BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                         VERSION: 7/1/13
          Analysis by:  Carrie Cornwell                  FISCAL:  YEs
          Hearing date:  July 9, 2013


          Special interest license plates


          This bill requires the Department of Health Care Services to  
          apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish a special  
          interest license plate that promotes breast cancer awareness.


          Any state agency, including the Department of Health Care  
          Services, may sponsor a special interest license plate pursuant  
          to AB 84 (Leslie), Chapter 454, Statutes of 2006.  Under 
          AB 84, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) may issue new  
          special interest license plates only on behalf of state agencies  
          and only provided that for each state agency:

           The license plate has "a design or contains a message that  
            publicizes or promotes a state agency, or the official policy,  
            mission, or work of a state agency."  The design shall also be  
            confined to the left of and below the numerical series (i.e.,  
            no full plate designs allowed).

           The state agency submits 7,500 applications and accompanying  
            fees to DMV for the license plate.  The state agency has 12  
            months to collect these applications and fees, but it can  
            extend that to a maximum of 24 months if it notifies and  
            offers to refund fees to those who applied during the first 12  
            months.  Once a plate is issued, DMV stops issuing that plate  
            for the agency if the number of plates drops below 7,500.

          In addition to the usual registration and license fees, DMV  
          charges the following additional fees for specialized license  


          AB 49 (BUCHANAN)                                       Page 2


          plates:  $50 for the initial issuance, $40 for annual renewal,  
          and $98 to personalize.  DMV deducts its administrative costs  
          from the revenues generated.  The net revenues derived from a  
          specialized license plate is then available upon appropriation  
          for the sponsoring state agency to expend exclusively on  
          projects and programs that promote the state agency's official  
          policy, mission, or work.

          A sponsoring state agency may not spend more that 25 percent of  
          its license plate funds for administrative, marketing, and  
          promotional costs associated with the plate, and it must submit  
          an annual accounting report to DMV.

          This bill  :
          1.Requires the Department of Health Care Services to apply to  
            DMV pursuant to AB 84 to sponsor a breast cancer awareness  
            license plate program.  The Department of Health Care Services  
            may accept artwork donated by California artists for use on  
            the license plate it sponsors.

          2.Directs the revenues derived from this license plate, after  
            paying DMV's costs, to the Breast Cancer Control Account in  
            the Breast Cancer Fund.  This account funds the "Every Woman  
            Counts" program to provide early breast cancer detection  
            services for uninsured and underinsured women.

           1.Purpose  .  The author introduced this bill to compel the  
            Department of Health Care Services to sponsor a breast cancer  
            awareness special interest license plate in order to raise  
            awareness of the importance of breast cancer screenings and to  
            increase funding for the state's Every Woman Counts program.   
            Every Woman Counts is part of the Department of Health Care  
            Service's Cancer Detection and Treatment Branch and provides  
            free clinical breast exams, mammograms, pelvic exams, and Pap  
            tests to California's underserved women.  The mission of the  
            program is to save lives by preventing and reducing the  
            devastating effects of cancer for Californians through  
            education, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and  
            integrated preventive services, with special emphasis on the  

           2.History of special interest license plates  .  Historically, the  


          AB 49 (BUCHANAN)                                       Page 3


            Vehicle Code required DMV to issue, upon legislative  
            authorization, a special interest license plate bearing a  
            distinctive design or decal of a sponsoring organization to  
            any vehicle owner that pays specified fees, provided that the  
            sponsoring organization met certain conditions.  These  
            conditions included that the sponsor of a special interest  
            license plate had to collect 7,500 applications and fees for a  
            special license plate in order to pay DMV's costs of creating  
            a new plate, which are approximately $375,000 or 7,500  
            applications times the $50 fee.

            In 2004, a federal court decision, Women's Resource Network v.  
            Gourley, E.D. Cal 2004, F.Supp.2d, 2004 U.S. Dist.,  
            invalidated the provisions of the Vehicle Code described in  
            comment #2.  In the Gourley decision, the court declared  
            California's special interest license plate statutes  
            unconstitutional because they violated the First Amendment  
            right to freedom of speech.  The court specifically objected  
            to the Legislature "picking and choosing" special license  
            plates that private organizations propose, in essence  
            promoting the message of some organizations while denying this  
            right to others.  The court did allow the ten special interest  
            license plates existing at the time of its decision to remain  
            in use and available to new applicants, as they are today.

            In response to the court decision, AB 84 (Leslie), Chapter  
            454, Statutes of 2006, established the current specialized  
            license plate program to provide a forum for  government speech   
            that promotes California's state policies.  AB 84 excludes  
            private organizations from seeking specialized license plates  
            as a forum for private speech, and thus addresses the court's  
            objection.  Newly created plates and the revenue they generate  
            must publicize or promote a state agency, or the official  
            policy, mission, or work of a state agency.
          Assembly Votes:
               Floor:    78-0
               Appr: 17-0
               Trans:    16-0

          POSITIONS:  (Communicated to the committee before noon on  
          Wednesday,                                             July 3,  

               SUPPORT:  Contra Costa Board of Supervisors


          AB 49 (BUCHANAN)                                       Page 4


               OPPOSED:  None received.