BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                             SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
                             Senator Noreen Evans, Chair
                              2013-2014 Regular Session

          AB 1352 (Levine)
          As Amended April 1, 2013
          Hearing Date: June 11, 2013
          Fiscal: Yes
          Urgency: No

                        Courts: Destruction of Court Records


          This bill would authorize the destruction of various court  
          records earlier than permitted under existing law, delete  
          records retention provisions for records no longer maintained by  
          the court (such as coroner's inquest records), and establish  
          records retention periods for records that are not specifically  
          addressed under existing law.  The proposed record retention  
          periods would apply to all court records currently in existence,  
          as well as future records.   

          The bill would also authorize the clerk of the court to use  
          electronic or other technological means to generate certified  
          copies of court records if the means adopted by the court  
          reasonably ensures that the certified copy is a true and correct  
          copy of the original record, or of a specified part of the  
          original record.  

          (This analysis reflects author's amendments to be offered in  


          In 1994, AB 1374 (Frazee, Ch. 1030, Stats. 1994) authorized  
          trial courts to preserve court records electronically, but did  
          not authorize those courts to create or maintain electronic  
          court records.  That issue was addressed in 2010 when AB 1926  
          (Evans, Ch. 167, Stats. 2010) authorized trial courts to create,  
          maintain, and preserve court records in electronic form, as  


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          specified.  Both of those bills sought to conserve court  
          resources by facilitating the move to electronic records.  

          Similarly, this bill seeks to further reduce storage costs by  
          permitting courts to destroy certain records earlier than is  
          permitted under existing law, both with respect to future paper  
          records and those that are already in existence.  This bill also  
          seeks to reorganize and streamline current retention periods,  
          delete certain retention periods, and provide new, specific,  
          retention periods for court records not previously addressed  
          under existing law.    

                                CHANGES TO EXISTING LAW
           Existing law  provides that trial courts may create, maintain,  
          and preserve court records, other than court reporter's  
          transcripts, in any form of communication, including paper,  
          optical, electronic, magnetic, micrographic media, or other  
          technology, if the form satisfies rules adopted by the Judicial  
          Council, as specified.  (Gov. Code Sec. 68150(a).) 

           Existing law  requires the Judicial Council to establish the  
          standards and guidelines for the creation, maintenance,  
          reproduction, or preservation of court records, including  
          records that must be preserved permanently.  Among other things,  
          the standards or guidelines must ensure that court records are  
          created and maintained in a manner that ensures accuracy and  
          preserves the integrity of the records, are stored and preserved  
          in a manner that protects the records against loss and ensures  
          preservation for the required period of time, and are publicly  
          accessible and reproducible with at least the same amount of  
          convenience as paper records previously provided.  (Gov. Code  
          Sec. 68150(c).)

           Existing law  provides that a court record that is created,  
          maintained, preserved, or reproduced in accordance with the  
          above provisions must be stored in a manner and place that  
          reasonably ensures its preservation against loss, theft,  
          defacement, or destruction for the prescribed retention period  
          prescribed by statute. (Gov. Code Sec. 68150(h).) 

           Existing law  prescribes the manner by which court records may be  
          destroyed after proper notice, as specified, and after the  
          relevant statutory retention period has expired.  (Gov. Code  
          Sec. 68152.)


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           Existing law  allows the courts to extend the retention period  
          for court records on its own motion or by application of a party  
          or interested member of the public for good cause shown.  (Gov.  
          Code Sec. 68152(h).)
           This bill  would revise and reorganize the statutory retention  
          periods for court records to streamline and clarify current  
          retention periods for specified court records, delete  
          unnecessary retention periods, reduce retention periods for  
          certain court records, and add retention periods for other  
          records not previously covered under existing law.  (See chart  
          in Comment 3 for more detail.)
           This bill  would retain the ability of courts to extend the  
          retention period for courts on its own motion or by application  
          of a party or interested member of the public for good cause  

           This bill would apply to court records in existence prior to its  
          January 1, 2014 effective date, as well as court records created  

           This bill  would make conforming changes to a cross-reference  
          under existing law.

