BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                Mark Leno, Chair
          Bill No:       AB 1466
          Author:        Committee on Budget
          As Amended:    As proposed to be amended June 15, 2014
          Consultant:    Catherine Freeman 
          Fiscal:        Yes
          Hearing Date:  June 15, 2014
          Subject:  Resources Omnibus Trailer Bill

          Summary:  This bill makes various changes to implement the  
          resources, environmental protection, energy, and  
          agriculture budget actions adopted as part of the 2014-15  
          budget package.

          Background:  As part of the 2014-15 budget package, AB 1466  
          makes various statutory changes to implement the budget  

          Proposed Law:  This bill includes the following key  

             1.   Amendment for New Solar Homes Partnership. Includes  
               a technical amendment taken by committee on June 15,  
               2014 related to the financial components of the  
               California Solar Initiative, including the New Solar  
               Homes Partnership, and the Electric Program Investment  
               Charge. The amendment would require the Public  
               Utilities Commission to be notified by the Energy  
               Commission that other funding sources for the program  
               have been exhausted before requiring those electrical  
               corporations to continue administration of the program  
               until the monetary limit is reached.

             2.   Climate Resilience Account.  Establishes the  
               Climate Resilience Account to provide additional  
               funding to specifically address the risk and impacts  
               of climate change, sea level rise, and associated  
               extreme events.

             3.   Climate Assessment.  Allows the Environmental  
               License Plate Fund to be used for climate assessment.


             4.   Drinking Water Reorganization. Provides the  
               necessary statutory authority to transfer the drinking  
               water program from the Department of Public Health to  
               the State Water Resources Control Board including  
               merging of loan programs.

             5.   Seismic Mapping. Allows the Strong-Motion  
               Instrumentation and Seismic Hazards Mapping Fund to  
               fund the Alquist-Priolo seismic mapping program and  
               increases the amount assessed on building permit fees  
               that provide revenues to the fund.

             6.   Oil Spill Response. Authorizes the Oil Spill  
               Prevention and Administration Fund to be used for  
               inland oil response, eliminates the fee sunset, and  
               expands the fee base to include all crude oil entering  
               the state.

             7.   Hydraulic Fracturing. Provides necessary statutory  
               cleanup related to hydraulic fracturing regulations at  
               the State Water Resources Control Board including  
               specifying that regulations finalized on or before  
               January 1, 2015, become effective July 1, 2015, and  
               makes technical changes to the authority of the board  
               related to area-specific ground water monitoring  

             8.   Enforcement of Marijuana Cultivation. Allows the  
               Waste Discharge Permit Fund and Department of Fish and  
               Wildlife civil penalty revenues to be used to pay back  
               a loan from the Timber Regulation and Forest  
               Restoration Fund, which is to be used for the  
               enforcement of environmental damage from marijuana  
               activities over the next three years. 

             9.   Recycling Audits. Allows for audits of beverage  
               manufacturers and distributors to be reviewed every  
               five years, rather than three years, allowed under  
               current statute.

             10.  Rubberized Tire Chip Seals. Clarifies that  
               rubberized chip seal projects are eligible for project  
               funding, in addition to currently allowed asphalt  


               concrete, within the tire recycling programs.

             11.  Parks Revenue Generation and Capital Projects.  
               Extends the revenue generation program at the  
               Department of Parks and Recreation for five years and  
               re-establishes the Parks Project Revolving Fund to  
               allow capital outlay funds longer encumbrance periods  
               upon transfer to the fund.  Clarifies that the State  
               Park Contingent Fund, used for private donations to  
               parks, is continued.

             12.  Fisheries Restoration Grants. Specifies that  
               existing restoration grants be prioritized to the  
               Fisheries Restoration Grant Program at the Department  
               of Fish and Wildlife and to grant programs  
               administered by state conservancies.

             13.  Coastal Permitting. Authorizes the California  
               Coastal Commission to impose an administrative civil  
               penalty, by majority vote and at a duly noticed public  
               hearing, on a person who intentionally and knowingly  
               violates the public access provisions of the  
               California Coastal Act.

             14.  Lumber Assessment. Codifies the Board of  
               Equalization retailer reimbursement regulations that  
               were approved on September 10, 2013. 

             15.  Local Conservation Corps. Diversifies the Local  
               Conservation Corps funding under the Department of  
               Resources Recycling and Recovery, and creates a  
               separate statutory section to continue the program.

             16.  Environmental Justice Grants. Increases the cap on  
               environmental justice grants distributed by the  
               Secretary for Environmental Protection from $20,000 to  
               $50,000 and authorizes the award of up to $1.5 million  
               for this purpose.

             17.  Self-Generated Incentive Program. Extends the  
               sunset date for the program by five years and makes  
               various technical changes and program reforms to  
               specify eligibility for incentives under the program  
               limited to distributed energy resource technologies.


          Fiscal Effect:  This bill should not result in any changes  
          to the budget act or related budget actions. 

          Support:   Unknown

          Opposed:  Unknown

          Comments:  This bill provides the necessary statutory  
          references to enact the 2014-15 budget related to  
          resources, environmental protection, energy, and  
