BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          |                                                                 |
          |                   Senator Fran Pavley, Chair                    |
          |                    2013-2014 Regular Session                    |
          |                                                                 |

          BILL NO: AB 2067                   HEARING DATE: June 10, 2014
          AUTHOR: Weber                      URGENCY: No
          VERSION: June 3, 2014              CONSULTANT: Dennis O'Connor
          DUAL REFERRAL: No                  FISCAL: Yes
          SUBJECT: Urban Water Management Plans.
          Under the Urban Water Management Planning Act (Act), all urban  
          water suppliers are required to prepare and adopt an urban water  
          management plan.  Updated every five years, the plans include,  
          among other things, a description of the service area of the  
          supplier, the identity and quantity of water resources, and  
          water use projections.  The next update is due December 31,  
          2016.  Urban water management plans (UWMPs) help inform the  
          public about the water challenges faced by their local water  
          supplier and the suppliers' plans for addressing those  
          challenges.  They are also the basis for making water  
          availability determinations under the "show us the water"  
          statutes (SBs 610 & 221 of 2001).  Compliance with the Act is a  
          requirement to receive state funding.

          AB 1420 (Laird/2007), among other things, required the  
          Department of Water Resources (DWR) to convene an independent  
          technical panel (ITP) to provide information and recommendations  
          to the department and the Legislature on new demand management  
          measures, technologies, and approaches. The panel was to be  
          convened by January 1, 2009, and is required to report to the  
          Legislature no later than January 1, 2010, and every five years  

          In February 2014, the ITP issued its Report to the Legislature  
          on Urban Water Management Plan Demand Management Measures  
          Reporting and Requirements.  The report made five  
          recommendations for improving UWMPs.  Recommendation #1 was  
          "Amend the Urban Water Management Planning Act to Simplify and  
          Update the Demand Management Measure Reporting Requirements."



          PROPOSED LAW
          This bill would amend the Urban Water Management Planning Act to  
          simplify and update the demand management measure reporting  
          requirements in a manner consistent with the recommendations of  
          the ITP.

          It would also delay the due date for UWMPs from December 31,  
          2015 by six months to July 1, 2016.

          According to the Association of California Water Agencies  
          (ACWA), "The current list of 14 demand management measures  
          required by the Urban Water Management Plans is outdated and  
          unnecessary.  There have been many technological advancements  
          over the last decade that have made many of the reporting  
          requirements obsolete.  AB 2067 would implement a streamlined  
          approach to reporting the actions taken by an urban water  
          supplier to conserve water with the ability to report new  
          innovative approaches under the 'other' category."


           Delay is to aid compliance with 20x2020  .  A part of the 2009  
          water package required that urban water agencies reduce their  
          per capita water use by 20% by the year 2020.  Urban water  
          suppliers were further required to report on their progress in  
          meeting that goal through the year 2015 in the 2015 update of  
          their UWMPs.  A number of agencies assert that they need more  
          time to gather and process data to more accurately reflect their  
          progress towards 20x2020 in their 2015 UWMP.  This bill would  
          give them 6 more months.

           Might need chaptering amendments.   This bill and SB 1420 (Wolk)  
          amend the same section of the Water Code.  Should both bills  
          pass to their respective second house's floor, the authors  
          should consider double-jointing amendments.

           Related Measures.
            SB 1036 (Pavley) - would explicitly authorize the voluntary  
            energy reporting changes to the Urban Water Management  
            Planning Act recommended by the ITP.

           SB 1420 (Wolk) - would implement recommendations #2 - #4 of  
            the Independent Technical Panel.




          Association of California Water Agencies
          California Municipal Utilities Association
          City of Pasadena
          Desert Water Agency
          East Bay Municipal Utility District
          El Dorado Irrigation District
          Friends of the River (if amended)
          La Puente Valley County Water District
          Newhall County Water District
          Pico Water District
          Roland Water District
          San Diego County Water Authority
          The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

          None Received