          1.    Stated need for the bill  

          According to the author: 

            The [c]ourts spend more money than is necessary on records  
            retention.  This legislation refines record retention periods  
            in order to save courts money in a non-controversial way.  AB  
            1352 authorizes the destruction of various court records  
            earlier than is permitted under existing law, which will  
            enable the trial courts to reduce their storage costs. In  
            addition, the bill establishes statutory records retention  
            periods for new types of records that are not dealt with under  
            existing law-such as records resulting from the new criminal  
            realignment process.  The amendments will also clarify that  
            the clerk of the court may use technology to generate  
            certified copies of court records.  Finally, the bill will  
            result in the main records retention statute, being organized  
            in a more logical, readable, and understandable manner.  



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          The sponsor of this bill, the Judicial Council of California,  
          adds that, "[i]mplementation of AB 1352 will allow courts to  
          efficiently and effectively manage court records and ensure that  
          courts are not burdened by excessive record storage costs in  
          this time of severe budget reductions to court operations which  
          jeopardize access to justice for all Californians while still  
          preserving the public's access to records when necessary."

          2.    Reducing storage costs would help courts realize additional  

          This bill would reorganize, streamline, and modernize the  
          statutes relating to retention of court records to provide  
          additional clarity with existing law, delete unnecessary  
          provisions, introduce specific guidelines where existing law is  
          silent, and at times, reduce the number of years that court  
          records must be retained.  In doing so, the proponents assert  
          that the bill would reasonably reduce storage costs of paper  
          files, and increase court savings at a time when severe budget  
          cuts jeopardize access to justice.  

          The Judicial Council also sponsored legislation in 2010 to  
          modernize the statutes on the management of court records to  
          authorize courts to create, maintain, and preserve records in a  
          variety of forms, including paper; electronic, optical,  
          magnetic, or photographic media; or other technology, in order  
          to help reduce court costs associated with storage of paper  
          files.  (See AB 1926 (Evans, Ch. 167, Stats. 2010.)  With  
          respect to the court costs of storing paper records, the  
          Judicial Council states that:

            In California, a vast amount of storage space is currently  
            devoted to maintaining and preserving paper files of court  
            records. [ . . . ] The total cost associated with records  
            management during the fiscal year 2006-2007 was $21,619,815,  
            which includes storage costs of $1,813,530 and staff cost of  

            [Even with the passage of AB 1926 in 2010], large quantities  
            of existing records still remain in paper formats and it would  
            be prohibitively costly to convert all these records to  
            electronic form.  Moreover, expending scarce court resources  
            to convert or maintain outdated records does not serve the  
            public that needs to access the courts.

          As such, this bill seeks to reorganize and streamline the  


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          current retention periods to provide additional clarity as to  
          the applicable retention periods for various records, and also  
          decrease the retention periods for certain records where the  
          Judicial Council's Policy Coordination and Liaison Committee and  
          Court Executives Advisory Committee, together with the Court  
          Records Management Working Group, determined that a shorter time  
          period would suffice.  Of note, these changes were proposed as  
          part of a Judicial Council report on improving court records  
          retention laws, and were released for public review and comment.  
           (See Report to the Judicial Council, Modernization and  
          Improvement of Statutes on Trial Court Records Retention and  
          Management (Feb. 15, 2013).)  Based upon the comments received,  
          Judicial Council has removed any controversial changes to  
          existing law retention periods.  

          3.    Overview of changes made to existing statutory retention  

          This bill would largely reorganize and streamline the existing  
          statutory retention periods to properly group similar types of  
          cases to make the statute more readily accessible, add retention  
          periods for records not specifically addressed under existing  
          law, provide added clarity as to existing retention periods for  
          certain records, and reduce the current retention period for  
          other records.  

          As noted in Comment 2, the sponsor and author elected to leave  
          certain retention periods unaltered by this bill in an effort to  
          avoid any controversy.  As such, court records relating to  
          family and civil (except for mental health cases) remain largely  
          the same as under existing law, despite any reorganization or  
          clarifying amendments made to those provisions.  For example,  
          the retention periods for family law records generally, as well  
          as records relating to adoption, name change and parentage cases  
          would remain unchanged, but would be grouped together and  
          relocated as part of the larger goal of increasing the  
          accessibility of the statute.  Similarly, the provisions  
          relating to civil records in unlimited and limited civil cases  
          would substantively remain unchanged, but the bill would  
          specifically state the retention periods for records in such  
          cases and also would include retention periods for judgments in  
          those cases, which are currently located in a different part of  
          the statute.  Additionally, while the retention periods for  
          civil harassment records and domestic violence orders would  
          remain unchanged, the provisions would be grouped, relocated,  
          and expanded to include records in cases involving protective  


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          orders to prevent elder and dependent adult abuse and work place  
          violence, among other things. 

