BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 1070
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          SB 1070 (Steinberg)
          As Amended  August 23, 2012
          Majority vote

           SENATE VOTE:  38-0  
           HIGHER EDUCATION    8-0         EDUCATION           9-0         
          |Ayes:|Block, Olsen, Achadjian,  |Ayes:|Brownley, Norby, Ammiano, |
          |     |Fong, Galgiani, Lara,     |     |Buchanan, Butler, Carter, |
          |     |Miller, Portantino        |     |Eng, Halderman, Williams  |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           APPROPRIATIONS      17-0                                        
          |Ayes:|Gatto, Harkey,            |     |                          |
          |     |Blumenfield, Bradford,    |     |                          |
          |     |Charles Calderon, Campos, |     |                          |
          |     |Davis, Donnelly, Fuentes, |     |                          |
          |     |Hall, Hill, Cedillo,      |     |                          |
          |     |Mitchell, Nielsen, Norby, |     |                          |
          |     |Solorio, Wagner           |     |                          |

          SUMMARY  :  Revises provisions of the Career Technical Education 
          Pathways (CTEP) program and extends the program's sunset date 
          from January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2015.  Specifically,  this 
          bill  :   

          1)Requires the chancellor of the California Community Colleges 
            (CCCs) and the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) to 
            assist economic and workforce regional development centers and 
            consortia, CCCs, middle schools, high schools, and regional 
            occupational centers and programs (ROC/Ps) to improve linkages 
            and CTE pathways between high schools and CCCs to accomplish 
            specified goals that increase middle and high school pupil 
            success and access to postsecondary education, as specified.  

          2)Requires the SPI and the CCC Chancellor to jointly administer 
            contracts and competitive grants for programs and initiatives 
            that demonstrate a plan for collaboration among regional 
            institutions/entities, including, but not limited to school 


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            districts, public postsecondary educational institutions, 
            ROC/Ps, local workforce investment boards (LWIBs), and 
            business/industry, as specified:

             a)   Requires first priority for contracts and grants to be 
               given to applicants that can demonstrate comprehensive 
               regional collaboration to create new pathways or course 
               sequences, as specified; and, where practicable, 
               demonstrate their ability to leverage additional financial 
               and in-kind public and private resources to support their 

             b)   Requires second priority for contracts and grants to be 
               given to applicants that meet certain specified 
               characteristics, such as displaying a statewide benefit 
               through dissemination of courses, best practices or other 

          3)Requires all contract or grant awardees to demonstrate 
            outcome-based data pertinent to the type of program and 
            individuals they serve, as specified.  

          4)Requires the SPI and the CCC Chancellor to:  a) develop 
            standardized procedures/tools to collect outcome based data; 
            and, b) submit a report to the governor and the Legislature on 
            or before March 1 of each year on the CTEP program, as 

          5)Requires the SPI and CCC Chancellor to provide an 
            implementation and expenditure plan to the Legislature and the 
            Department of Finance at least 30 days before taking action to 
            execute the expenditure plan.    

          6)Authorizes a CCC district to enroll a high school pupil, who 
            is not a resident of the district, in a CTEP program that is 
            developed and implemented by the district, as specified.  

          7)Extends the program's sunset date from January 1, 2013, to 
            June 30, 2015.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  Costs include General Fund/Proposition 98 costs, 
          likely between $20 million and $38 million, to continue funding 
          the CTEP program.  This measure requires the program to only be 
          operative in fiscal years (FYs) where funds are appropriated for 
          this purpose.  The 2012 Budget Act allocates $38 million for 


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          this program.  In the 2013-14 FY, the CTEP program is scheduled 
          to receive $20 million.    

          Per the California Teachers Association, et al. v. 
          Schwarzenegger settlement, CCCs are required to receive a total 
          of $292 million over a seven-year period for this program and 
          one-time costs.  The original allocations were between the 
          2007-08 FY and the 2013-14 FY.  However, due to the state's 
          fiscal crisis, the amount of funding allocated to CCCs under 
          this agreement fluctuated between $18 and $38 million.  As such, 
          the state added an extra year to the timeline to ensure the 
          entire $292 million obligation to CCCs is met.

           COMMENTS  :   In 2005, the Career Technical Education Pathways 
          Initiative (Initiative) was established by SB 70 (Scott), 
          Chapter 352, Statutes of 2005, to provide resources for the 
          support of CTE programs at middle schools, high schools, ROC/Ps, 
          and CCCs.  The Initiative sunsets effective January 1, 2013.

          According to the author, the Initiative has served nearly 
          750,000 California middle and high school pupils and college 
          students through a variety of programs and services designed to 
          increase their success in college and career.  The Initiative, 
          administered by the CCC Chancellor and the SPI, has focused on 
          enhanced articulation and collaboration.  Some of the programs 
          supported through the Initiative include high school California 
          Partnership Academies, CCC Career Advancement Academies, and the 
          University of California Curriculum Integration Institute.  

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Jeanice Warden / HIGHER ED. / (916) 

                                                                FN: 0005398