BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                                                                  AB 2251
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          Date of Hearing:   April 7, 2014

                                Wesley Chesbro, Chair
                    AB 2251 (Yamada) - As Amended:  March 28, 2014
          SUBJECT  :   Weights and measures:  beverage containers:   
          redemption value

           SUMMARY  :   Clarifies the authority of the California Department  
          of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and county sealers to enforce  
          over-collection of the California Redemption Value (CRV) on  
          beverage containers.  

           EXISTING LAW  : 

          1)Establishes the California Beverage Container Recycling and  
            Litter Reduction Act (Bottle Bill), which:

             a)   Requires beverage containers sold in this state to have  
               a CRV of 5 cents for containers that hold fewer than 24  
               ounces and 10 cents for containers that hold 24 ounces or  
               more and requires a distributor to pay a redemption payment  
               to the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery  
               (CalRecycle).  Continuously appropriates these funds to  
               CalRecycle for the payment of refund values and processing  

             b)   Defines a number of terms, including: 

               i)     "Beverage" to include, among other things, soda,  
                 beer and other malt beverages, wine and distilled spirit  
                 coolers, carbonated mineral and soda waters,  
                 noncarbonated fruit drinks, and vegetable juices in  
                 liquid form that are intended for human consumption.   
                 Excludes from the definition of beverage, among other  
                 things, vegetable drinks in beverage containers of more  
                 than 16 ounces, milk, medical food, and any product sold  
                 in a container that is not an aluminum beverage  
                 container, a glass container, a plastic beverage  
                 container, or a bimetal container. 

               ii)    "Dealer" to mean a retail establishment that offers  
                 the sale of beverages in beverage containers to  
                 consumers.  Exempts lodging, eating, or drinking  


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                 establishments and vending machines.  

             c)   Requires CalRecycle to: 

               i)     Establish reporting periods of six months each for  
                 redemption rates and recycling rates for beverage  
                 containers and requires them to determine and report the  
                 redemption rates and recycling rates for those beverage  
                 containers for each reporting period. 

               ii)    Certify recycling centers and promulgate regulations  
                 establishing a procedure for certification of recycling  
                 centers.  Specifies that these regulations shall include,  
                 as a condition for certification, that if one or more  
                 certified entities have operated at the same location  
                 within the past five years, the recycling center must  
                 demonstrate to CalRecycle that its operations exhibit a  
                 pattern of compliance with the Bottle Bill and its  
                 related regulations. 

               iii)   Pay handling fees to supermarket sites, nonprofit  
                 convenience zone recyclers, or rural region recyclers to  
                 provide an incentive for the redemption of empty beverage  
                 containers in convenience zones, and adopt guidelines and  
                 methods specifying a procedure for the payment of these  

               iv)    After deducting refund values, administrative fees,  
                 and a reserve for contingencies, appropriate remaining  
                 Fund monies to designated programs, grants, and fee  
                 payments (PRC Section 14581). 
              d)   Authorizes, but does not require, dealers to separately  
               identify the amount of any CRV on the consumer cash  
               register receipt.  
              e)   Requires dealers with retail establishments larger than  
               4,000 square feet to separately identify the amount of CRV  
               in all advertising of beverages and on the shelf labels, as  
              f)   Requires beverage manufacturers to include the correct  
               CRV value on the label of all beverage containers sold in  
               the state.  


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           2)Establishes the Division of Measurement Standards within CDFA,  
            which is tasked with responding to consumer complaints and  
            enforcing accuracy of commercial weighing and measuring  
            devices; verifying the quantity of bulk and packaged  
            commodities; enforcing the quality, advertising, and labeling  
            standards for most petroleum products; responding to  
            complaints of deceptive packaging; and, verifying and  
            enforcing cash register overcharges.  
           3)Prohibits a person, at the time of sale of a commodity, to  
            charge an amount greater than the advertised or posted price.   
            Requires CDFA and each county sealer to enforce this  

          THIS BILL  authorizes agricultural commissioners and sealers to  
          enforce the requirement that dealers are prohibited from  
          charging more for a redemption payment than the actual CRV.  
          FISCAL EFFECT  :   Unknown

           COMMENTS  :   According to the author, current law limits  
          enforcement of improper CRV collection to CalRecycle, which  
          lacks adequate enforcement capabilities.  The author states  
          that, "as the primary enforcement authority over retailers that  
          overcharge for goods and services, agricultural commissioners  
          and sealers are ideally situated to respond to overcharge  
          complaints regarding CRV."  However, because the CRV is not a  
          commodity, they lack the authority to investigate and enforce  
          improper CRV collection.  

           Background on the Bottle Bill  :  The Bottle Bill is designed to  
          provide consumers with a financial incentive for recycling and  
          to make recycling convenient to consumers.  The centerpiece of  
          the Bottle Bill is the CRV.  Consumers pay a deposit, the CRV,  
          on each beverage container they purchase.  Retailers collect the  
          CRV from consumers when they buy beverages.  The dealer retains  
          a small percentage of the deposit for administration and remits  
          the remainder to the distributor, who also retains a small  
          portion for administration before remitting the balance to  
          CalRecycle.  When consumers return their empty beverage  
          containers to a recycler (or donate them to a curbside or other  
          program), the deposit is paid back as a refund.  

          California's Bottle Bill has achieved an overall recycling rate  
          over 80 percent - higher than any other bottle bill program in  


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          North America.  In some ways, the Bottle Bill program is a  
          victim of its own success.  According to CalRecycle, the Bottle  
          Bill is currently operating under an approximately $100 million  
          annual structural deficit, mainly caused by historically high  
          recycling rates, along with mandated program payments.  Fraud  
          also contributes to the structural deficit.  CalRecycle has  
          taken a number of actions to improve enforcement and fraud  
          prevention in the program in recent years.  

          CalRecycle has previously teamed up with CDFA to improve  
          enforcement.  In the summer of 2011, CalRecycle, in coordination  
          with CDFA, initiated a "no-cost" pilot program to survey and  
          document vehicles importing out-of-state beverage container  
          material into California through all 16 CDFA Border Protection  
          Stations.  During the first 60 calendar days of the pilot  
          program, the information gathered indicated that over 2,500  
          vehicles (including 378 rental trucks filled to capacity)  
          imported out-of-state beverage container material through these  
          stations.  Based on the survey data referenced above, CalRecycle  
          states that a conservative estimate of fraud exposure to the  
          Bottle Bill Fund is $7 million annually. 

           Agricultural commissioners and sealers  :  Agricultural  
          commissioners and sealers of weights and measures are licensed  
          by CDFA and appointed by the local board of county supervisors.   
          Under existing law, they are charged with investigating and  
          enforcing misrepresentations of charges for services and  
          commodities.  Additionally, county sealers inspect weighing and  
          measuring devices such as gas pumps and scales, respond to  
          deceptive packaging complaints, scanner and cash register  
          inaccuracies, and related issues. 

           Suggested amendment  :  In order to alleviate any potential  
          confusion about which beverage containers are subject to the  
          bill's requirements, the committee may wish to amend the bill to  
          insert "subject to Division 12.1 (commencing with Section 14500)  
          of the Public Resources Code)" after "beverage container" on  
          page 2, line 11.  

          California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association  


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          None on file
          Analysis Prepared by :    Elizabeth MacMillan / NAT. RES. / (916)  