BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                AB 1200
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        AB 1200 (Levine)
        As Amended  May 22, 2013
        Majority vote 

        |Ayes:|Rendon, Bigelow, Allen,   |Ayes:|Alejo, Dahle, Bloom,      |
        |     |Blumenfield, Bocanegra,   |     |Donnelly, Lowenthal,      |
        |     |Dahle, Fong, Frazier,     |     |Stone, Ting               |
        |     |Beth Gaines, Gatto,       |     |                          |
        |     |Gomez, Gray, Patterson,   |     |                          |
        |     |Yamada, Williams          |     |                          |
        |     |                          |     |                          |
         APPROPRIATIONS               17-0                               
        |Ayes:|Gatto, Harkey, Bigelow,   |     |                          |
        |     |Bocanegra, Bradford, Ian  |     |                          |
        |     |Calderon, Campos,         |     |                          |
        |     |Donnelly, Eggman, Gomez,  |     |                          |
        |     |Hall, Rendon, Linder,     |     |                          |
        |     |Pan, Quirk, Wagner, Weber |     |                          |
        |     |                          |     |                          |
         SUMMARY  :   Requires the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality  
        Control Board (SF Regional Board) to authorize a five year pilot  
        project in Sonoma County that would study the effects, if any, of  
        allowing small agricultural irrigation ponds containing recycled  
        water to occasionally overflow during storm events into an area that  
        is already irrigated by recycled water.  Specifically, this bill  :  

        1)Makes findings including, but not limited to, acknowledging  
          California's freshwater supplies are limited and oversubscribed  
          thus creating pressure on economic, ecosystem and community needs  
          and that recycled water could meet some of those challenges. 

        2)Recognizes that the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District  
          (District) produces an average of 3.5 million gallons of tertiary  
          recycled water daily, much of which discharges into a San Pablo  


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          Bay tributary, and that this pilot project would help maximize  
          recycled water use.

        3)Requires, on or before October 1, 2014, that the SF Regional Board  
          authorize a voluntary pilot project designed to measure, analyze,  
          and report water quality data collected upstream and downstream of  
          three to four small agricultural irrigation impoundments of  
          recycled water before, during, and after at least five storm  
          events where water overflows and comingles with other surface  
          waters.  Specifies water quality and environmental parameters for  
          the study.

        4)Requires agricultural impoundments that are eligible for the pilot  
          project to be pre-existing as of January 1, 2013; to hold 200  
          acre-feet or less of water; and, to be located within an  
          agricultural area already receiving disinfected tertiary recycled  

        5)Establishes a 10-person stakeholder advisory group with  
          representatives from nongovernmental organizations, regional  
          agriculture, private landowners, the District, the Sonoma County  
          Water Agency and the SF Regional Board to review and provide input  
          on project design, implementation, and data analysis.  
        6)Requires the pilot project to identify expected costs and secure  
          funding prior to project implementation.

        7)Requires, within 12 months of final data collection, that the data  
          shall be analyzed and a draft report made available for  
          stakeholder advisory group review and comment.  Requires a final  
          report to the SF Regional Board within three months of the release  
          of the draft report. 
        8)Repeals authority for the pilot project on January 1, 2018, unless  
          that date is statutorily deleted or extended.

         EXISTING LAW  :

        1)Vests the State Water Board, pursuant to the Porter-Cologne Water  
          Quality Control Act, with authority over state water quality  
          policy.  Also establishes nine Regional Water Quality Control  
          Boards (Regional Boards) to oversee water quality at the local and  
          regional level.

        2)Requires the Regional Boards or the State Water Board to prepare  


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          and periodically update Basin Plans (water quality control plans).  
           Each Basin Plan identifies the beneficial uses of each water body  
          to be protected; establishes water quality objectives, for both  
          surface water and groundwater; and, details the actions necessary  
          to maintain these standards in order to control point source (end  
          of pipe) and non-point source pollution to the state's waters.

        3)Authorizes that waste-discharge requirements and National  
          Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits be issued to  
          implement Basin Plan requirements, taking into consideration  
          beneficial uses to be protected.

        4)Requires any person proposing to discharge waste within any region  
          to file a report of waste discharge with the appropriate Regional  
          Board.  Prohibits waste discharges, under penalty of enforcement,  
          until the Regional Board issues waste discharge requirements or a  
          waiver of the waste discharge requirements.  Defines recycled  
          water as a waste and therefore subject to waste discharge  
          prohibitions and requirements.

         FISCAL EFFECT :  According to the Assembly Appropriations Committee,  
        there are minor, absorbable costs to the SF Regional Board and State  
        Water Board to participate in the pilot project.

         COMMENTS  :  Prior legislation, AB 2398 (Hueso) of 2012 proposed to  
        overhaul and modernize the state's statutes related to recycled  
        water and bring them together under a new Water Code division.  AB  
        2398 was held in the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee  
        with a commitment to put together a recycled water stakeholder group  
        to explore the potential administrative and statutory barriers to  
        more recycled water use.  One issue identified by that group was the  
        need for better technical information to inform recycled water  
        project permitting.

        The author states that this bill will help farmers in the  
        water-scarce Los Carneros grape-growing region of the Sonoma and  
        Napa Valleys who want to store and use high-quality recycled water  
        for irrigation and frost protection, but a lack of environmental  
        data has made permitting challenging.  According to the author, this  
        bill would authorize a temporary pilot project designed to  
        determine, through a science-based process, potential impacts  
        resulting from occasional rainy-season run-off from these ponds.   
        Other supporters state that this bill helps address an unfortunate  
        situation where the local water agency and agricultural landowner  


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        partners risk being penalized if small irrigation ponds storing  
        high-quality recycled water overflow during a rain event, despite  
        the fact that there are current water quality permits allowing for  
        discharge, tidal habitat restoration, and agricultural irrigation  
        within the same watershed.  Supporters maintain that a fear of  
        penalties has limited the potential to use highly-treated recycled  

         Analysis Prepared by  :    Tina Cannon Leahy / W., P. & W. / (916)  

                                                                  FN: 0000673