BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

          |                                                                 |
          |                   Senator Fran Pavley, Chair                    |
          |                    2013-2014 Regular Session                    |
          |                                                                 |

          BILL NO: AB 2082                   HEARING DATE: June 10, 2014  
          AUTHOR: Dahle                      URGENCY: No  
          VERSION: February 20, 2014         CONSULTANT: Bill Craven  
          DUAL REFERRAL: No                  FISCAL: Yes  
          SUBJECT: Forest practices: resource conservation standards:  
          stocking standards.  
          1. The Z'Berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973 (FPA) requires  
          the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (Board) to adopt rules  
          and regulations to assure the continuous growing and harvesting  
          of commercial forest tree species and to protect the soil, air,  
          fish and wildlife, and specified water resources. 

          2. The FPA also requires the Department of Forestry and Fire  
          Protection (CDF) to oversee the FPA in consultation with other  
          public agencies and the interested public. The FPA and FPR  
          specifically regulate, among other things, timber harvest plans  
          (THPs), Nonindustrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs), Program  
          Timber Harvesting Plans (PTHPs), and other types of plans  
          related to timber operations on private lands in California. All  
          commercial harvesting activities are required to obtain one of  
          these permits, most of which are tailored to the size of the  
          land ownership or the type of harvesting that occurs.  

          3. For lands within a THP, existing law requires minimum  
          stocking standards after completion of timber operations which  
          can be accomplished in either of the following ways: 

          a) An average point count of 300 per acre, except for site IV  
          classification or lower (i.e., sites with lower productivity  
          potential), which shall have an average point count of 150 per  
          acre. (The point count of a tree is determined by tree size. For  
          example, a tree that is less than four inches in diameter at  
          breast height counts as one point. A tree over 12 inches in  
          diameter counts as six points.); or 



          b) An average residual basal area (i.e., the sum of tree  
          diameter for an acre) of at least 85 square feet per acre,  
          except for site II classification (i.e., sites with intermediate  
          productivity potential) or lower, which shall have the minimum  
          average residual basal area of 50 square feet per acre. 

          4. The stocking standards, also called resource conservation  
          standards, apply statewide except that the board is authorized  
          to adopt standards for each designated forestry district in the  
          state which are equal to or stricter than the standards  
          described above. 

          PROPOSED LAW
          This bill would authorize the board to develop alternative  
          stocking standards when necessary to address the variables in  
          forest characteristics. The bill would also delete the ability  
          of the board to develop district-specific stocking standards. 

          According to the author, new stocking standards need to be  
          created on a species- and site-specific basis to ensure that  
          California is maintaining and growing forests that can adapt to  
          our rapidly changing climate and environmental conditions. 

          The author points out that the Sierra Nevada region historically  
          had 20-50 trees per acre. Today, the author states that the  
          average is 266 trees per acre. The result is greater fire risk,  
          and less space and nutrients per tree. He also points out the  
          current statute was adopted at a time when the survival rate of  
          seedlings was 55% while today the survival rate is above 90%. 

          None received. 

          1. The bill currently deletes the district-based stocking  
          option. That is not necessary to achieve the authors' objective.  
          In conversation with the author, he agreed with an approach that  
          would retain the language in Section 4561.1 and re-number the  
          proposed new language as section 4561.2. 

          2. The bill is silent on any limitations on "alternative  
          stocking standards." The board would have maximum flexibility to  
          establish such standards on any basis it so chooses including  
          based on species-type, watershed, or other criteria.  

          3. The author expressed an interest in limiting the application  


          of the "alternative stocking standards" provision to just  
          subdivision (a) of Sec. 4561. This approach would apply to the  
          average point count approach to comply with stocking standards  
          but not the basal area approach. 


               AMENDMENT 1  
               Retain section 4561.2 and put language proposed in AB 2082  
               (now in 4561.1) in a new section 4561.2. 

               AMENDMENT 2
               Amend the proposed new 4561.2 as follows: Notwithstanding  
               the resource conservation standards in 4561(a), the board  
               may adopt alternative standards that meet the purposes of  
               that subdivision if those alternative standards reasonably  
               address the variables in forest characteristics and achieve  
               suitable stocking standards.  
                      AMENDMENT 3
               At the request of Assemblymember Dahle, add Assemblymember  
               Gordon as a joint author; add Senator Gaines as a Senate  
               co-author; and add Assemblymembers Bigelow, Olsen and  
               Wiekowski as Assembly co-authors. 

          Pacific Forest Trust
          California Cattlemen's Association
          California Licensed Professional Foresters Association

          None Received