          The main substantive changes (as further outlined in the chart  
          below) can be generally described as follows:
           the statutory retention periods for civil cases involving  
            mental health records would be reduced; 
           the statutory retention periods for various types of probate  
            records (probate, conservatorships, and guardianships) would  
            be revised to provide more precise times for specific  
            categories of probate records, and to expressly address  
            important probate records not previously covered under  
            existing law (such as trusts and minors' compromises);
           the statutory retention periods for mental health records in  
            civil cases would be amended to create separate and shorter  
            retention periods for cases or hearings brought under  
            specified acts;
           the statutory retention periods for capital felony cases would  
            be amended to create separate retention periods ranging from  
            permanent retention periods to 50 years to 10 years, based  
            upon whether (1) the sentence was for death, life without  
            possibility of parole, or life; (2) the sentence was for less  
            than death, life, or life without possibility of parole; (3)  
            the defendant was acquitted;
           the statutory retention periods for cases involving other  
            felonies; misdemeanors; warrants; and infractions would also  
            be amended to distinguish among certain cases (such as where  
            cases are dismissed or charges are reduced) and, at times,  
            reduce the retention period; and
           the statutory retention periods for certain records, including  
            parking infractions and coroner inquest records, would be  

          |    Type of      |  Current Retention  |Proposed Retention Period |
          | Action/Document |       Period        |                          |
          |                           CIVIL CASES                           |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Mental Health    |Lanterman            |Lanterman Developmental   |
          |                 |Developmental        |Disabilities Services     |
          |                 |Disabilities         |Act: 10 years             |
          |                 |Services Act and     |                          |


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          |                 |Lanterman-Petris-Shor|                          |
          |                 |t Act: 30 years      |Lanterman-Petris-Short    |
          |                 |                     |Act: 20 years             |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |                          |
          |                 |68152(c)(7))         |Riese (capacity)          |
          |                 |                     |hearings: the latter of   |
          |                 |                     |either (i) 20 years after |
          |                 |                     |the date of the capacity  |
          |                 |                     |determination order or    |
          |                 |                     |(ii) the retention date   |
          |                 |                     |for court records related |
          |                 |                     |to any underlying         |
          |                 |                     |involuntary treatment or  |
          |                 |                     |commitment proceeding, if |
          |                 |                     |any                       |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Petitions for return of   |
          |                 |                     |firearms to petitions who |
          |                 |                     |relinquished them while   |
          |                 |                     |detained in a mental      |
          |                 |                     |health facility: 10 years |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(a)(13)(A)-(D))      |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Probate Records  |All probate records, |Decedent estates:         |
          |                 |including probated   | All orders, judgments,  |
          |                 |wills, except as     |  decrees of the court,   |
          |                 |otherwise specified: |  all inventories and     |
          |                 | Permanently         |  appraisals, and all     |
          |                 |                     |  wills and codicils of   |
          |                 |                     |  the decedent filed in   |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |  the case, including     |
          |                 |68152(h)(3))         |  those not admitted to   |
          |                 |                     |  probate: Permanently    |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     | Other records:  Five    |
          |                 |                     |  years after final       |


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          |                 |                     |  disposition of the      |
          |                 |                     |  estate proceeding       |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(a)(11)(A))          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Wills and codicils        |
          |                 |                     |transferred or delivered  |
          |                 |                     |to the court pursuant to  |
          |                 |                     |specified provisions of   |
          |                 |                     |the Probate Code:         |
          |                 |                     |Permanently               |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(a)(11)(B))          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Substitutes for decedent  |
          |                 |                     |estate administration:    |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     | Affidavit procedures    |
          |                 |                     |  for real property of    |
          |                 |                     |  small value: retain     |
          |                 |                     |  permanently             |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     | Proceedings for         |
          |                 |                     |  determining succession  |
          |                 |                     |  to property and         |
          |                 |                     |  proceedings for         |
          |                 |                     |  determination of        |
          |                 |                     |  property passing or     |
          |                 |                     |  belonging to surviving  |
          |                 |                     |  spouse: retain          |
          |                 |                     |  permanently all         |
          |                 |                     |  inventories and         |
          |                 |                     |  appraisals and court    |
          |                 |                     |  orders.  Other records: |
          |                 |                     |  retain for five years   |
          |                 |                     |  after final disposition |
          |                 |                     |  of the proceeding       |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |


