BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó          1

                                 ALEX PADILLA, CHAIR

          AB 2227 -  Quirk                                  Hearing Date:   
          June 23, 2014              A
          As Amended:         May 23, 2014             FISCAL       B


           Current law  establishes the Clean Energy Job Creation Fund to  
          provide financial assistance to projects that create jobs in  
          California improving energy efficiency and expanding clean  
          energy generation, with up to $550 million per year through  
          2017-18 from state corporate tax revenues.  (Proposition 39,  
          Public Resources Code § 26200 et seq.)

           Current law  establishes the Citizens Oversight Board (Board)  
          with members appointed by the State Controller, Treasurer and  
          Attorney General to review and evaluate these projects under the  
          Clean Energy Job Creation Fund. (Proposition 39)

           Current law  implementing Proposition 39 specifies allocation of  
          funding available for energy efficiency projects at K-12 schools  
          and community college districts.  

           This bill  requires, through July 1, 2019, that funding for the  
          Board be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, in  
          the annual Budget Act, requires the Board to be located within  
          the California Energy Commission (CEC), and establishes a  
          governance structure with members serving four-year terms and  
          meetings at least quarterly.

           This bill  requires the Board to review and evaluate the progress  
          and status of projects, and submit annual reports of its  
          activities, findings, and recommendations to the Governor,  
          Legislature, and public.

           This bill  becomes inoperative on July 1, 2019, and is repealed  


          as of January 1, 2020.

          Proposition 39 - This ballot initiative was approved by voters  
          at the November, 2012 election.  Titled the California Clean  
          Energy Jobs Act of 2012, it requires most multistate businesses  
          to determine their California taxable income using a single  
          sales factor method. (Previously, state law allowed such  
          businesses to pick one of two different methods to determine the  
          amount of taxable income associated with California and taxable  
          by the state.) This change has the effect of increasing state  
          corporate tax revenue.

          For a five-year period (2013-14 through 2017-18), Proposition 39  
          requires that half of the annual revenue raised from the  
          measure, up to $550 million, be transferred to a new Clean  
          Energy Job Creation Fund to support projects intended to improve  
          energy efficiency and expand the use of alternative energy.   
          "Moneys in the fund shall be available for appropriation for the  
          purpose of funding projects that create jobs in California  
          improving energy efficiency and expanding clean energy  
          generation." Proposition 39 specifically requires that the funds  
          maximize energy and job benefits by supporting:

                 Energy efficiency retrofits and alternative energy  
               projects in public schools, colleges, universities, and  
               other public facilities;
                 Financial and technical assistance for energy retrofits;  
                 Job training and workforce development programs related  
               to energy efficiency and alternative energy.

          Proposition 39 also requires that funded programs be coordinated  
          with the CEC and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)  
          in order to avoid duplication and leverage existing energy  
          efficiency and alternative energy efforts. In addition,  
          Proposition 39 states that the funding is to be appropriated  
          only to agencies with established expertise in managing energy  
          projects and programs. Legislation implementing Proposition 39  
          allocated $450 million in the 2013-14 fiscal year for a K-14  
          education, with $400.5 million to the California Department of  
          Education (CDE) for allocation to K-12 school districts, charter  
          schools and county offices of education and $49.5 million to the  


          California Community Colleges (CCC) for allocation to community  
          college districts. The Governor requires CDE and CCC to allocate  
          these funds on a per student basis.

          Board Established - Proposition 39 also established the Board  
          consisting of nine members with three appointed each by the  
          State Controller, the State Treasurer, and the Attorney General.  
           The purpose of the Board is to review Fund expenditures,  
          commission and review annual independent audits of the Fund and  
          selected projects, publish an accounting of annual expenditures,  
          and submit a program evaluation to the Legislature. Proposition  
          39 stated that the Board is required to:
                 Annually review all expenditures from the Job Creation  
                 Commission and review an annual independent audit of the  
               Job Creation Fund and of a selection of projects completed  
               to assess the effectiveness of the expenditures in meeting  
               the objectives of this division;
                 Publish a complete accounting of all expenditures each  
               year, posting the information on a publicly accessible  
               Internet Web site; and
                 Submit an evaluation of the program to the Legislature  
               identifying any changes needed to meet the objectives of  
               this division.

              1.   Author's Purpose  .  According to the author, Proposition  
               39 established the Board in order to review and evaluate  
               projects funded by the Clean Energy Job Creation Fund but  
               failed to include language implementing the Board's  
               mandate.  This bill provides the necessary structure so the  
               Board can begin to evaluate, review and report how the  
               funds are spent.  According to the author, this bill  
               establishes general governance requirements for the  
               operations of the Board and "provides all the necessary  
               detail for the board to accomplish its mission."  

              2.   Ensuring Transparency and Accountability  . The voter  
               information guide for Proposition 39 discussed the role of  
               the Board in providing strict accountability for use of  
               taxpayer funds for authorized energy efficiency programs.  
               However, the proposition was largely silent on the  


               structure and operation of the Board.  This bill  
               establishes governance structure for the Board that is  
               fairly standard for state agencies, including Board member  
               terms for four years and three terms total, selection of a  
               chair and vice chair, establishing committees, and  
               reimbursement of member expenses.  To ensure transparency,  
               this bill makes the Board and its committees subject to the  
               Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, which requires open and  
               public meetings and public agendas posted prior to  
               meetings.  On page 3, lines 22 to 26, the bill restates the  
               Board's obligation to comply with specific agenda and  
               closed session requirements of Bagley-Keene, which appears  
               to be a technical error.  Thus, the author and committee  
               may wish to consider amending the bill to strike lines 22  
               to 26 on page 3 of the bill.

              3.   Transparency of the Board's Records  .  This bill does not  
               specify that the Board also is subject to the California  
               Public Records Act, which would enable the public to  
               further review the Board's activities and ensure that it  
               serves its prescribed mission of providing oversight for  
               expenditure of taxpayer funds dedicated to energy  
               efficiency.  Thus, the author and committee may wish to  
               consider amending the bill to make the records of the Board  
               subject to the California Public Records Act.

                                    ASSEMBLY VOTES
          Assembly Floor                     (77-0)
          Assembly Appropriations Committee  (12-0)
          Assembly Natural Resources Committee                            

          Western States Council of Sheet Metal Workers
          State Controller's Office

          California School Employees Association


          None on file


          Jacqueline Kinney 
          AB 2227 Analysis
          Hearing Date:  June 23, 2014