the Labor Code.  
          Specifically, this bill: 

          1)   Clarifies that a student who completes the transfer 
               degree authorized by SB 1440 (Padilla, Chapter 428, 
               Statutes of 2010) is granted priority in enrollment 
               over all other community college transfer students 
               consistent with the current statutorily outlined 
               enrollment planning and admission priorities and  
               deems these students to have met the requirements of 
               an approved transfer agreement consistent with current 


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          2)   Updates obsolete references within the Education Code 
               and the Labor Code to the "old" Cal Grant Program 
               which sunset in January 2010 to reference the "new" 
               Cal Grant program, established in 2000. 

          3)   Corrects an erroneous reference to the percent hours 
               per week considered a full-time assignment for 
               community college faculty.

          4)   Deletes obsolete references to the "Office of the 
               Secretary of Education and substitutes these with 
               references to the "Office of the Governor."

          5)   Repeals various obsolete code sections. 

           STAFF COMMENTS  

           1)   Technical clean-up bill  .  This bill is a technical 
               clean-up of the Education Code focused upon higher 
               education and a related Labor Code provision. The bill 
               makes the following changes:

                a)        Section 1, 3, 5, 8  .  In January 2011, 
                    Governor Brown eliminated the Office of the 
                    Secretary of Education (OSE). Various provisions 
                    of law had assigned the OSE responsibility for 
                    receiving various reports. The changes to these 
                    sections delete obsolete references to the Office 
                    of the Secretary of Education and replaces them 
                    with the Office of the Governor.

                b)        Section 2, 6, 9  . These sections repeal 
                    statutory reporting requirements relative to an 
                    education technology professional grant program, 
                    recommendations on funding priorities for 
                    technology in higher education, and guidelines 
                    for community college design-build projects, as 
                    these reporting requirements have been met and 
                    the code sections rendered obsolete.

                c)        Section 4  .  SB 1440 (Padilla, Chapter , 
                    Statutes of 2010 ) established the Student 
                    Transfer Achievement Reform Act which requires a 


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                    California Community College district to grant an 
                    associate degree that deems the student eligible 
                    for transfer and guarantees admission into the 
                    California State University (CSU), subject to 
                    specified requirements. This section clarifies 
                    that a student who completes the transfer degree 
                    authorized by SB 1440 has met the requirements 
                    for an approved transfer agreement and is granted 
                    priority in enrollment over all other community 
                    college transfer students consistent with 
                    existing statutorily outlined enrollment planning 
                    and admission priority provisions.

                d)        Section 7, 11  .  These sections update 
                    obsolete references within the Education Code and 
                    the Labor Code to the "old" Cal Grant Program 
                    which sunset in January 2010 to reference the 
                    "new" Cal Grant program, established by SB 1644 
                    (Ortiz, Chapter 403, Statutes of 2000). 

                e)        Section 10.   Education Code section 87482.5 
                    was amended by   AB 591 (Dymally, Chapter 84, 
                    Statutes of 2008) to increase from 60 percent to 
                    67 percent the proportion of hours per week of a 
                    full-time faculty assignment which an individual 
                    employed to teach adult or community college 
                    courses may teach and still be classified as a 
                    temporary employee.  This bill amends section 
                    87844 of the Education Code to delete the 
                    erroneous "60%" threshold cited and to cross 
                    reference Section 87482.5 in order to conform 
                    community college part-time faculty office hour 
                    provisions to current law.  

           2)   Similar legislation  .  This bill is one of three 
               Education "clean-up" bills sponsored by the Committee 
               that make various non-controversial revisions to 
               statute. SB 941 (Senate Committee on Education) and    
                   SB 942 (Senate Committee on Education), are also 
               on the agenda for the committee's consideration today. 
               In addition, SB 292 (Padilla) contains provisions 
               identical to Section 4 of this bill. SB 292 is also on 
               the agenda for the committee's consideration today.



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          California State University


           None received.