BILL ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ó

                         SENATE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION
                                Carol Liu, Chair
                           2013-2014 Regular Session

          BILL NO:       AB 2585
          AUTHOR:        Daly
          AMENDED:       March 25, 2014
          FISCAL COMM:   Yes            HEARING DATE:  June 11, 2014
          URGENCY:       No             CONSULTANT:Daniel Alvarez

           SUBJECT  :  School finance: annual budgets.

          This bill eliminates the dual budget adoption option for  
          school districts and county offices of education (COEs),  
          revises and recasts provisions related to approval of  
          conditional or disapproved budgets, and makes other  
          technical and clarifying changes.


           Current law  :

             1)   Provides for external financial oversight of COEs  
               by the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI), and  
               of school districts by county superintendents.

             2)   Requires local educational agency's (LEAs) to adopt  
               a budget prior to July 1 of each year, and requires  
               that budget to be approved by the county  
               superintendent (for districts) or the SPI (for COEs)  
               by August 15.  Under the dual budget cycle an LEA  
               needs to file a revised and readopted budget, at a  
               public hearing, based on projected income and expenses  
               budget by September 8; this differs from a single  
               budget cycle where the budget is readopted only if it  
               is disapproved or as needed, and no later than 45 days  
               after the Governor signs the Budget Act.  Both single  
               and dual budget cycles processes require specified  
               oversight and interventions if the budget is not  
               approved by specified dates. 
             (Education Code § 42127)

             3)   Requires all LEAs to provide two interim reports  


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               each fiscal year by specified due dates, and requires  
               each LEA to self-certify as to whether the LEA will  
               meet or may not meet its financial obligations for the  
               current and two subsequent fiscal years, or will be  
               unable to do so for the current and one subsequent  
               year; also requires specified oversight and  
               interventions if a LEA may not meet or will be unable  
               to meet its financial obligations. (Education Code §  
               42130 et. seq.)

          This bill eliminates the dual budget adoption option for  
          school districts and county offices of education (COEs),  
          revises and recasts provisions related to approval of  
          conditional or disapproved budgets, and makes other  
          technical and clarifying changes.

           STAFF COMMENTS 

           1)   Need for the bill  .  According to the author's office,  
               the number of school districts and county offices of  
               education electing to use the dual budget adoption  
               option has been dwindling for many years.  For fiscal  
               year 2014-15, only 13 of the approximately 1,100  
               school districts and COEs that elected to use this  
               budget adoption option.  Eliminating the dual budget  
               adoption option will not create new responsibilities  
               for districts or COEs, nor will it prohibit school  
               districts or COEs from modifying their budgets  
               throughout the year. In addition, this bill does not  
               prevent districts or COEs from holding additional  
               public hearings to elicit feedback from parents,  
               community leaders, and other important stakeholders.

           2)   According to California Department of Education  , the  
               dual budget adoption is redundant and minimally used.   
               Currently, only 13 LEAs use this process.  Districts  
               and COEs that choose the single adoption cycle are  
               subject to the same review and timeline used in dual  
               budget adoption.  The difference is that single  
               adoption districts and COEs revise their budgets by  


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               September 8 and submit the revisions for review, but  
               do not formally re-adopt them.  

               CDE further notes that all districts and COEs  
               routinely revise their budgets throughout the year as  
               more accurate information becomes available.  Within  
               45 days after the state budget is adopted, all  
               districts and COEs must make available for public  
               review any revisions to their budgets to reflect the  
               funding made available by the Budget Act.   The budget  
               review process also requires all districts and COEs to  
               submit two interim budget reports per year, one as of  
               October 31 and another as of January 31.

               The bill also revises and recasts portions of the  
               process for review and modification of conditionally  
               approved or disapproved budgets.  Rather than hold a  
               separate hearing to address concerns, for example, a  
               school district or COE would instead address concerns  
               at a regularly scheduled meeting.

               The number of districts and COEs selecting the dual  
               adoption option has declined over the years, and only  
               13 currently use it.  They are:

               a)     Fairfax Elementary
               b)     Lost Hills Union Elementary
               c)     King City Union elementary
               d)     Orange County Department of Education
               e)     Coastline ROP JPA
               f)     Brea-Olinda Unified
               g)     Garden Grove Unified
               h)     Newport-Mesa Unified
               i)     Savanna Elementary
               j)     Tustin Unified
               aa)    Banning Unified
               bb)    Los Alamos Elementary
               cc)    Sonoma Valley Unified

           1)   Assembly Appropriations Committee  indicates the  
               following fiscal impact:

               a)        One-time General Fund and Federal Fund  
                    savings of $100,000 to the California Department  


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                    of Education (CDE) related to not implementing a  
                    software systems upgrade. Estimated annual  
                    General Fund savings of $10,000 to CDE for  
                    elimination of workload related to processing  
                    dual budget adoption information.

               b)        Minor state-mandated costs to school  
                    districts and COEs for activities related to  
                    review and response of conditionally approved or  
                    disapproved budget revisions.  


          California Federation of Teachers
          State Superintendent of Public Instruction


           None on file.