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          |                 |                     |68152(a)(11)(C))          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Conservatorship  |10 years             |Court orders:             |
          |                 |                     |Permanently, except as    |
          |                 |                     |specified                 |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |                          |
          |                 |68152(h)(1))         |                          |
          |                 |                     |Other conservatorship     |
          |                 |                     |records: 5 years after    |
          |                 |Judgments:           |the latter of either (i)  |
          |                 |Permanently          |the final disposition of  |
          |                 |                     |the conservatorship       |
          |                 |                     |proceeding or (ii) death  |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |of the conservatee, if    |
          |                 |68152(j)(12))        |that date is disclosed in |
          |                 |                     |the court's file          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(a)(11)(D))          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Guardianships    |10 years after 18    |Court orders terminating  |
          |                 |years of age         |the guardianship, if any, |
          |                 |                     |and court orders settling |
          |                 |                     |final account and         |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |ordering distribution of  |
          |                 |68152(h)(2))         |the estate: Permanently   |
          |                 |                     |                          |
                               |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |Judgments:           |Other records: 5 years    |
          |                 |Permanently          |after the latter of (1)   |
          |                 |                     |the final disposition of  |
          |                 |                     |the guardianship          |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |proceeding; or (2) the    |
          |                 |68152(j)(12))        |earlier date of the       |
          |                 |                     |ward's death, if that     |
          |                 |                     |date is disclosed in the  |
          |                 |                     |court's file, or the date |
          |                 |                     |the ward turns 23         |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |


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          |                 |                     |68152(a)(11)(E))          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Minors' and      |No comparable        |Judgments in favor of     |
          |Disabled         |provision; treated   |minors or disabled        |
          |Persons'         |like a civil record  |persons, orders approving |
          |Compromises      |- 10 years           |compromises of claims and |
          |                 |                     |actions and disposition   |
          |                 |                     |of the proceeds of        |
          |                 |                     |judgments, orders         |
          |                 |                     |directing payment of      |
          |                 |                     |expenses, costs, and      |
          |                 |                     |fees, orders directing    |
          |                 |                     |deposits into blocked     |
          |                 |                     |accounts and receipts and |
          |                 |                     |acknowledgments of those  |
          |                 |                     |orders, and orders for    |
          |                 |                     |the withdrawal of funds   |
          |                 |                     |from blocked accounts:    |
          |                 |                     |Permanently               |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Other Records:  For the   |
          |                 |                     |same retention period as  |
          |                 |                     |for records in the        |
          |                 |                     |underlying case. If there |
          |                 |                     |is no underlying case,    |
          |                 |                     |retain for five years     |
          |                 |                     |after the latter of       |
          |                 |                     |either (1) the date the   |
          |                 |                     |order for payment or      |
          |                 |                     |delivery of the final     |
          |                 |                     |balance of the money or   |
          |                 |                     |property is entered, or   |
          |                 |                     |(2) the earlier of the    |
          |                 |                     |date of the minor's       |
          |                 |                     |death, if that date is    |
          |                 |                     |disclosed in the court's  |
          |                 |                     |file, or the date the     |
          |                 |                     |minor reaches 23 years of |
          |                 |                     |age.                      |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(a)(11)(F)(i)-(ii))  |


