BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                               AB 1398

                              Senator Jerry Hill, Chair
                              2013-2014 Regular Session
           BILL NO:    AB 1398
           AUTHOR:     Asm. Natural Resources
           AMENDED:    Introduced
           FISCAL:     Yes               HEARING DATE:  June 19, 2013
           URGENCY:    No                CONSULTANT:      Rebecca  

            SUMMARY  :    
            Existing law  , under the Integrated Waste Management Act of  
           1989, defines "commercial solid waste" as having the same  
           meaning as Section 17225.12 of Title 14 of the California Code  
           of Regulations where it is defined as "all types of solid  
           wastes generated by stores, offices and other commercial  
           sources, excluding residences, and excluding industrial  
           wastes." (Public Resources Code §42649.1).

            This bill  :  

           1) Clarifies that "commercial solid waste" includes all types  
              of solid waste generated by a store, office, or other  
              commercial or public entity source, including a business or  
              a multifamily dwelling of five or more units.

           2) Makes technical changes to correct a drafting error  
              referencing a non-existent section and correct a  

            COMMENTS  :

            1) Purpose of Bill  . According to the author, this bill  
              includes technical and clean-up language to recycling  
              program requirements enacted by AB 341(Chesbro), Chapter  
              476, Statutes of 2011. The author states that, in addition  
              to codifying the definition of "commercial solid waste,"  
              the bill corrects a drafting error that cited Section  
              426492, rather than 42649.2, and corrects a cross-reference  


                                                               AB 1398
                                                                 Page 2

              to ensure that the definition of commercial waste generator  
              is appropriately referenced.
            2) Background  . AB 341 (Chesbro) requires that the Department  
              of Recourses Recycling and Recovery ensure that by January  
              1, 2020, 75% of the solid waste generated in California is  
              source reduced, recycled or composted.  Additionally,  
              businesses, including commercial or public entity sources  
              or multifamily residences with five or more units  
              generating more than four cubic yards of commercial solid  
              waste must arrange for recycling services.  AB 1398 revises  
              the "commercial solid waste" definition to be consistent  
              with the requirements of AB 341 (Chesbro) of 2011, and  
              corrects technical drafting errors in the code. 

            SOURCE  :        Assembly Natural Resources Committee  

           SUPPORT  :       None on file  

           OPPOSITION  :    None on file