BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                            Senator Lois Wolk, Chair

          BILL NO:  AB 754                      HEARING:  6/26/13
          AUTHOR:  Muratsuchi                   FISCAL:  Yes
          VERSION:  5/20/13                     TAX LEVY:  No
          CONSULTANT:  Ewing                    

                              ENHANCEMENT ACCOUNT

              Creates the "Protect Our Coast and Oceans Fund" tax  
                       check-off on the income tax form.

                           Background and Existing Law  

          Existing law allows taxpayers to contribute to one or more  
          of 18 voluntary contribution funds, known as(VCFs or  
          check-offs, by checking a box on their state income tax  
          return.  California law requires contributions to be made  
          from taxpayers' own resources and not from their tax  
          liability, as is possible on federal tax returns.   
          Check-off amounts may be claimed as charitable  
          contributions on taxpayers' tax returns in the subsequent  

          The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) designs tax returns to  
          provide for the designation of contributions to specified  
          funds either on the return itself or on a separate schedule  
          that must be attached to the return.  With a few  
          exceptions, VCFs remain on the return until they are  
          repealed by a sunset date, or if they fail to meet a  
          minimum contribution amount.  Minimum contribution amounts  
          are adjusted annually for inflation, with specific  
          exceptions.  For most VCFs, the minimum contribution amount  
          is $250,000, beginning in the fund's second year.  

          By September 1st of each year, the FTB must determine the  
          minimum contribution amount required for each fund to  
          remain on the form for the following calendar year and  
          estimate whether contributions to each fund meet that  
          amount.  If the FTB estimates that a fund will fail to meet  
          its minimum contribution amount, that fund is repealed for  
          the following calendar year. 


          AB 754 -- 5/20/13 -- Page 2

          The following check-offs do not have a minimum contribution  
                 California Firefighters' Memorial Foundation Fund;
                 California Peace Officer Memorial Foundation Fund,  
                 California Seniors Special Fund.

          Proceeds from tax check-offs are dedicated to a range of  
          programs.  The following list provides information on all  
          the check-offs and how many groups are eligible to receive  
          funding.  Some of the funds have been repealed under the  
          terms of their statutes.

          |Voluntary            |    2012    | Contribution Allotment  |
          |Contribution  Fund   |Contribution|                         |
          |                     |   Totals   |                         |
          |ALS/Lou Gehrig's     |  $137,290  |As many as apply and     |
          |Disease Research     |            |receive grants provided  |
          |Fund                 |            |for by the monies        |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |Alzheimer's          |  $466,485  |As many as contract or   |
          |Disease/Related      |            |receive grants provided  |
          |Disorders Fund       |            |by the monies            |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |Arts Council Fund    |  $165,647  |As many as apply and     |
          |                     |            |receive grants provided  |
          |                     |            |by the monies            |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |CA Breast Cancer     |  $440,771  |As many as apply and     |
          |Research Fund        |            |receive grants provided  |
          |                     |            |from the monies          |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |CA Cancer Research   |  $432,355  |As many as apply and     |
          |Fund                 |            |receive grants provided  |
          |                     |            |from the monies          |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |CA Firefighters'     |  $152,004  |1 Group: California Fire |
          |Memorial Fund        |            |Foundation.              |


          AB 754 -- 5/20/13 -- Page 3

          |CA Fund for Senior   |  $272,742  |1 Group: California      |
          |Citizens             |            |Senior Legislature.      |
          |CA Peace Officer     |  $136,172  |1 Group: California      |
          |Memorial Foundation  |            |Peace Officer Memorial   |
          |Fund                 |            |Commission.              |
          |CA Police Activities |  $67,202   |The state CALPAL and     |
          |League (CALPAL) Fund |            |county CALPAL chapters.  |
          |CA Sea Otter Fund    |  $351,037  |Department of Fish and   |
          |                     |            |Wildlife, and as many as |
          |                     |            |apply for grants and     |
          |                     |            |contracts provided for   |
          |                     |            |by 50% of contributions. |
          |CA Seniors Special   |  $61,315   |The first $80K to the    |
          |Fund                 |            |Area Agency on Aging     |
          |                     |            |Advisory Council of      |
          |                     |            |California and the rest  |
          |                     |            |to area agencies as      |
          |                     |            |allocated by the         |
          |                     |            |California Department of |
          |                     |            |Aging.                   |
          |CA YMCA Youth and    |Initial Tax |The first $300K to the   |
          |Government Fund      |Return 2012 |CA YMCA Youth and        |
          |                     |            |Government Program.  The |
          |                     |            |rest is allocated in     |
          |                     |            |$10K annual grants to    |
          |                     |            |the: African American    |
          |                     |            |Leaders for Tomorrow     |
          |                     |            |Program, Asian Pacific   |
          |                     |            |Youth Leadership         |
          |                     |            |Project, Chicano Latino  |
          |                     |            |Youth Leadership         |
          |                     |            |Project.  The money is   |
          |                     |            |to be used to support    |
          |                     |            |program participation.   |
          |                     |            |Remaining funds          |
          |                     |            |allocated to the CA YMCA |
          |                     |            |Youth and Government     |
          |                     |            |Program, whose board may |
          |                     |            |award additional $10K    |
          |                     |            |annual grants to         |


