BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2148
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          AB 2148 (Mullin)
          As Amended  July 2, 2014
          Majority vote
          |ASSEMBLY:  |78-0 |(May 28, 2014)  |SENATE: |33-0 |(August 22,    |
          |           |     |                |        |     |2014)          |
           Original Committee Reference:    L. & E.  

           SUMMARY  :  Requires the California Workforce Investment Board  
          (CWIB) to, among other duties, assist the Governor in the  
          development of an annual workforce metrics dashboard to measure  
          investment in workforce development.  Specifically,  this bill  :  

          1)Requires the CWIB to develop an annual workforce metrics  
            dashboard that measures the state's human capital investments  
            in workforce development to understand the collective impact  
            of these investments on the labor market and shall be produced  
            using existing available data and resources currently  
            collected and accessible to state agencies. 

          2)Provides that the CWIB shall convene workforce program  
            partners to develop a standardized set of inputs and outputs  
            for the workforce metrics dashboard and outlines the workforce  
            metrics dashboard shall do all of the following:

             a)   Provide a status report on credential attainment,  
               training completion, degree attainment and participant  
               earnings from workforce education and training programs.   
               The CWIB shall publish and distribute the final report;
             b)   Provide demographic breakdowns to include race,  
               ethnicity, age, gender, veteran status, wage and credential  
               degree outcomes, and information on workforce outcomes in  
               different industry sectors, to the extent possible; and, 

             c)   Measure, at a minimum and to the extent feasible within  
               existing resources, the performance specified workforce  

             d)   Measure participant earnings, as specified, and the  
               Employment Development Department (EDD) shall assist the  


                                                                  AB 2148
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               CWIB by calculating aggregate participant earnings using  
               unemployment insurance wage records, without violating any  
               applicable confidentiality requirements.

          3)Authorizes the California Department of Education (CDE) to  
            collect and keep the information confidential for tracking  
            purposes social security numbers of adults participating in  
            adult education programs so that accurate participation in  
            those programs can be represented in the metrics dashboard.

          4)Specifies that the participating workforce programs shall  
            provide participant data in a standardized format to the EDD.

          5)Requires the EDD to aggregate the data provided by the  
            participating workforce programs and report the data to the  
            CWIB organized by demographics, earnings and industry of  
            employment to assist the CWIB in the production of the annual  
            workforce metrics dashboard.
           The Senate amendments  measure participant earnings, as  
          specified, and the EDD shall assist the CWIB by calculating  
          aggregate participant earnings using unemployment insurance wage  
          records, without violating any applicable confidentiality  
          requirements and make other non- substantive changes.
          FISCAL EFFECT  :  According to the Senate Appropriations Committee  
          the CWIB and the EDD indicate that costs associated with this  
          bill would be minor and absorbable.  The CDE would incur  
          one-time costs, potentially in the tens of thousands of dollars  
          (General Fund), related to the collection of social security  

           COMMENTS  :  The author seeks with this bill to provide the  
          parameters of a cross-system workforce metrics dashboard using  
          existing data collected by workforce programs that reports on  
          credential and degree attainment, wage gain outcomes of the  
          workforce education and training programs and the outcomes by  
          demographic categories.  The purpose is to support current  
          efforts by these programs to increase enrollment in education  
          and training that has a documented payoff for individuals and  
          for regional economies. 

          The author believes the annual snapshot would provide the  
          Governor, Legislature, and other stakeholders involved with  
          necessary data to assist them in making informed investment  


                                                                  AB 2148
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          A broad group of business and labor argue in support of this  
          bill which creates a cross-system metric dashboard on workforce  
          and career technical education investments in California.  They  
          also strongly support the provision that authorizes the CDE to  
          confidentially collect social security numbers for adults  
          participating in adult education programs since there is  
          currently no tracking of the impact workforce investments or  
          training have on the labor market, such as degree attainment and  
          wage outcomes.

          Lastly, they collectively argue, California is currently  
          implementing a new adult education strategy with the goal of  
          better alignment between adult education programs offered by CDE  
          and community colleges.  While community colleges currently  
          collect social security numbers so they can measure the impact  
          of their programs on subsequent employment and wages, currently  
          CDE does not.  This provision will help to better align local  
          programs, measure program effectiveness, and improve on program  
          design and delivery.

          Please see policy committee analysis for existing federal and  
          state law.

           Analysis Prepared by  :    Lorie Alvarez / L. & E. / (916)  

                                                               FN: 0004731