BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 504
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          AB 504 (Chesbro)
          As Amended  August 22, 2014
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |75-1 |(January 29,    |SENATE: |25-10|(August 26,    |
          |           |     |2014)           |        |     |2014)          |
           Original Committee Reference:    W., P. & W.  

           SUMMARY  :  Extends the sunset date on existing law regarding  
          harvest of sea cucumbers; prohibits the hatchery production and  
          stocking of transgenic salmon; and makes it unlawful to spawn,  
          incubate or cultivate any transgenic salmon in this state with  
          specified exceptions.

           The Senate amendments  :

          1)Extend the operation of existing law regarding harvest and  
            management of sea cucumbers for five years to April 1, 2020.

          2)Prohibit the hatchery production and stocking of transgenic  
            species of salmonids.

          3)Make it unlawful to spawn, incubate, or cultivate any  
            transgenic species of finfish belonging to the family  
            Salmonidae in this state, with certain exceptions when  
            authorized for medical and scientific research, as specified.   
            Provide that this prohibition does not apply to salmon or  
            steelhead trout reared from native California stocks that are  
            propagated or cultured for research conducted by or on behalf  
            of the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW), or for release  
            into ocean waters for the purpose of recovery, restoration, or  
            enhancement of native salmon and steelhead pursuant to the  
            Salmon, Steelhead Trout, and Anadromous Fisheries Program Act.

          4)Prohibit research or experimentation for the commercial  
            production of transgenic salmonids.

          5)Provide that medical or scientific research conducted on  
            transgenic finfish by accredited California academic  
            institutions or private entities for research only and not for  
            commercial production may be authorized pursuant to a permit  


                                                                  AB 504
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            issued by the DFW.  Require that any research conducted under  
            such authorization must be conducted in a closed system that  
            eliminates the risk of escape and any potential disease  
            transmittal.  Require that a permit application for such  
            research include a research plan specifying the objectives and  
            goals of the research, and require the DFW to notify the Joint  
            Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Fish and Game  
            Commission (FGC) at least 30 days prior to approval or  
            disapproval of a research permit application.  Provide that  
            nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to require the  
            disclosure of proprietary information.

          6)Define the term transgenic for these purposes.

           EXISTING LAW  :

          1)Prohibits the take or possession of sea cucumbers for  
            commercial purposes without a valid sea cucumber permit.   
            Requires possession of a sea cucumber diving permit to take  
            sea cucumbers by diving, and in order to take sea cucumbers by  
            methods other than diving, requires that at least one person  
            aboard the boat have a valid sea cucumber trawl permit.  The  
            fee for either a sea cucumber diving or trawling permit is  
            $338.75 per person.  Places conditions on the transfer of sea  
            cucumber permits and limits the number of sea cucumber permits  
            that may be issued each year.  Authorizes the FGC, upon  
            recommendation of the DFW, to adopt regulations governing  
            seasons, gear restrictions, and other measures it determines  
            may be necessary to protect the sea cucumber resource and  
            assure a sustainable sea cucumber fishery.  Provides that all  
            of these provisions shall become inoperative on April 1, 2015,  
            and are repealed as of January 1, 2016, unless a later enacted  
            statute that is enacted before January 1, 2016, deletes or  
            extends the dates on which it becomes inoperative and is  

          2)Makes it unlawful in the waters of the Pacific Ocean that are  
            regulated by this state (generally out to three miles) to  
            spawn, incubate, or cultivate any species of finfish belonging  
            to the family Salmonidae, transgenic fish species, or any  
            exotic species of finfish.  Provides that this prohibition  
            does not apply to salmon or steelhead trout reared from native  
            California stocks that are propagated or cultured for research  
            conducted by or on behalf of the DFW or for release into ocean  
            waters for the purpose of recovery, restoration, or  


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            enhancement of California's native salmon and steelhead trout  
            populations.  Defines the terms transgenic and exotic for  
            these purposes.  Provides that nothing in this section  
            authorizes artificial propagation, rearing, or stocking of  
            transgenic freshwater and marine fishes, invertebrates,  
            crustaceans, or mollusks.

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY  , this bill extended the operation of  
          existing law regarding the harvest and management of sea  
          cucumbers for two years to April 1, 2017.

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Appropriations Committee  
          analysis unknown and variable costs, likely less than $100,000 a  
          year on average, to the Fish and Game Preservation Fund (special  
          fund) for the regulation and oversight of the commercial sea  
          cucumber fishery. Minor revenues of approximately $30,000 to the  
          Fish and Game Preservation Fund from sea cucumber permit  
          revenues.  Minor loss of scientific permit fee revenue (less  
          than $1,000) to the Fish and Game Preservation Fund. 

           COMMENTS  :  This bill as amended by the Senate extends the  
          commercial sea cucumber program for five years from 2015 to  
          2020.  The Assembly version proposed to extend the program for  
          two years to 2017.   

          This bill as amended by the Senate also extends the existing  
          prohibition on spawning, incubation, or cultivation of  
          transgenic salmonids in the Pacific Ocean to all waters of the  
          state. The hatchery production and stocking of transgenic  
          salmonids would also be expressly prohibited. Medical and  
          scientific research conducted on transgenic finfish by  
          accredited California academic institutions or private entities  
          for research only and not for commercial production, authorized  
          pursuant to a permit issued by the DFW and existing regulations,  
          would be exempted from the prohibition if they meet specified  
          criteria requiring that the operation be conducted in a closed  
          system that eliminates risk of escape and potential disease  
          transmittal.  The DFW would be required to notify the  
          Legislature's Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture and  
          the FGC at least 30 days prior to approving or disapproving any  
          new applications for such a research permit.

          Supporters of this bill emphasize that stocking California  
          waters with transgenic fish may increase competition with native  
          fish for food and habitat, leading to significant negative  


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          impacts on wild populations.  Concerns have also been raised  
          regarding negative effects of potential interbreeding and  
          potential introduction of parasites and disease.

          Previous concerns raised by some groups regarding the ability to  
          conduct biomedical research appear to have been addressed  
          through the Senate amendments.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Diane Colborn / W., P. & W. / (916)  

                                                                FN: 0005390