          AB 754 -- 5/20/13 -- Page 4

          |                     |            |additional nonprofit     |
          |                     |            |civic youth              |
          |                     |            |organizations. The funds |
          |                     |            |distributed to the CA    |
          |                     |            |YMCA Youth and           |
          |                     |            |Government Program are   |
          |                     |            |to be used for           |
          |                     |            |program-related          |
          |                     |            |expenses.                |
          |CA Youth Leadership  |Initial Tax |1 group: Department of   |
          |Fund                 |Return 2012 |Education to provide for |
          |                     |            |the CA Youth Leadership  |
          |                     |            |Project.                 |
          |CA Veterans Homes    |  $210,078  |The number of            |
          |Fund                 |            |established veteran's    |
          |                     |            |homes (7).               |
          |Child Victims of     |  $35,317   |As many counseling and   |
          |Human Trafficking    |            |prevention centers that  |
          |Fund                 |            |apply and receive grants |
          |                     |            |provided from monies     |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |Emergency Food for   |  $551,515  |1 group: Department of   |
          |Families Fund        |            |Social Services for the  |
          |                     |            |Emergency Food           |
          |                     |            |Assistance Program.      |
          |Municipal Shelter    |  $244,701  |As many as apply and     |
          |Spay-Neuter Fund     |            |receive grants provided  |
          |                     |            |from the monies          |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |Rare & Endangered    |  $558,681  |1 group: Department of   |
          |Species Preservation |            |Fish and Wildlife        |
          |Program              |            |endangered conservation  |
          |                     |            |programs.                |
          |Safely Surrendered   |  $158,645  |1 group: Department of   |
          |Baby Fund            |            |Social Services for      |
          |                     |            |Safely Surrender Baby    |
          |                     |            |Law awareness programs.  |
          |School Supplies for  |Initial Tax |As many as apply and     |


          AB 754 -- 5/20/13 -- Page 5

          |Homeless Children    |Return 2012 |receive grants provided  |
          |Fund                 |            |for by the monies        |
          |                     |            |contributed.             |
          |State Children's     |  $376,243  |1 group: Department of   |
          |Trust for the        |            |Social Services for      |
          |Prevention of Child  |            |prevention and           |
          |Abuse                |            |intervention programs.   |
          |State Parks          |Initial Tax |As many as purchase a    |
          |Protection           |Return 2012 |parks pass that can be   |
          |Fund/Parks Pass      |            |provided from the monies |
          |Purchase             |            |contributed.             |

                                   Proposed Law  

          Assembly Bill 754 creates the "Protect Our Coast and Oceans  
          Fund" on the tax form, when space is available.   
          Contributions would support eligible programs that receive  
          grant funding through the California Coastal Commission  
          Whale Tail Grants Program and related expenses.  The bill  
          maintains all existing requirements for the program,  
          including the annual reporting by September 1st of each  
          year to determine eligibility for the following year, and  
          the $250,000 minimum contribution requirements, beginning  
          in the second year, with annual adjustment for inflation  
          and an automatic repeal after five years.

                              State Revenue Impact
          The Franchise Tax Board estimates that this bill will  
          result in about $10,000 in lost revenue annually.


          1.   Purpose of the bill  .  Assembly Bill 754 would establish  
          a tax check-off program to support California's Whale Tail  
          Competitive Grants Program, which was first established  
          through California's Whale Tail License Plate program.  The  
          Whale Tail Competitive Grants Program provides funding for  
          coastal and marine outreach and education for youth, beach  
          and coastal habitat improvement activities with youth and  


          AB 754 -- 5/20/13 -- Page 6

          adults, and related innovative "adopt-a-beach" programs.   
          Establishing a tax check-off program will facilitate  
          charitable giving to this important state program.