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          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Trusts           |No comparable        |Trusts proceedings:       |
          |                 |provision; treated   |Permanently               |
          |                 |like a civil record  |                          |
          |                 |- 10 years           |                          |
          |                 |                     |Trusts instruments and    |
          |                 |                     |court orders for trusts   |
          |                 |                     |created by substitute     |
          |                 |                     |judgment: Permanently     |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Other records for trusts  |
          |                 |                     |created by substitute     |
          |                 |                     |judgment: retain as long  |
          |                 |                     |as the underlying         |
          |                 |                     |conservatorship file is   |
          |                 |                     |retained                  |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Trust instruments and     |
          |                 |                     |court orders for special  |
          |                 |                     |needs trusts: permanently |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Other records relating to |
          |                 |                     |special needs trusts:     |
          |                 |                     |retain until the latter   |
          |                 |                     |of either (1) the         |
          |                 |                     |retention date of "other  |
          |                 |                     |records" in the           |
          |                 |                     |beneficiary's             |
          |                 |                     |conservatorship or        |
          |                 |                     |guardianship file, as     |
          |                 |                     |specified, if any, or (2) |
          |                 |                     |five years after the date |
          |                 |                     |of the beneficiary's      |
          |                 |                     |death, if that date is    |
          |                 |                     |disclosed in the court's  |
          |                 |                     |file                      |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(a)(11)(G)(i)-(iv))  |
          |                 |                     |                          |


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          |                         CRIMINAL CASES                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Capital Felony   |If prosecution seeks |Capital felony cases in   |
          |(death penalty)  |the death penalty:   |which the defendant is    |
          |                 |Permanently, except  |sentenced to death, and   |
          |                 |as specified         |in any felony resulting   |
          |                 |                     |in a sentence of life or  |
          |                 |                     |life without the          |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |possibility of parole:    |
          |                 |68152(e)(1))         |Permanently               |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |If a capital felony is    |
          |                 |                     |disposed of by a sentence |
          |                 |                     |less than death, life, or |
          |                 |                     |life without possibility  |
          |                 |                     |of parole: Retain         |
          |                 |                     |judgment permanently, and |
          |                 |                     |record for 50 years or    |
          |                 |                     |for 10 years after the    |
          |                 |                     |defendant's death         |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |If a capital felony is    |
          |                 |                     |disposed of by acquittal: |
          |                 |                     |10 years                  |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(c)(1))              |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Other Felonies   |75 years             |Judgments: permanently    |
          |and Registered   |                     |                          |
          |Sex Offender     |                     |                          |
          |Misdemeanors     |(Gov. Code Sec.      |Other documents: 50 years |
          |                 |68152(e)(2), (10))   |or the maximum term of    |
          |                 |                     |the sentence, whichever   |
          |                 |                     |is longer, or 10 years    |
          |                 |                     |after the defendant's     |
          |                 |                     |death                     |


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          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(c)(2).              |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Felony Reduced   |No comparable        |In accord with relevant   |
          |to Misdemeanor   |provision, treated   |misdemeanor rules, or in  |
          |or Misdemeanor   |like felony or       |accord with relevant      |
          |Reduced to       |misdemeanor          |infraction rules          |
          |Infraction       |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(c)(3), (9))         |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Dismissed        |No comparable        |Felony charge is          |
          |Criminal Cases   |provision, treated   |dismissed: 3 years,       |
          |                 |like underlying      |except as provided        |
          |                 |criminal case record |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(c)(4))              |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |Misdemeanor charge is     |
          |                 |                     |dismissed: 1 year, except |
          |                 |                     |as provided               |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(c)(5))              |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Infractions      |Except as otherwise  |Except as otherwise       |
          |                 |specified: three     |specified: 1 year         |
          |                 |years                |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |68152(c)(10))             |
          |                 |68152(e)(11))        |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |


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          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Parking          |Two years            |Eliminates the current    |
          |Infractions      |                     |two-year retention period |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |                          |
          |                 |68152(e)(12))        |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Search Warrants  |10 years, generally  |Same retention period as  |
          |                 |                     |for records in underlying |
          |                 |                     |case.  If none, retain    |
          |                 |If issued in         |for five years from date  |
          |                 |connection with a    |of issue                  |
          |                 |capital felony case: |                          |
          |                 | permanently.        |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |(c)(13))                  |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |                          |
          |                 |68152(j)(18)         |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Arrest Warrant   |Same period as       |Same period as period for |
          |                 |period for retention |retention of the records  |
          |                 |of the records in    |in the underlying case    |
          |                 |the underlying case  |category.  If none, 1     |
          |                 |category             |year from date of issue.  |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |68152(j)(2))         |(c)(12))                  |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                          Other Records                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Court Orders Not |3 years              |1 year                    |
          |Associated With  |                     |                          |
          |an Underlying    |                     |                          |
          |Case             |(Gov. Code Sec.      |(Gov. Code Sec.           |
          |                 |68152(h)(6))         |68152(g)(12))             |
          |                 |                     |                          |


