BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 1707
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          AB 1707 (Wilk)
          As Amended  August 6, 2014
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |73-0 |(May 23, 2014)  |SENATE: |36-0 |(August 13,    |
          |           |     |                |        |     |2014)          |
           Original Committee Reference:    E.S. & T.M.  

           SUMMARY  :  Requires the State Water Resources Control Board  
          (State Water Board) and Regional Water Quality Control Boards  
          (Regional Water Boards) to post on its Internet Web site a copy  
          of the external scientific peer review conducted for proposed  
          total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) requirements of the state  
          board or a regional board.

           The Senate amendments add the Regional Water Board's scientific  
          peer reviews to documents required to be posted on the State  
          Water Boards Internet Web site. 

           EXISTING LAW  :  

           1)Under the federal Clean Water Act (Act), requires the state to  
            identify those waters within its boundaries that are not  
            sufficiently protected by state and federal water quality  
            standards (identified as "impaired water bodies"), to rank  
            such waters based upon the severity of their pollution, and to  
            establish TMDLs for pollutants found in those waters.

          2)Under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act:

             a)   Requires each Regional Water Board to adopt a water  
               quality control plan for its region that provides for the  
               reasonable protection of the beneficial uses of waters in  
               that region.  Requires the implementation of water quality  
               objectives to include a broad description of the actions  
               necessary to achieve such objectives.

             b)   Establishes an external scientific peer review process  
               of the scientific basis of any proposed regulatory  
               requirements by boards, departments, and offices in the  
               California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA).   


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               Requires the external scientific peer review to  
               specifically include those policies adopted by the State  
               Water Board to implement regional basin water quality  

           AS PASSED BY THE ASSEMBLY  , this bill required the State Water  
          Board to post on its Internet Web site a copy of the external  
          scientific peer review conducted for proposed to TMDLs  

           FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Appropriations  
          Committee, pursuant to Senate Rule 28.8, negligible state costs.
           COMMENTS  :   

          Need for the bill:  According to the author, "AB 1707 would  
          require the State Water Quality Resource Control Board to post a  
          copy of the external scientific peer review to their Web site -  
          a website that already exists.  Assembly Bill 1707 will  
          alleviate concerns regarding the assessment of and access to the  
          scientific peer review for TMDLs, and will implement a more  
          effective strategy through mandatory reporting of the peer  
          review and mandatory online availability for interested parties.  
           It is important that sound science be employed before requiring  
          ratepayers to fund these mitigations and AB 1707 will be an  
          incremental step in accomplishing that goal."

          TMDLs:  TMDLs have been required by the Act since it was first  
          passed in 1972.  Section 303(d) of the Act requires states to  
          identify all the water bodies that do not meet applicable water  
          quality standards; and, for those "impaired" water bodies,  
          states must establish TMDLs.  

          TMDLs are standards for evaluating water quality in which a  
          beneficial use is considered with reference to the condition of  
          a water body, (e.g., concentration and toxic effect.)
          Upon establishment of TMDLs by the State or United States  
          Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), the state is  
          required to incorporate, or reference, TMDLs into the State  
          Water Quality Management Plan (Basin Plan).  The Basin Plan and  
          applicable statewide plans serve as the State Water Quality  
          Management Plans governing the watersheds under the jurisdiction  


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          of the Regional Water Boards.

          Scientific peer review for CalEPA regulations:  The current  
          scientific peer review requirement provided in Health and Safety  
          Code Section 57004 is that all CalEPA organizations submit for  
          external scientific review the scientific basis and scientific  
          portion of all proposed policies, plans, and regulations.  The  
          peer reviewer's responsibility is to determine whether the  
          scientific findings, conclusions, and assumptions are based upon  
          sound scientific knowledge, methods, and practices.

          Health and Safety Code Section 57004 requires external  
          scientific peer review for certain water quality control  
          policies.  Regional Water Boards are required to receive  
          external scientific peer review of the scientific basis of any  
          proposed amendment to the Basin Plan.

          According to the CalEPA, there are several circumstances when  
          work products do not require scientific peer review  
          requirements.  These work products have been peer reviewed by a  
          recognized expert or expert body.  Additional review is not  
          required if a new application of an adequately peer reviewed  
          work product does not depart significantly from its scientific  
          approach.  These types of work projects would include standards  
          developed by the U.S. EPA, which CalEPA adopts.  These U.S. EPA  
          standards are presumed to have been sufficiently peer reviewed  
          unless additional peer review is required by law.

           Analysis Prepared by :    Bob Fredenburg / E.S. & T.M. / (916)  

          FN: 0004435