          2.  Is there a better way  ?  Each year, the Committee  
          considers several bills relating to tax check-offs.   
          Previous committee analyses expressed concern over  
          establishing new tax check-offs or adopting special  
          legislation for a specific charity or program.  The  
          Legislature has chosen to encourage charitable giving by  
          allowing organizations to receive funding through  
          check-offs and taxpayers to receive credit for charitable  
          giving on their tax return.  The current design and  
          administration of the existing tax check-off program raises  
          a number of concerns that suggest the need for a different  
          approach to tax check-offs.  
                 The current program generates a relatively small  
               share of statewide contributions.

               The Franchise Tax Board reports that in 2012, 89,335  
               taxpayers contributed around $4.7 million to  
               California's tax check-off programs.  Out of  
               approximately 15 million tax filers, less than 1% of  
               Californians are utilizing the tax check-off program  
               to make donations to charitable organizations.  Data  
               from 2008, as analyzed by the Chronicle of  
               Philanthropy, indicate that in that year Californians  
               donated more than $17 billion to charities, ranking  
               the state first in the nation for sources of  
               charitable contributions and accounting for $1 in  
               every $8 donated in the U.S.  In light of the low  
               participation rate among tax filers, and relatively  
               small level of funds contributed through tax  
               check-offs it is not clear that the tax check-off  
               program, as currently administered, is an efficient  
               and effective strategy to connect donors with  
               charitable organizations.

                 Increasing demand from charitable organizations  
               that want to participate in the program may soon  
               generate significant costs.

               Prior to a redesign of tax forms, and movement toward  
               greater use of electronic filings, there were more tax  
               check-off programs that could be accommodated on the  
               tax forms.  While changes to the tax forms has  


          AB 754 -- 5/20/13 -- Page 7

               accommodated more tax check-offs, the FTB reports that  
               it can accommodate 12-15 additional tax check-offs  
               before its information technology system will need to  
               be redesigned, at a cost of between $800,000 and $1  
               million.  Depending on the number of additional tax  
               check-offs approved by the Legislature each year, it  
               could be two-five years before the FTB's systems must  
               be upgraded.  

                 The current tax check-off program lacks monitoring  
               to ensure that charities comply with state  

               In authorizing tax check-offs, with some exceptions,  
               the Legislature has   required that check-offs must  
               generate contributions that exceed a specified minimum  
               to remain on the tax form.  This policy decision was  
               largely driven by competition for limited space on the  
               tax form.  Other than the requirements to meet the  
               minimum contribution threshold, there are no specific  
               requirements in the tax code that govern participation  
               in a tax check-off program.  For instance, charitable  
               organizations are required to meet numerous reporting  
               and filing requirements consistent with their  
               charitable status.  SB 1262 (Sher, 2004) established  
               requirements for charitable organizations making  
               contracts for fundraising, including requirements for  
               those charities, register with the Office of the  
               Attorney General.  There is no requirement under the  
               tax check-off statutes that the FTB or other agencies  
               administering tax check-off funds confirm that  
               recipient charities comply with these and other state  
               rules and regulations.   

          The Committee may wish to consider directing committee  
          staff to develop and submit proposals to revise the design  
          and administration of the tax check-off program to:
                 Continue to encourage charitable giving
                 Streamline the process for charitable organizations  
               and donors 
                 Establish clear and consistent standards in statute  
               for including a tax check-off in the new program
                 Designate an administering agency to implement the  
               program, enforce standards, and monitor program  


          AB 754 -- 5/20/13 -- Page 8

          3.  Related legislation  .  AB 754 is not the only bill  
          dealing with tax check-offs this legislative session:
           Assembly Bill 247 (Wagner) extends the repeal date from  
            2015 to 2020 for the California Fund for Senior Citizens  
            tax check-off on the tax form.
           Assembly Bill 394 (Yamada) extends the repeal date of the  
            California Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders  
            Research Fund tax check-off on the tax form from 2015 to  
           Assembly Bill 511 (Pan) creates the American Red Cross,  
            California Chapters Fund check-off on the tax form. 
           Assembly Bill 1286 (Skinner) temporarily suspends the  
            annual inflation adjustment for minimum contribution  
            levels for the California Breast Cancer Research Fund  
            check-off on the tax form. 
           Senate Bill 116 (Liu) extends the repeal date from 2014  
            to 2019 for the Emergency Food Assistance Program check  
            off on the tax form.  
           Senate Bill 571 (Price) creates the Art for Kids Fund  
            check-off on the tax form.  

                                 Assembly Actions  

          Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee9-0
          Assembly Appropriations         17-0
          Assembly Floor                  70-2

                         Support and Opposition  (6/20/13)

           Support  :  Monterey Bay Aquarium. 

           Opposition  :  Unknown.