BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                          SENATE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION
                              Alan Lowenthal, Chair
                             2011-12 Regular Session

          BILL NO:       SB 941
          AUTHOR:        Committee on Education
          AMENDED:       April 25, 2011
          FISCAL COMM:   Yes            HEARING DATE:  May 4, 2011
          URGENCY:       No             CONSULTANT:Beth Graybill

           SUBJECT  :  Teacher credentialing:  Technical Clean-up

          This bill corrects technical errors and oversights, and makes 
          numerous non-controversial and conforming changes to various 
          provisions of the Education Code relating to teacher 


          This bill is one of the annual Education Code clean up bills 
          that makes various non-controversial revisions to statute.  
          This education omnibus bill corrects errors, resolves 
          conflicts, and deletes obsolete references that relate to 
          state education agencies such as the Commission on Teacher 
          Credentialing (Commission).  

          By tradition, objection to any provision by the agency 
          affected, the Department of Finance, or any of the four 
          legislative caucuses prevents that provision from being 
          included in this bill.  


           This bill  corrects technical errors and oversights, and makes 
          numerous non-controversial and conforming changes to various 
          provisions of the Education Code.  Specifically, this bill:

          1)   Replaces the obsolete term "professional clear" with 
               "clear" for second level educator credentials.

          2)   Specifies that the Commission may waive the experience 
               requirement for an out-of-state applicant who applies 
               for a clear credential if the applicant holds a valid 


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               equivalent credential or certificate or has completed 
               equivalent requirements as determined by the Commission. 

          3)   Deletes date references to the Standards of Quality and 
               Effectiveness for Beginning Teacher Support and 
               Assessment Programs adopted by the Commission and to the 
               California Standards for the Teaching Profession.  

          4)   Authorizes a beginning teacher to "clear" his or her 
               credential through an approved clear credential program 
               when a beginning teacher induction program is not 

          5)   Deletes Education Code sections that are outdated and 
               duplicative of existing code sections relating to 
               beginning teacher support.   

          6)   Replaces outdated language requiring the Commission to 
               replace the system of program approval that existed in 
               1970 with language requiring the Commission to implement 
               a system of ongoing evaluation and revision of 
               accreditation practices.  

          7)   Deletes outdated language pertaining to an external 
               evaluation of accreditation policies in accordance with 
               the accreditation framework in effect in 1993 and 
               updates intent language referring to modification of the 

          8)   Makes policies pertaining to National Board 
               Certification consistent by requiring the Commission to 
               issue a California credential who has earned 
               certification from the National Board for Professional 
               Teaching Standards (NBPTS) in an additional single 
               subject content area.

           STAFF COMMENTS  

           1)   Outdated terminology  .  SB 941 eliminates outdated 
               terminology that creates confusion.  The term 
               "professional clear" denotes a credential for which 
               there are professional growth requirements for renewal.  
               SB 1209 (Scott, Chapter 517, 2006) removed the 


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               professional growth requirement for credential renewal.  
               The term "clear" credential is now the appropriate and 
               commonly used term.  

           2)   Outdated references  .  Credential program standards for 
               beginning teacher induction programs and the California 
               Standards for the Teaching Profession have been updated 
               twice since 1997.  By eliminating the specific date, 
               this bill allows the references to align with the most 
               current versions and allows for a continued update and 
               approval process without the need to update the statute. 

          This bill updates code sections that refer to completed work 
               and reports.  Education Code §44371 requires the 
               Commission to replace the system for program approval, 
               as established by the Teacher Preparation and Licensing 
               Act of 1970.  The system of program approval has been 
               updated several times since that date.  By stating that 
               the system be evaluated and revised on an ongoing basis 
               the bill reflects the current practice of the Commission 
               to review and update its accreditation policies on a 
               cyclical basis.  Education Code § 44372 refers to an 
               evaluation of accreditation policies to be conducted in 
               accordance with the accreditation framework that was in 
               effect in 1993.  This work has long since been completed 
               and the framework has been updated.  The current 
               accreditation framework was adopted in 2007 and updated 
               in 2008 to reflect the adoption of common standards that 
               apply to all credential programs.

          This bill also deletes two code sections (§ 44279.5 and § 
               44279.6) that duplicate legislative intent language 
               relating to beginning teacher induction that is found in 
               § 44279.1 of the Education Code and reference Education 
               Code sections as they read in 1992, but no longer 
               contain the appropriate reference.  

           3)   Consistent credential practices  .  Education Code § 
               44274.2 requires teachers prepared out of state, who 
               have less than two years of teaching experience, to 
               complete a beginning teacher induction program for the 
               clear credential while serving on a preliminary 
               credential.  Current law requires an out-of-state 
               teacher who is earning both a clear special education 
               credential and a clear multiple or single subject 


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               teaching credential to first hold preliminary 
               credentials in both areas; a requirement that does not 
               apply to teachers who are prepared in-state.  The new 
               special education induction program covers all of the 
               competencies needed for a multiple or single subject 
               clear credential.  This bill allows an out-of-state 
               credential applicants who completes a special education 
               induction program to add the clear multiple or single 
               subject clear credential without first having to "buy" a 
               preliminary credential.  

          This bill would allow teachers to add a new subject or 
               credential type based on the National Board for 
               Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).  Teachers 
               completing the process to become certified by the NBPTS 
               must pass a subject matter examination to demonstrate 
               content knowledge, and must complete a one to three year 
               process demonstrating their teaching skills, mastery of 
               subject matter, and master of subject-specific pedagogy. 
                Current law allows the use of National Board 
               Certification as a means to "clear" a credential or to 
               add an English Learner authorization, but does not allow 
               the NBPTS to provide the basis of adding a new subject 
               or credential type.  Under current law, a teacher 
               certified in one subject who earns NBPTS certification 
               in another subject must still demonstrate subject matter 
               competency, usually by passing the California Subject 
               Examination for Teachers in the content area, creating 
               redundancy and extra expense for the teacher.  

          None received.

          None received.