          AB 1352 (Levine)
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          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Habeas Corpus    |Same period as       |In criminal and family    |
          |                 |period for retention |law matters: retain for   |
          |                 |of the records in    |the same retention period |
          |                 |the underlying case  |as for records in the     |
          |                 |category             |underlying case, whether  |
          |                 |                     |granted or denied.        |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |                          |
          |                 |68152(f))            |In mental health matters: |
          |                 |                     |retain all records for    |
          |                 |                     |the same retention period |
          |                 |                     |as for records in the     |
          |                 |                     |underlying case, whether  |
          |                 |                     |granted or denied.  If no |
          |                 |                     |underlying case, retain   |
          |                 |                     |records for 20 years.     |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |(Proposed Gov. Code Sec.  |
          |                 |                     |68152(d)(1)-(2))          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |Coroner's        |Same period as       |Eliminates the retention  |
          |Inquest Report   |period for retention |period                    |
          |                 |of the records in    |                          |
          |                 |the underlying case  |                          |
          |                 |category; if no      |                          |
          |                 |case, then           |                          |
          |                 |permanent.           |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |
          |                 |(Gov. Code Sec.      |                          |
          |                 |68152(j)(5))         |                          |
          |                 |                     |                          |

          4.    Technical amendments  

          This bill would provide that the record retention periods  
          provided in this bill apply to all court records in existence  
          prior to January 1, 2014, as well as to records created after  
          that date.  As such, the bill would technically not apply to  
          court records created on January 1, 2014. The following  
          amendment would correct this unintended consequence: 


          AB 1352 (Levine)
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             Suggested amendment
            On page 18, line 1, after "record created" insert "on or" 

          Also, throughout the bill, various retention requirements are to  
          be determined by the later of two possible dates.  However, the  
          current language states that the applicable retention period is  
          the "latter of" of two possible dates.  To correct potential  
          confusion, the following amendments are suggested: 

             Suggested amendment

             On page 11, line 13, strike "latter" and insert "later"

            On page 11, line 19, strike "latter" and insert "later"

            On page 11, line 36, strike "latter" and insert "later" 

            On page 12, line 14, strike "latter" and insert "later"

            On page 12, line 26, strike "latter" and insert "later"

          5.    Author's amendment to be offered in committee 

          The following amendments are offered by the author to resolve  
          stakeholder concerns: 

             Author's amendments  

            On page 10, line 17, before "restraining" add "temporary"

            On page 10, line 17, before "orders" add "temporary"

            On page 11, line 38, strike "ward's" and insert "minor's"
            On page 11, line 40, strike "ward" and insert "minor"

            On page 12, line 2, strike "Litigation" and insert  

            On page 12, line 2, strike "Chapter 1 (commencing with Section  
            17000)" and strike line 3

            On page 12, line 4, strike "(commencing with section 17200)  
            of" and after "Part 5 of Division 9 of the Probate Code"  
            insert "(commencing with Section 17000)"


          AB 1352 (Levine)
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            On page 4, strike lines 6-8, inclusive

            On page 4, line 9, renumber "(iii)" to (ii)"

            On page 4, line 13, renumber "(iv)" to "(iii)"

          6.    Chaptering-out issues
          Staff notes that AB 1167 (Dickinson), relating to electronic  
          transmission of court records to and from levying officers,  
          would amend a section of the Government Code also being amended  
          by this bill and that language should be added to the bill  
          before it leaves the Senate to avoid chaptering-out issues.

           Support  :  None Known 

           Opposition  :  None Known
           Source  :  Judicial Council of California

           Related Pending Legislation  :  None Known

           Prior Legislation  :

          AB 1926 (Evans, Chap. 167, Stats. 2010) See Background.  This  
          bill also required the Judicial Council to establish standards  
          and guidelines for the creation, maintenance, reproduction, or  
          preservation of court records and also provided that documents  
          electronically signed, subscribed, or verified would have the  
          same validity and legal force and effect as paper documents.

          AB 1374 (Frazee, Ch. 1030, Stats. 1994) See Background.

           Prior Vote  :

          Assembly Floor (Ayes 70, Noes 0)
                   Assembly Appropriations Committee (Ayes 17, Noes 0)
          Assembly Judiciary Committee (Ayes 10, Noes 0)




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