BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  SB 1481
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          SB 1481 (Negrete McLeod)
          As Amended  August 20, 2012
          Majority vote 

           SENATE VOTE  :36-0  
           BUSINESS & PROFESSIONS           9-0                HEALTH      
          |Ayes:|Hayashi, Bill Berryhill,  |Ayes:|Monning, Logue, Atkins,   |
          |     |Allen, Butler, Eng,       |     |Bonilla, Eng, Garrick,    |
          |     |Hagman, Hill, Ma, Smyth   |     |Gordon, Hayashi,          |
          |     |                          |     |Roger Hernández, Bonnie   |
          |     |                          |     |Lowenthal, Mansoor,       |
          |     |                          |     |Mitchell, Nestande,       |
          |     |                          |     |V. Manuel Pérez, Silva,   |
          |     |                          |     |Williams                  |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           APPROPRIATIONS                  17-0                            
          |Ayes:|Gatto, Harkey,            |     |                          |
          |     |Blumenfield, Bradford,    |     |                          |
          |     |Charles Calderon, Campos, |     |                          |
          |     |Davis, Donnelly, Fuentes, |     |                          |
          |     |Hall, Hill, Cedillo,      |     |                          |
          |     |Mitchell, Nielsen, Norby, |     |                          |
          |     |Solorio, Wagner           |     |                          |
          |     |                          |     |                          |
           SUMMARY  :  Allows pharmacists to perform over-the-counter blood 
          glucose, hemoglobin A1c (blood sugar), or cholesterol tests 
          classified as waived under the federal Clinical Laboratory 
          Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988.  Specifically,  this bill  : 

          1)Provides that statutes requiring CLIA waived tests to be 
            performed under the operation and administration of a 
            laboratory director, as specified, do not apply to a 


                                                                  SB 1481
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            pharmacist at a community pharmacy who, upon customer request, 
            performs only blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c (blood sugar), or 
            cholesterol tests classified as waived under CLIA and are 
            approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for sale 
            to the public without a prescription in the form of an 
            over-the-counter test kit, provided that all of the following 
            requirements are satisfied:

             a)   The pharmacy obtains a valid CLIA certificate of waiver 
               and complies with all other requirements for the 
               performance of waived clinical laboratory tests under 
               applicable federal regulations.  For purposes of CLIA, the 
               person identified as responsible for directing and 
               supervising testing oversight and decision-making shall be 
               the pharmacist-in-charge, as specified;

             b)   The pharmacy obtains a registration from the Department 
               of Public Health pursuant to current law, as specified; 

             c)   The tests are performed only by a pharmacist, as defined 
               under the Pharmacy Law, in the course of performing routine 
               patient assessment procedures in compliance with their 
               scope of practice as specified under the Pharmacy Law.

          2)Makes conforming and technical changes.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Assembly Appropriations 

          1)Assuming 20% of pharmacies register as clinical labs: 

             a)   This bill would result in additional fee-supported 
               workload at the DPH of $50,000 annually; and,

             b)   Revenue of $120,000 would be generated by existing fees. 

          1)Regardless of the final number of pharmacies that register as 
            clinical laboratories, additional fee revenue will be adequate 
            to fund additional workload.  Revenues will accrue to the 
            Clinical Laboratory Improvement Fund and be used to fund 
            oversight of the individuals performing laboratory tests.


                                                                  SB 1481
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           COMMENTS :  According to the author, "This bill is intended to 
          remove burdensome and unnecessary government regulations to 
          improve efficiency in the health-care delivery system.  
          Specifically, this bill would allow pharmacists to perform 
          specific over-the-counter laboratory tests, such as glucose 
          level or cholesterol tests, without the need to hire a 
          laboratory director.  Pharmacies are not interested in becoming 
          laboratories, and this bill would allow pharmacists to perform 
          only specific tests that are already recognized by the law as 
          safe to be performed with little or no oversight.  Passage of 
          this legislation will result in easier access to safe, simple, 
          and economic tests - especially for low income individuals - 
          less crowding in physicians' offices, and an improved ability of 
          pharmacists to provide meaningful feedback to their patients 
          when providing drug consultations required by law."

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Angela Mapp / B.,P. & C.P. / (916) 

                                                                FN: 0005539